I'm on post-op day 3 after PRK. My vision was not too bad prior to surgery with a prescription of -4.25 OD, -5.00 OS and minimal astigmatism in my left eye. I picked PRK over LASIK due to my participation in contact sports and not wanting the small chance of a flap dehiscence from an accidental eye poke.

The first 2 post-op days were a world of suck. It felt like I had glass in my eyes and any light was oppressive. I tried to skate-by on the Neurontin that my surgeon prescribed along with OTC Motrin and Tylenol. By the end of post-op day one, I broke down and sent my wife to pick-up the Lortab that my surgeon had prescribed. I needed a total of 2 doses of Lortab to get me though the second day.

Well, I woke-up on post-op day 3 with zero pain, but my vision is still very blurry. I've been told that blurred vision is normal and it will not normalize for a several days to weeks. It is difficult to stare at a computer screen and reading from my iPhone gives me a headache. Tomorrow, I go back for my second post-op appointment and to get the protective contact lens removed. I've been told to expect 20/40 vision at that point. It should improve over the next month or so to 20/20 or better.

Overall, not too bad of an experience. I wish that I had just taken the Lortab earlier and spared my self the 36 hours of misery. So far, I'd say that it is worth the $4K.