View Full Version : Andrew Breitbart Dead

03-01-12, 09:57

Wow, young guy. I never got a chance to thank him for taking down Weiner.

03-01-12, 10:06
Very, very sad day for Patriots. RIP Andy.

03-01-12, 10:07
Yeah, only 43. Makes you realize it could happen to you.
And he was a family man with four young kids, too.

03-01-12, 15:27
Shep Smith liberal bias was very evident when he reported on Breitbarts death.

03-01-12, 16:06
Sad to hear this :(

03-01-12, 17:42
10PM, walking by himself in the rain, and drops dead at 43.

Nothing to see here...move along.

03-01-12, 17:43
Very sad to hear. :(

03-01-12, 18:05
Way too young - a true patriot for our times... :(

03-01-12, 18:17



03-01-12, 19:33
So a steady diet of cheese and bacon will, in fact, kill you? Who knew?!

03-01-12, 19:47
So a steady diet of cheese and bacon will, in fact, kill you? Who knew?!

He did seem to look a little worn around the edges for a young dude.

My father died at 46 from Hep C, but the Jack Daniels and Marlboros sure didn't help. That being said, I would love to see this video he claimed to have. Just from reading some of the excerpts of "Audacity of Hope", Barry's ghost writer didn't white wash his college years. I have a feeling that Andrews corps of journalists on his sites won't close down shop and will hopefully keep the pressure on.

03-01-12, 20:33
Pretty quick for a cause of death isnt it? Suprised he didnt hang himself like the D.C. madam.

When you make comments like this........


You might turn up dead on a sidewalk due to a "heart attack".

03-02-12, 18:27
Wasn't he about to release a very damning video about Obama meeting with some radicals?


03-02-12, 19:26
Weather Underground i believe.

03-02-12, 20:02
Wasn't he about to release a very damning video about Obama meeting with some radicals?


and he was on Piers Morgan the day before he died......looking very much cocked and locked.

03-03-12, 00:30
Wasn't he about to release a very damning video about Obama meeting with some radicals?


Those tapes are scheduled to be released within the next 7-10 days.....


03-03-12, 01:49
Hmmm.... I have to say, it is mighty suspicious, but it isn't as if the man took the greatest care of himself. I have friends in their 50s that look younger than he did.

03-03-12, 01:50
10PM, walking by himself in the rain, and drops dead at 43.

Nothing to see here...move along.

Except that Bulgarian with the umbrella. I think he was just selling falafel though. :confused:

03-03-12, 02:12
Pretty quick for a cause of death isnt it? Suprised he didnt hang himself like the D.C. madam.

When you make comments like this........


You might turn up dead on a sidewalk due to a "heart attack".

Or shoot yourself twice in the head.

03-03-12, 07:47
Lot of tin-hat speculation.

The guy ruffled a lot of feathers and pissed more than a few folks off. Not a particularly noteworthy accomplishment in this day and age.

He also, by all accounts, was a real Type-A personality, didn't take the best care of himself, and spent a lot of time amped up and pissed off. Shit happens. And it happened to him.

I had a heart attack at 42. Stress and the wrong parents (i.e. genetics) can kill ya a lot faster than imaginary political assassins.

His family and friends have my sympathies. I'm sure he will be missed by many. By me? Not so much.

03-03-12, 08:00
Lot of tin-hat speculation.

Do you, or do you not acknowledge that powerful people or groups sometimes eliminate people who are a pain in their ass?

03-03-12, 08:14
Do you, or do you not acknowledge that powerful people or groups sometimes eliminate people who are a pain in their ass?

No doubt. But where's the beef?

Sometimes a cigar's just a cigar.

03-03-12, 08:45
No doubt. But where's the beef?

Sometimes a cigar's just a cigar.

True, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

But, there are two things you need to keep in mind.
1) a well planned and executed hit will leave people saying exactly what you just did - only an incompetent boob or someone wanting to send a serious message would leave their target with two .22s in the back of their head.

and 2) In the counterintelligence world, there's a saying. Where there is doubt, there is no doubt. (this works like "All guns are always loaded", not that we believe that absolutely everything is the result of enemy action.)

In Breitbart's case, he was known to have some sort of cardiac issue. That is among the easiest causes of death to simulate natural causes. However, the chances of a 42-year-old, even with known heart issues, dropping dead of a cardiac event (not artificially induced) are VERY low (see slide)


He was known to be pissing off some VERY powerful people. He was alone on the street late at night in the rain, and he was unable to be revived (also unusual in a white pt of his age) AND with the number of chemicals that can be used to induce an MI that are both VERY difficult to find in a postmortem, looking at this from an analyst's point of view there is an excellent chance he was killed. If I had to put a number on it for a PowerPoint slide I would say there is around a 60% chance that his death was intentional.

