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  1. Ben Lenett
  2. New Army Marksmanship Program
  3. SLEEPER CELL (The Show)
  4. Took my oldest daughter to the range today
  5. New guy in PA
  6. "Brothers at War" movie
  8. Interesting treatise on the applicability of the NFA
  9. more %90 of the guns come from the US bull is back !
  10. Hit and run kills 5 including an infant
  11. syracuse, ny gun show - worth going to?
  12. CCW Permit Holder shoots attempted robber... In AA meeting!
  13. Elderly hunter shot by DNR officer
  14. Is this how they make a dynamic entry in Russia?
  15. China overhauling Type 95 assault rifle and bringing out new ammunition
  16. Marilyn Chambers dead at age 56
  17. We need to ban swords
  18. A great American, from the Greatest Generation
  19. Obama wants to "earn a little trust"....
  20. Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism
  21. Thought this was low even for the unions
  22. LEO's....can you help me understand this?
  23. News Photos for Gun Nuts - April 11th-14th
  24. Don't mess with Texas
  25. Is it that time of the month.....
  26. Deadliest Catch - Season Premiere
  27. Drug Cartel's "Weapon Woman"
  28. Texas Gov. Perry 10 Amend
  29. disturbing pbs frontline show: "children of the taliban"
  30. Mark Shields on C-SPAN are you Kidding
  31. The Likely Future Of Firearm Related Prices And Availablity.
  32. TEA Parties
  33. New Movie: The Hurt Locker
  34. CNN Hit Job On Chicago Tea Party. Journalism in the 21st century
  35. Tom Tacrendo's speech ended by UNC demonstrators
  37. Help us out on a poll
  38. Speaking of emotions running high at M4C ...
  39. Fear and Greed - WSJ article on guns and ammo as investments
  40. free 1 year trial NRA memberships?
  41. Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up
  42. JUDGE NAPOLITANO: Six Things You Should Know About the Homeland Security Report
  43. Audacity of Hope...
  44. Link to Arms Treaty of the OAS
  45. man uses .32 to stop robbery; fatal to felon
  46. SAR Show-York-PA!
  47. China's Type 95 Part 2, a look at the ammo
  48. Didn't see this posted yet...
  49. What is the consensus on this stuff?
  50. Moab Utah Gunranges?
  51. Trees Can Grow Inside You?
  52. Bail out "journalism"?!
  53. Gunlistings.org
  54. Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe
  55. PA Governor pushes for new AWB
  56. Alabama Legislation Alert! HB596 is out of committee
  57. Obama on the news last night about assault rifle ban
  59. Miss. woman gets shot in head, but makes tea
  60. This made me sick to my stomach
  61. Troubled thoughts!!! Help Me!
  62. Waking up Canadian
  63. Obama opening up Cuba and stopping flow of guns
  64. F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases
  65. anybody heard of policehq.com
  66. When a Liberal says 90% he actually means 17.6%
  67. What to do?
  68. 9/11 Planner Waterboarded 183 Times
  69. Took my son to the range yesterday.
  70. 2A Incorporated (9th Circuit)
  71. Credible sites on Gun Control
  72. quick question on dealer's website
  73. Napolitano is Lying to Americans About Her Department’s Rightwing Extremism Report; T
  74. Thoughts?
  75. iPod touch/iPhone question
  76. Two Great Coffee Table Books I Found
  77. Shopkeeper Won't be a victim
  78. Ret. Adm. Denies Anti-Obama "Somali Rescue" Email
  79. pmag 20 round blk in stock 17.99
  80. Animal rights activist on FBI's 'Most Wanted Terrorists' list
  81. So... Feinstein Thinks....
  82. AOTTC VOL. 2: Available yet??
  83. Real Price Gouging
  84. Are you licensed to reload that ammo?
  85. Power point how to suggestions
  86. Another Dumb Crook
  87. Yet another Obama teleprompter fowl-up
  88. Question for any mechanic out there....2000 Jeep Wrangler
  89. Milwaukee Chief To Officers: Ignore Gun Memo
  90. Janet Napolitano - DHS Chief
  91. 7.62x39 Ammo Available
  92. Coconut Revolution
  93. Father-in-Law of the Year?
  94. New pirate hat
  95. Taliban taking control of nuclear-armed Pakistan
  96. Funnyass t-shirt
  97. SURPRISE!!!!!
  98. any coasties or people with knowledge?
  99. Larry Vickers Now (Officially) on YouTube
  100. Laser Phalanx in test
  101. We have all seen Stupid But!....
  102. Terminator 4 Movie - M4
  103. Graphics help?
  104. Does anyone know where I can find...
  105. Anybody see this the other day- Jake Tapper gets testy with Gibbs..?
  106. VCU student charged with murder in Union Hill shooting
  107. Please Hit This Poll.
  108. Some possibly scary s&#t!!!
  109. Photography Equipment Sites
  110. Proof of Firearm Ownership/Insurance Question
  111. Considering the reserves, Navy or Army (Due to age)
  112. M4C Cruise???
  113. PK Firearms ???
  114. Elevated blood lead levels
  115. Obama wants to end 23-year-old defendants right to lawyer before questioning
  116. Two shooting incidents in one day
  117. Any Private Security Contractors here?
  118. Off to the Gunshow!
  119. Private Security Contractors and Mercenaries?
  120. 11B Types
  121. Lubbock SO Deputy killed
  122. Is Paulaner Hefe-Weizen the best beer on the planet?
  123. New York, Pennsylvania Consider Restricting Sales of Body Armor
  124. Colorado 9mm $45.00 a box ?
  125. Anybody read John Ringo's "The Last Centurion"?
  126. TX vs. CA
  127. E.R. Shaw Inc.
  128. Carter's last stand
  129. Spring Cleaning (picture heavy)
  130. A long needed ass chewing
  131. Please Consider!
  132. Today's Disgraceful Fly-over "Photo-Op" In NYC
  133. Cool, looks like Jesse is coming back...
  134. Arlen Specter now a Democrat in name, too
  135. Sen. Spector is now a Dem!
  136. Pvt. Murphy
  137. Sick, Nasty, and Gross; but Good
  138. Some pics from the range.
  139. Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic, Threatened Federal Sanctions Against NYPD
  140. AWB Scenarios
  141. Patriot Gun Safes - Any good?
  142. A message from the REAL leader of the U.S.
  143. opsgear.com - good, bad or ugly?
