The guy wasn't an unhappy customer; he was a member of the public who was protesting Jay's wife Lisa's PUBLIC BLACKLIST of customers, and Jay didn't like the guy being snippy with his wife.

So he threatened the guy, and was stupid enough to do it in writing...

Here is the entire conversation:
"Wow, some new info. I sent this:


Thanks for being anti-American and working hard to fight the Second Amendment. There are others out there like you and I will be sure to keep you on my blacklist of ammo manufacturers not buy from.

Later comrade.


Here's the responses I've received:

Hey tough guy next time you feel like pushing some one around try Me instead of a girl.

FYI one of our longtime friends and customers works for the NSA. I just dropped him a note. 100 rounds of our LEO only ammo in trade for all the info He can dig up on you.

So keep on harassing my wife and your world is going to get very interesting for you.

Jay Wolf
Pr. Elite Ammunition


I don't know who the hell you are so why don't you be man enough to tell me your name instead of sending an email from a new address and signing it X.

And I don't really care if you have me on your blacklist because I have many customers who are happy with our products & services and don't do stupid things to get banned from buying from the ONLY aftermarket company making 5.7x28mm ammunition.

So when you are ready to show your true identity than contact me. Our ban list is short so it could only be one of 5 people.


Because you decided you could not understand the nationwide industry problem with getting supplies and were really rude to me that is why you were banned from our company. As I stated to you at the other email address earlier today. Please stop playing games. I have real customers who actually need to be tended too.

Lisa Wolf
Elite Ammunition
Customer Service Manager

Wow, just wow. He's got the NSA coming for me for voicing my opinion of their business practices.


Here's a bit more background information: http://jaywolfcyberstalker.blogspot....-incident.html