So. Call tinfoil if you must in order to preserve your frame of how the world works, but know that your frame of reference isn't the only correct one.

03-03-12, 08:57
And the docs told me for two days that I was too young and it couldn't possibly be my heart. Then they did an angiogram and found a 90% blockage of my proximal LAD (euphemistically called "the widowmaker").

My cardiologist looked at the screen and said "I'll be damned. That there should a killed ya. When I discharge you tomorrow, be sure to pick up a Powerball ticket on the way home"

I lived. Breitbart didn't. Luck of the draw.

BTW, my lottery ticket was a LOSER! :cray:

03-03-12, 09:07
And the docs told me for two days that I was too young and it couldn't possibly be my heart. Then they did an angiogram and found a 90% blockage of my proximal LAD (euphemistically called "the widowmaker").

My cardiologist looked at the screen and said "I'll be damned. That there should a killed ya. When I discharge you tomorrow, be sure to pick up a Powerball ticket on the way home"

I lived. Breitbart didn't. Luck of the draw.

BTW, my lottery ticket was a LOSER! :cray:

I'm glad you made it...but as we say when a guy shows up here with a DPMS that runs, the plural of anecdote is not data.

03-03-12, 09:26
even if you came up with proof montandave wont believe or agree ?
just like the Koran burning he thinks its just religous sites being nuts when someone posts they are asking for the soldiers punishment ?
so even with the UN in afghanistan asking on video no less and the clerics !! NOPE to montanadave its just right wing religious people trying to stir it up

give up he will never believe even if they find something hinky in the autopsy he will never believe

to me its very strange and the timing is very strange ?
yet things do happen ? but like said most all the times people get ticking again !!!!

sorry Dave but if your doctor could not see what happened/happening for two day then says you should have died ? sounds like they were not the best to begin with !!!he was wrong with his first diagnosis and wrong with saying you should have died also ! thats my thoughts :)
especially if you were in there for two days !!!!
glad you are OK and dont doubt what happened to you is real just shows how bad some docs are and with the writing on the wall they should have done the proper tests
but to me that analogy is like saying someone died of a gun shot and then you saying YUP and I had a gun I brought in to a pawn shop and the guy said YUP lucky you as those guns are known to blow up and kill ya !!!
and you saying see I lived he did not

03-03-12, 09:27
I'm glad you made it...but as we say when a guy shows up here with a DPMS that runs, the plural of anecdote is not data.

Tru dat. And as evidence that I'm not into pushing my luck, I sold my DPMS LR-308 and bought a SCAR 17s. :haha:

03-03-12, 09:49
even if you came up with proof montandave wont believe or agree ?
just like the Koran burning he thinks its just religous sites being nuts when someone posts they are asking for the soldiers punishment ?
so even with the UN in afghanistan asking on video no less and the clerics !! NOPE to montanadave its just right wing religious people trying to stir it up

give up he will never believe even if they find something hinky in the autopsy he will never believe

to me its very strange and the timing is very strange ?
yet things do happen ? but like said most all the times people get ticking again !!!!

sorry Dave but if your doctor could not see what happened then says you should have died ? sounds like they were not the best to begin with !!!
not sure I would believe a doc who said its not this turns out it was ! and then when he says you should have died and you did not ? I think he was wrong again as most live

also pointing to one thing to justify another is never a good case ? its like saying well he was throwing rocks at the windows to !

The key to understanding these things is to know that there is seldom any way to be 100% certain of what happened. All you can do is accept that things like this DO occur (that's the hardest step for most folks. In fact, they can't do it. The red pill is a pretty rough thing to swallow.) and then, you can make some inferences based on the facts that you do have, like I did above. Is it possible he was taking a walk by himself in the rain at 10PM and had a sudden cardiac event that killed him where he stood? Certainly. However, when you add the data point of the low probability of a white male 42-year-old dropping dead of an MI, and add the other data point that he was making some extremely powerful people very uncomfortable, the picture looks a little different.

Can we say for sure he was killed? No, certainly not. But we can say that at the very least there is a non-zero chance that he was killed, considering his enemies and their capabilities. Being that that is the case, if I were consulting on personal security for a player at his level and status, I'd be thinking really hard this morning.

Here's how it shakes out for me in my situation: There is a nonzero chance that someone (on which side, we don't have enough information to speculate - which is a whole 'nother level of complexity to the problem...there's a reason Angleton referred to counterintelligence as 'a wilderness of mirrors') killed him. That's a data point that goes on my theoretical Big Board of the state of the world, and it's an interesting intellectual exercise for me. That's all.

