View Full Version : Federal Govt. now picking winners and losers in nature

02-28-12, 17:04

I think this article shows the stupidity of the federal government on so many levels. Remember that we are currently running trillion dollar plus deficits and have a 9% official and probably 13-15% real unemployment rate.

Over the last 20 years the federal government place extensive regulations to protect the Spotted Owl at the cost of millions of dollars and thousands of jobs in the logging industry in the Pacific NW.
Despite these regulations Spotted Owl numbers are still declining due to increases in Barred Owl numbers (rival owl). So now we are going to spend more money bailing out the spotted owl by shooting the rival Barred Owls.

The chronic stupidity in Govt is so bad that you can't make this up.

02-28-12, 19:08
We knew some big land owners in SoCal who couldn't do anything with their property because the state found some kangaroo rats on it.

The government gets involved in all kinds of animal issues and it almost always turns out bad. Rats, owls, wolves, horses, butterflies, and a whole host of other critters.

I posted maybe 1-2 months ago about a couple that were facing tens of millions of dollars worth of fines because they were "ordered" to convert the land they just bought into wetlands even though the land has never really been wetlands.

Personal property rights are one of the keys to all freedoms we have and its been steadily eroded down to where you may own the deed but you don't really own the land. Its all a ruse. If the gov wants your land to be wetlands then its going to be wetlands. If they spot a ****in rat on your land your land is now a rat sanctuary even if it means destroying your source of income. If you don't pay your yearly extortion fee to the mob aka the government, the government takes your land.