Quote Originally Posted by ExplorinInTheWoods View Post
So does anyone else think that competitive shooting like 3gun or multigun is a good way to test guns, optics, accessories and other gear? I recently thought that other than taking it to a class or running your own independent tests that it's a good way to evaluate a product or even a new shooting style/stance/grip. As far as evaluating a muzzle device, trigger, or optic I feel 3 gun is probably the best place since you're getting to put it through it's paces and you can kind of compare it to how others on the range are doing. They always say that if you want to break something give it to a 3 gun guy, but people are so concerned with durability tests, how about is this practical or does it feel good in use? That's awesome you can throw it on the ground run it over, and light it on fire and it still performs but is it a product that I'm going to actually enjoy using or is it one that's practical to use? I think 3 gun is a good way to evaluate this because you're going to be running around shooting at multiple targets at varying distances and you're able to get a real feel for how it performs.
Most firearm enthusiasts simply don't shoot their guns and gear enough to really know how reliable or unreliable they really are.

Competitions simply give most of us a fun means of using/testing our equipment. Heck I trust my Comp guns way more then my carry & hunting guns simply because I know how many rounds it takes to turn them from accurate to less accurate and reliable to unreliable. Heck I'll never put 10,000 rounds through my G42 or my 6.8 SPC. It's just not feasible.