03-03-12, 10:18
even if you came up with proof montandave wont believe or agree ?
just like the Koran burning he thinks its just religous sites being nuts when someone posts they are asking for the soldiers punishment ?
so even with the UN in afghanistan asking on video no less and the clerics !! NOPE to montanadave its just right wing religious people trying to stir it up

give up he will never believe even if they find something hinky in the autopsy he will never believe

to me its very strange and the timing is very strange ?
yet things do happen ? but like said most all the times people get ticking again !!!!

sorry Dave but if your doctor could not see what happened/happening for two day then says you should have died ? sounds like they were not the best to begin with !!!he was wrong with his first diagnosis and wrong with saying you should have died also ! thats my thoughts :)
especially if you were in there for two days !!!!
glad you are OK and dont doubt what happened to you is real just shows how bad some docs are and with the writing on the wall they should have done the proper tests
but to me that analogy is like saying someone died of a gun shot and then you saying YUP and I had a gun I brought in to a pawn shop and the guy said YUP lucky you as those guns are known to blow up and kill ya !!!
and you saying see I lived he did not

On the contrary, I received excellent medical care. Without giving the entire play-by-play, I presented with transient symptoms of mild chest pain and an elevated creatine (CK) level. After a normal EKG and no additional cardiac symptoms, the preliminary diagnosis was statin-induced rhabdomyolysis. I was admitted for IV hydration as they were concerned about acute renal failure. An elevated troponin level the next morning summoned the cardiologist. Thence followed a day of tests including another 12-lead EKG, a cardiac echo, and an adenosine-thallium stress test. All negative. My cardiologist was about five minutes away from discharging the next day me when I mentioned I hadn't had anything to eat since the day before. He said, "Tell you what, I just have a funny feeling about this whole deal. If you're up for it, let's just take you to the cath lab right now and settle this once and for all." And the rest is history.

My docs saved my ass. By ignoring the test results and following a gut hunch. You'll hear no complaints from me.

And if someone presents some credible evidence of foul play related to Breitbart's death, I'm all ears. But like I said, it's all just conjecture at this point. Shit happens everyday and it doesn't always fit within the actuarial guidelines.

03-03-12, 10:55
I'll form my opinion after the autopsy.

03-03-12, 13:16
If he was killed ?
The powers that did that most likely can get the results covered up !
Also like said very hard to prove certain things sometimes there is not the tv show csi proof but you have to look at the other things surrounding it

So montanadave do you now believe they are asking to punish/prosecute the soldiers ? Or you still say its just drummed up right wing religious people ?
I ask this cause the video of the UN guy asking etc... Is pretty darn solid proof yet you seem to Still not believe ? Or do you now ?

If you took the stance his death was a assassination then let them prove it was not ? This way other evidence would have to be produced to prove he was not ? And would they be able to prove it was natural ?
best to want both sides so you get a better picture than just one side :)

Me I have no clue but again very suspicious
And do agree often it is that simple he died his stress bad health previous issues was his time

03-03-12, 13:19
I'll form my opinion after the autopsy.

Despite the odd timing it was probably just natural causes. But still if someone from the govnt did have him eliminated, especially in such a seeming innocuous way, it won't be allowed to go public and unfortunately we would likely never know. Not at all saying this is the case, just saying.

Anyway he was a fighter on the side of good and he will be missed.

03-03-12, 13:40
I prognosticate that years from now, this will still be a hotly contested issue with no clear winners.

Carnac the Magnificent ain't got nothin on me! :D

03-03-12, 14:42
Or shoot yourself twice in the head.

or hang yourself in a shed

He could've died of a heart attack but that's the ME's job to determine the cause of death, usually a week or two later, not the same day.

03-03-12, 15:09
So montanadave do you now believe they are asking to punish/prosecute the soldiers ? Or you still say its just drummed up right wing religious people ?
I ask this cause the video of the UN guy asking etc... Is pretty darn solid proof yet you seem to Still not believe ? Or do you now ?

We seem to be crossing thread here, but seeing as how you keep bringing this up, I'll respond.

The article linked by the OP in the other thread (http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/afghans-quran-burning-soldiers-to-face-trial/) stated:

“NATO officials promised to meet Afghan nation’s demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as possible,” the statement said.

The wording suggests members of the military could be handed over to an Afghan system that imposes Shariah-related penalties.

I have yet to see any evidence from a credible source which indicates the United States government intends to turn over any American military personnel to stand trial in an Afghani court.

Karzai and the rest of these Afghani ass-clowns can talk shit till the cows come home. I still maintain no U.S. military personnel will ever be turned over to Afghani civil or religious authorities. That's not to say they may not face disciplinary action under the UCMJ, but that's another argument.

