Quote Originally Posted by Mall_Ninja View Post
Not sure if serious?



Doesn't take much poking around to see that:

TAR-21, not good for suppressed fire (huge bummer for me), accuracy seems to be Minute-O-Man and you eat a lot of the gas even unsupressed.
FS2K, more accurate, no brass or ejection gas in face, but no Bolt Hold open really sucks.
Aug A3 you gain back the BHO but same problem as the TAR-21 if you shoot weak side often especially if suppressed.

I have first hand experience with all of the bullpups and I would still combine many of each's features to arrive at an "ideal" setup, bummer...

But it seems you are the troll now, as we have strayed way off topic due to your attempts to stir a flame war with me. Glad to hear we are "done here"...
Only an idiot uses a phrase like: Not sure if serious? and you've done it several times now. Go back to bardcom and take your know-it-all attitude with you.

TAR-21 not good for suppressed fire. Is that so? Because I run suppressed and I prefer it to a suppressed AR15 for numerous reasons and not the least of which is LESS gas to eat and better balance. You don't 'eat' any more gas with a Tavor than an AR15 and in my experience it's even less and that includes suppressed. Again, if you had ANY hands on experience you might have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Instead you come in here acting like you know everything because you read a thread and held one once. The brass does NOT hit you in the face especially if you use the rifle as intended. You want to run left-handed? Then convert it to left handed and run it 100% as intended. If you're switching back and forth and using 5.56mm ammo you will most certainly NOT get hit in the face with cases. I've run both 5.56mm as well as .223 in both positions and have NOT taken a single case to the face, suppressed or unsuppressed. You've read a thread or two online and taken one or two experiences as the rule rather than the exception and I can tell you that with several rifles and thousands of rounds in various conditions suppressed & unsuppressed I haven't experienced ANYTHING that you are trying to say is normal and basing your opinion on. For all the reasons I've mentioned plus 100% AR15 magazine compatibility, last round bolt hold open, better ergonomics, caliber change kits and a whole host of other reasons I don't feel the need to get into the Tavor is a superior weapon.

I'm the troll? You just admitted that you feel that the FS2000 is a better system than a Tavor. ROFL Anyone with first hand experience reading this now knows that your 'opinion' is worthless. Keep typing....