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  1. The Unknown Known Opens in Theaters Today
  2. ATF looking to delete shotguns from the sporting clause.
  3. Good NYC Tattoo Shops???
  4. Vote for me to be your next NRA spokesman......video
  5. Ft Hood Shootings (04/02) - PRIMARY THREAD
  6. Man pleads guilty to child rape and gets probation. WTF !!!
  7. Talk about economy of force!
  8. Are You What You Wanted To Be When You Grew Up...?
  9. NC LEO's, please advise
  10. Prayers needed
  11. Constitutional Convention in 2016? 2/3s of the states now on board
  12. Photo of the Day...
  13. MS is bringing back a classic start button for W8
  14. Just survived first couple tornados of year, it's a good day
  15. Chainsaws, electric or gas for very occasional use?
  16. "10 Amazing Acts Of Defiance Throughout History"
  17. live Chupacabra captured in Texas?
  18. "What Happened to Chicago's Murder Rate After Illinois Upheld Concealed Carry..."
  19. 4-4-4 Ten Years Later Remembering
  20. Navys newest destroyer USS Zumwalt
  21. Darwin at it again.
  22. Did I get hustled? Took a girl out to the range...
  23. "Those Were The Days..."
  24. NRA's quest to expand gun rights takes it to court
  25. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (great film clip)
  26. Pitching An Idea To A Gear Company- How?
  27. Pashtunwali
  28. He Does Exist :)
  29. Happy 60th Birthday Jackie Chan...
  30. Rev Al FBI mob snitch?
  31. A Defense of Free Speech and Open Dialogue
  32. Bras In Space
  33. All this BS talk about religious obligations……..
  34. Gun Free SA/Oscar Pistorius
  35. TN Senate votes for Open carry without permit
  36. Ranchers battle with the Bureau of Land Management
  37. School stabbing near Pittsburgh, PA (breaking)
  38. New Bern, NC Mayor Attends Cop Killer's Funeral
  39. More than half the West is federally owned
  41. Florida CCW?
  42. Rep Cummings was coordinating with IRS on 501c4 targeting.
  43. Sirius XM
  44. Getting the VA to pay for a civilian surgeon?
  45. "Good Stuff, Maynard"...
  46. FBI HRT doing good work
  47. Obama wants $1.1 billion for gun control.
  48. Gainesville hosts Medal of Honor recipients
  49. The Genocide Chart
  50. The Boeing Phantom Badger: The New "Old" Jeep
  51. So I Have A Religious Question...
  52. The Hornet's nest
  53. Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts
  54. Great Fundraiser for Volunteer Fire Department
  55. "Guns are how we misspell evil." the Sultan Knish
  56. Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton! HAHA!
  57. Forgotten tunes: Blackfoot's "Morning Dew"
  58. 2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs
  59. Solid Snake Calls Gun Shops.
  60. Sci Fi fans: Transcendence
  61. Lunar Eclipse Tonight
  62. How Has The Ongoing "War On Women" Simplistic Type Of Garbage Overtaken Politics?
  63. An excellent article from a LT to Cadets
  64. .22 sub-machine gun?
  65. Any Interest in a second round of the M4Carbine.net Chess Tourament
  66. Didn't have time to get scared
  67. Sale of magazine bodies to CA resident
  68. Dash Cams
  69. Dipwad does a bomb hoax in Boston at the finish line.
  70. Viet recruits, draftees were retards, says gunblog
  71. " Edward Snowden: From 'Geeky' Dropout To NSA Leaker"
