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Thread: Gear essentials you've probably never thought twice about

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Gear essentials you've probably never thought twice about

    The beauty of forums is to learn for the experiences of others.....good or bad. And while i'm sure:
    "Which holster?", "Which chest rig/plate carrier?", "Which sling?", etc. have been beaten to death....many times over. Here some things to consider before purchasing and deploying a few things that aren't really discussed much.

    1) Pants. Yeah, that's right we're gonna talk pants for a minute. Aside from being comfortable consider:

    -their composition....nylon/cotton? polyester/cotton? I opt for the nylon/cotton blend personally. I feel it's softer, and lighter than anything with polyester. Your decision will effect:

    - heat/cold/moisture performance? Know when you do or don't need base layers. Does the material resist water or soak it up? How does it fare in warmer weather? Against wind? And God you know how the material reacts to flame?

    - Color/pattern. While I tend to lean towards greens and tans so I can wear them day-to-day and not look too stupid in public, i'm not against an appropriate pattern. But remember Mulicamers and digicam groupies, it's about function, not fashion.

    - Pockets/pocket placement. Does your holster/gear cover your cargo pockets? Can you easily access your gear in its respective pocket under various conditions/positions, and is it secure in said pocket?

    2) Drop pouches. This kind of goes along with the pants pocket issue. During training, they keep partially full mags from tac loads much more accessible than a random pocket. And considering we all have special little pouches for darn near everything, it's good to have a place for that extra piece of kit you grabbed at the last minute. When you don't need the pouch, it takes up very little room.

    3) Multi-tool. How often do you use your screw drivers or pliers at home? I know I shouldn't have to say this stuff, but this is the internet and anyone who has seen my videos knows my feelings about internet people.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    What is the point of this post?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    What is the point of this post?
    Ditto. Color me confused.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sorry, but I think your generalization is flawed with many here...

    I, as well as many others here, as seen by their posts on various gear, take attention to even mundane, common gear, very thoroughly. Ask my wife! I drive her NUTS with the time I spend evaluating and inspecting things before I purchase.

    You would do better in posting what you think others should look for in whatever item you think people don't think twice about...

    "Our destruction... will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence..."
    ...Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I guess you think you're talking to folks that don't think about carrying, preparedness, training, etc...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank4445 View Post
    ...anyone who has seen my videos knows my feelings about internet people.
    By your own words, you've made videos and posted them...

    Ergo, you ARE 'internet people,' so maybe you wanna see to not drowning during the rainy season, since your nose is THAT high up in the air so you can look down it.

    Good googamoogas......
    Contractor scum, New & Legacy Equipment Trainer
    PM Infantry Weapons, USMC


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