Someone should go tell the auto industry about the downsides of magnesium. After all, there starting to manufacture key structural components out of it to decrease weight for fuel economy. Magnesium is stronger than aluminum and thus you can make a part thinner thus lighter. Yes it's flammable but only in certain conditions. It's extremely ****ing hard to light in a solid form. It's not more brittle if you select the correct alloys. The reason it's not used for many things is because it's a more expensive material and aluminum usually does the job just fine for most things. If you simply machine a lower out of it it will weigh about the same. To make it lighter you would have to re engineer it to use less material and to take advantage of magnesiums higher strength. Some of you guys really need to learn about it before dogging on magnesium. If the right alloy was used I'd prefer a standard lower made from it, if it was well engineered I wouldn't mind the weight savings but markm is right. If you can't handle the aluminum lower in 90% of situations then your a ****ing puss!

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