Quote Originally Posted by luxor View Post
In Virginia Emt E's, I's and P's have to be national registered. Emt B's however do not. If you never plan on leaving the state there is no need to NREMT-B.

Unless you just like spending money.
Lucky! The spending money thing is no joke. When i originally went through all i had to do was take the emt-b course, do my clinical's, take nr, and then pay the state for my license. Then for some dumb reason i let it expire and they implemented new stuff. I not only had to pay the state fee but also a background check and when i tried to ask if i could skip the fee since i just had it done for my chl they told me no, there was no excuse for it except the wanted money,..greedy state fee's are starting to get under my skin and then they want to gripe about not having enough emts.