Quote Originally Posted by Magic_Salad0892 View Post
I blame that shit on dudes like Sonny Puzikas who sell their training services based on the fact that they were Spetsnaz.

He's not the only person who did that either.

Also, it's a thing of "if com-bloc guns are cool... then so are the com-bloc soldiers!"
Part of it also is focusing on SOF being cool. US, British, Aussie, French, Israelis, they all have great SOF units. So do the Russians, no doubt. That doesn't mean average Johnny is going to be the biggest badass in the universe. And neither will average Ivan.

I'm sure there are some useful things all of us could learn even from guys like Sonny, if you some of those methods and safety proof them a little bit. Having said that, no amount of secret Spetsnaz knowledge is worth taking a double-tap to the torso!