  72. Restrepo Sequel
  73. Love It Or Hate It ?
  74. V-8 Engine Sound - Why do LS/Chevy Smallblock and Mclaren Engines Sound so Good?
  75. Bloomberg at it again
  76. Lincoln School District Flyer on how to deal with a Bully
  77. Ever ride on a Korean Ferry?
  78. PBS series Your Inner Fish
  79. Ukrainian Jews Kindly Register Yourself...
  80. Anti-NRA Protester Explains Why You Shouldn’t Be Able to Protect Yourself With a Gun
  81. Wyatt Earp's Colt .45 Sold! (For $225k)
  82. Happy Battle of Concord Day!
  83. Happy Easter Everybody!
  84. Charities for veterans?
  85. Dupe - Texas SP suspended transition to S&W M&P 9mm
  86. Impressive....2,500 yd shot.
  87. What happens if the ATF changes rulings on something you have?
  88. 2014 Indianapolis NRA Convention
  89. Any AW-ban issues sending an AK74 to Iowa?
  90. Ultimate Troll!!!
  91. The Amazing 2014 Boston Marathon
  92. Easter weekend; 45 people shot in Chiraq
  93. SCOTUS upholds MI ban on affirmative-action . . .
  94. Educate me on cookware.
  95. BLM Texas land grab
  96. Benghazi could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror'
  97. Will these new DARPA Robots be used for policing US citizens?
  98. Another big 2A victory: Kansas
  99. Surely it can't be this easy to squat in somebody's home...
  100. Altering the truth of 9/11 at the memorial...
  101. Clive Bundy opens mouth, and inserts foot...
  102. The new SPIDERMAN Flick...
  103. Big Bend Open Road Race
  104. Kansas JCC shooter an FBI informant . . .
  105. Young Thrill Seeker
  106. Connecticut Rep. Stockman Pushing Bill to Stop Gun Registration and Confiscation
  107. I'm a Rancher, and graze my cattle on BLM Land
  108. Eric Holder Cancels Police Recruit Graduation Speech In OK Due To Protests
  109. How do you control your temper?
  110. Wisconsin Sheriff Reveals the Seven Words He Would Use to Change the Second Amendment
  111. Any T4R fans out there?
  112. Is this for real? Noveske Ammo
  113. The Second Amendment
  114. Shooter's Elbow - Tendonitis
  115. Detroit Mob Beating--"The Rest Of The Story" (?)
  116. In case you needed another reason to join the NRA . . .
  117. New home range....steel question
  118. Special Ops silent? Motorcycles
  119. Thanks To Bundy And Now Don Sterling We're All Probably Just Racists Again
  120. Lewis and Clark Air Girandoni Air Rifle
  121. PSA - Battery Acid Dangers
  122. "the barrel needs to be lowered"
  123. Electile Dysfunction
  124. If you hear a bump in the night
  125. Stolen Valor type questions
  126. As Of Today The DHS Warns Internet Users To Avoid Explorer Browsers Due To Threat
  127. Video: Speeding biker wins Darwin award
  128. The Double-Edged Sword Regarding Social Media: Sometimes There Is A Benefit
  129. Video: Firearms and Stupidy
  130. Interesting article on Iraq's quickly deteriorating government...
  131. .308 for Grizzly?
