What's even more funny is that Jay Wolf has NO NSA contacts. Or FBI contacts. Or DHS contacts. Or State Police contacts. Or County Sheriff contacts. Or City Police contacts.

Jay Wolf has NO LE contacts that can do a damn thing for him; its a lie - which is the usual MO of Jay Wolf; his method is quite simple, "if they challenge you, defame them. If they prove false a point, defame them. If they have caught you in a lie, defame them. If they sue you for damages, defame them - then threaten them - then file for bankruptcy."

That is Jay Wolf's business plan.

Jay Wolf is nothing more than a 1 1/2 bit clown. He's no engineer, he's no load developer, he's no author, and he's no friend. To anyone, unless they can give him something, and the cease to be when their usefulness has worn out, or he's taken all they have and can't give any more.

Do not trust a thing Jay Wolf says; he is a habitual and pathological liar. Jay Wolf is a thief. When in concert with his mentally ill wife, Lisa, they conspire to harm anyone whom they take a dislike to; their cyberstalking of dozens of people reads like a "Lifetime Television for Women" drama, wherein cyberstalkers cause so much injury and distress to their victims that they kill themselves.

They are evil and low people. And I state that as a fact, waiving the normal caveat of "opinions being protected speech," and say, using my own real name (in contrast to their stalking practice of concealing their identity), that Jay Wolf and Lisa Wolf of Elite Ammunition are thieves, liars and dangerous people; the type that can't bring anything but hatred and malice to a conversation, and the type of people that Handgun Control Inc. love to display to the Congress when pushing for greater control over privately owned firearms.

Every single word I've said is TRUE; should they sue me or seek criminal charges for what I've said, and as I've previously said, these messages are NOT my opinion, and therefore protected speech, but FACTS, which are not if they are false.

Truth is a defense to libel and defamation - and this is TRUTH.

Read a few of these links; when you're done laughing you'll feel sick in the stomach, realizing what they've done to other people for no other reason that malicious entertainment.

-Ryan J Herle