  144. FNH Day at Silver Eagle: May 9, 9:00am to 2:00pm
  145. I need .45 ammo
  146. Kurt of KKF passed away
  147. Montana Democratic Governor Signs Gun Bill
  148. Pepper Spray Recommendation?
  149. Gripwells?
  150. Centurion Arms
  151. My Brute
  152. 10 years after Columbine
  153. Detroit drops Glock claims NPR
  154. Woolrich retailers
  155. Request for Kevin B
  156. Souter retiring from SCOTUS
  157. SCOTUS Justice Souter retiring
  158. Is there really an extreme right?
  160. California law regarding high capacity magazines
  161. "The Great Global Warming Swindle" - BBC
  162. Gun Collection decision
  163. Need help identifying guns
  164. GROM research help
  165. Rifle for Palin, Dick at Gunshow
  166. Ft. Worth Gun Show
  167. National Geographic Specials: The FBI
  168. Multi-Family Properties
  169. How G A Y is this???
  170. FFL Transfer Issues??
  171. The Difference Between A Democracy And A Republic.
  172. News Photos for Gun Nuts - Apr 30th - May 4th
  173. Shot Show like Shows?
  174. Hit this poll ASAP
  175. Interesting 2nd Amendment discussion.
  176. Man throws infant out of car on I-275
  177. Swine Flu - Maybe a scoped AR is your only protection!!
  178. Stupid Criminals
  179. I'm torn, pls help LMT or DD?
  180. Don't know where this belongs, but seems Texas is tired of "Uncle Sam" too!
  181. Lawmakers pass resolution claiming Oklahoma's sovereignty
  182. Utah legislators eye Montana gun law
  183. Interesting Story: "College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader"
  184. I-phone people
  185. Taking Chance
  186. Front sight post visibility upgrades
  187. Wesleyan Student Slain in Cafe
  188. Michigan Firearms Instructor Wounds Student During Class
  189. Moving to Teaxs
  190. LEOs- do u speak out?
  191. Anyone know what's up at 1*
  192. the obama deception, please watch!
  193. Bill Would Prevent Federal Government from Regulating Firearms in Tennessee
  194. Calling all Texans! Campus carry bill in jeopardy!! UPDATE
  195. Tax Discrimination
  196. Drew Peterson's Gonna need some lube!
  197. Heard on NPR today
  198. Thinking of buying 08 Kaw KLR650 Dual Sport, Anyone have one?
  199. So what is an old Savage 99 worth?
  200. The 10th Amendment Center - State Sovereignty Issues
  201. Modern Marvels
  202. panic buying pressure subsiding?
  203. I'll see Grant's Garter snake and raise him a Rattler
  204. Dealers... you making money?
  205. Muslim Demographics
  206. Another snake....
  207. NHL Playoffs
  208. Navy Seal dies in training
  209. Bad Storm=Bent Axe
  210. A successful gun buy back program…
  211. Obama laughs about painkiller addiction....
  212. The Patriot Microchip
  213. David Feherty joke
  214. oldy but good one !
  215. Deadliest Warrior: Green Beret vs. Spetznaz
  216. Wal-Mart; Good,Bad..Ugly?
  217. americansnipers raffle almost here
  218. Change of Command in A-stan: McKiernan Fired.
  219. Another Back Surgery
  220. LaRue Tactical
  221. Thoughts on Duty Stations
  222. Life changing event in T-minus 3 days and counting... need advice
  223. so what's ruger cooking up as its next "new" thing? release on 5/15/09
  224. Rifle Transfer Question
  226. Florida gun owners and CCW holders beware
  227. This is getting rediculous...ammo prices
  228. How many years to count one trillion dollars?
  229. Tech Guys- How do I connect my laptop to my TV to watch movies?
  230. Eggs, Hashbrowns and a Gun?
  231. Slayings fallout: SWAT leader seeks new role
  232. hmph. i never got to do this when i was a kid.
  233. BATF Reform & Firearms Modernization Act Introduced
  234. Somali Cruises
  235. Magpul PMAGs in a S&W mp15
  236. Obama Not Releasing Photos, Holding Detainees Indefinitely
  237. Brady Campaign emotion vs. fact
  238. Anybody else read One Second After by William R. Forstchen?
  239. Gun ownership for a "permanent resident"?
  240. Police: Man Robs Bank with Assault Handgun
  241. Idiot fighting a speeding ticket
  242. Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"
  243. Suspect location tip steers police SWAT Team to wrong house
  244. Why one should take a bad guy with a knife very seriously. Very GRAPHIC!
  245. "White African American" sueing NJ school
  246. Any cool gun related iPhone Apps?
  247. Neil Boortz, Michael Savage, Mark Levine
  248. Islam in Europe
  249. Analysis of the data from the first AWB
  250. Iraqi gun photos Circa 2003