  132. Shooting at FedEx facility in GA
  133. Off duty Florida LEO pulls gun during road rage fight.
  134. Another "Complicated" Stand Your Ground Case
  135. Suppers up!
  136. PA - Supreme Court says no warrant needed.
  137. Georgia continues adding 2A rights - licensed CCW can now carry on school grounds
  138. Any cigar smokers here?
  139. Killer Father's Day gift. Start saving your change now.
  140. Is a Gun "Safe" Really Worth It?
  141. ZERT
  142. Krauthammer, others call new Benghazi email release the smoking gun
  143. Explosion at Escambia County jail...
  144. PA: Widow Loses Appeal of Six Dollar Tax Lien, Her $280.000 Home Sold To Cover Debt!!
  145. Florida area Gun clubs
  146. 2 Alaska State Troopers Shot And Killed
  147. And so it begins. Gun confiscation in CT
  148. Too Close For Comfort
  149. Don't mess with convenience store man...
  150. Barack Obama College Prep......hurl....
  151. Coming to a Theater Near You: MERS in the US
  152. Bullets Cost Money...These Don't...
  153. Walter R. Walsh Dies at 106; Terrorized Gangsters and Targets
  154. Minnesota School Dodges A Bullet...And Bombs...
  155. MD dealer backs down from selling smart guns
  156. Audio from Minnesota basement ambush released
  157. ‘I Really F***ing Appreciate That’: Why a Gun Store Owner Is So Upset
  158. Hawking on Artificial Intelligence
  159. People in CT and IL want to move: Gallop
  160. Bring Back the Guillotine?
  161. NFL Draft: Star Wars Style
  162. Obama And Just About Everyone Else Brilliantly Hammered At WH Correspondents Dinner
  163. Roku questions
  164. Roodhouse, IL
  165. How To Get Just A Warning!
  166. Heard of Operation "Choke Point" Yet, Well You Will Be!
  167. So What If We Never Built The Bomb...?
  168. Big brother is at it again!
  169. Army Sgt needs your help and prayers.
  170. Citizens aid officer who was being strangled
  171. Oklahoma and NFA legislation
  172. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
  173. This is one of those are you F*cking with me articles.
  174. It Was The 1980s...
  175. Sikorsky rolls out new CH-53K "King Stallion"
  176. HATE Reading stuff like this. RIP kid
  177. shipping gun parts to alaska
  178. The More Things Change...
  179. Poll: Firearm Focused Social Media ?
  180. Just when you thought it was safe to hold up a Waffle House
  181. P-3 Orions crushed in roof collapse
  182. Wounded Navy SEAL Taunted by Neighbor While Trying to Take his Flag Down
  183. Seattle proposes raising min wage to $15 and Cali Rep wants to $26
  184. ITW Nexus products
  185. Dinner with Marcus Luttrell
  186. Drill/Driver Recomendations
  187. Faith in humanity: Lost (FUBAR)
  188. Please Help Me Promote My "Four Simple Rules" FB Page...
  189. Tier 1 guys shooting
  190. Russian Military recruitment film
  191. NJ Senate 3-2 vote ban on rifles with fixed magazines > than 10
  192. What to do when not shooting??
  193. UFOs on our side?
  194. Magpul burgers
  195. Army looking into new jungle uniforms and boots
  196. Anyone been through the Army's new Jungle School in Hawaii?
  197. FBI Begins Investigation Of Armed Bundy Supporters
  198. More Socialist Crap from His Imminence
  199. Hillary
  200. Police Shooting Frenzy Raises Concerns
  201. Slow Motion video of missile strikes
  202. Like Alexander Mundy, I'm in like Flint...
  203. Dad/Daughter or Dad/Colleague or Dad/?
  204. SAAB Viggen in underground hangar
  205. The Art of the Mag Flip
  206. Coffin Full of Weapons Found in Florida
  207. Stupid Sh%$ sacrifces her dog
  208. Two teenagers shot dead burglarizing elderly woman's home, teenagers girlfriend says-
  209. Iran - A Nightmare Becomes Reality
  210. Ukraine/Russia: Is the US in the wrong?
  211. Losing my faith
  212. The home defense rifle in action.
  213. New 2014 Truck Buying Input 4X4
  214. Get Out the Vote with VOTEMAN!
  215. npr interviews glen greenwald: snowden's journalist
  216. Safe and Sound (Sandy Hook inspired program)
  217. The Hornets Nest
  218. USDA - Submachine Guns & Body Armor
  219. South Carolina man dies after test of bulletproof vest fails.
  220. Space Exploration
  221. Operation American Spring
  222. CSM Martin Barreras....RIP
  223. Not just AAC. Freedom Group Moving Almost Everything to Alabama
  224. Vicker's Awesome Fifty Video
  225. Illegal Alien Drunk Driver kills off duty Cop.
  226. Ted Cruz is wrong on net neutrality.
  227. Dads with daughters. Advice?
  228. How come only one hour is happy hour?
  229. My Pre NAFTA 1991 Zenith Senty 2 TV Finally Gave Up The Ghost...
  230. liberal logic at its best
  231. Ass Clowns pretending to be Cops. What do you do????
  232. ISIS in Iraq - Video NSFW
  233. Operation Choke Point
  234. Justice Department charges 5 Chinese army officers with cyber-spying
  235. Obozo choking off bank credit to gun dealers
  236. Disneyland (and other amusement parks)
  237. Martinsville, IN gets MRAP for SWAT. Officer steps on dick in interview.
  238. Geissele automatics loss
  239. Someone bought a foreclosure and found this
  240. What constitutional rights?
  241. Gangbangers buying up all the orange paint for their Hi-Points
  242. Cpl Kyle Carpenter to receive Medal of Honor later this year
  243. Unintended consequences
  244. Detroit police chief talks self defense shootings in NRA magazine
  245. NRA Freestyle's NOIR Show featuring Colion Noir and Some Hot Shick
  246. We need the right to bear arms on bases because bear arms
  247. About to file with the VA for disability, any hints?
  248. Nuclear Detonation Video.
  249. Did you see the Chipotle open carry MORONS?
  250. Instructor Zero...