03-03-12, 15:50
If he was killed ?
The powers that did that most likely can get the results covered up !
Also like said very hard to prove certain things sometimes there is not the tv show csi proof but you have to look at the other things surrounding it.

In that case, you are implying a conspiracy involving local, state, and federal levels. This seems less plausible than a 43 year old dying of natural causes.

As for the soldiers in the Koran burning case, the stiffest punishment that they will face is probably a field grade Article 15.

03-03-12, 16:06
I have yet to see any evidence from a credible source which indicates the United States government intends to turn over any American military personnel to stand trial in an Afghani court.

Of course, on this specific point, you're making an argument no news source ever made, and you're also updating your original claim from the other thread. Originally you wrote that the whole story and possibility of anybody being turned over was bogus, and you cited as evidence that only right-wing publications were reporting the story.

Here's the relevant part of your original post in the other thread:

"This is never gonna happen. It's just another bullshit story from a fundamentalist religious website looking to stoke up some controversy.

Search the intergoogle. This same story is popping up on all the ultra-conservative websites. That should be a clue. When somebody finds one credible source to substantiate the claims in the article, get back to me."

Now several pubs are reporting this story (Reuters, Washington Post), and are discussing the POSSIBILITY of whether US troops could face an Afghan trial. Nobody knows it's a certainty: even the original conservative source you cited above just said that they "could be handed over", not that they would be. But it's interesting that now major networks are reporting the possibility:

MSNBC (http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/02/10561243-afghan-clerics-demand-trial-of-quran-burners-at-us-base)
Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/03/us-afghanistan-koran-idUSTRE8220AM20120303)
Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-probe-of-koran-burning-finds-5-soldiers-responsible-afghan-clerics-demand-public-trial/2012/03/02/gIQAwJqYmR_story.html)

I happen to agree on one point: it's UNLIKELY that US troops will be handed over to an Afghan court. I sure hope not. But I also think it's POSSIBLE (if enough talking heads cave in to political pressure), and that is why the big networks are reporting on the story. It is most definitely NOT a "bullshit story from a fundamentalist" website, it is on the major networks and has legs.

03-03-12, 16:41
Of course, on this specific point, you're making an argument no news source ever made, and you're also updating your original claim from the other thread. Originally you wrote that the whole story and possibility of anybody being turned over was bogus, and you cited as evidence that only right-wing publications were reporting the story.

Here's the relevant part of your original post in the other thread:

"This is never gonna happen. It's just another bullshit story from a fundamentalist religious website looking to stoke up some controversy.

Search the intergoogle. This same story is popping up on all the ultra-conservative websites. That should be a clue. When somebody finds one credible source to substantiate the claims in the article, get back to me."

Now several pubs are reporting this story (Reuters, Washington Post), and are discussing the POSSIBILITY of whether US troops could face an Afghan trial. Nobody knows it's a certainty: even the original conservative source you cited above just said that they "could be handed over", not that they would be. But it's interesting that now major networks are reporting the possibility:

MSNBC (http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/02/10561243-afghan-clerics-demand-trial-of-quran-burners-at-us-base)
Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/03/us-afghanistan-koran-idUSTRE8220AM20120303)
Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-probe-of-koran-burning-finds-5-soldiers-responsible-afghan-clerics-demand-public-trial/2012/03/02/gIQAwJqYmR_story.html)

I happen to agree on one point: it's UNLIKELY that US troops will be handed over to an Afghan court. I sure hope not. But I also think it's POSSIBLE (if enough talking heads cave in to political pressure), and that is why the big networks are reporting on the story. It is most definitely NOT a "bullshit story from a fundamentalist" website, it is on the major networks and has legs.

The soldiers that were involved in the Koran burning are no longer in CENTCOM. Thus, they would have to be flown back to A-Stan to be handed over. This would violate our SOFA with A-Stan and the soldier's rights under UCMJ. The odds of this happening is about the same as you being sent to A-Stan for desecrating a Koran.

03-03-12, 17:03
In that case, you are implying a conspiracy involving local, state, and federal levels. This seems less plausible than a 43 year old dying of natural causes.

As for the soldiers in the Koran burning case, the stiffest punishment that they will face is probably a field grade Article 15.

agree on the conspiracy to a point

getting a autopsy fixed would not be so hard really if the people who killed him were in the position of power ?

again I am neutral on it at this point and dont put to much into it either way until a bit more time comes out on it and what he had on some people ?

03-03-12, 17:15
The soldiers that were involved in the Koran burning are no longer in CENTCOM. Thus, they would have to be flown back to A-Stan to be handed over. This would violate our SOFA with A-Stan and the soldier's rights under UCMJ. The odds of this happening is about the same as you being sent to A-Stan for desecrating a Koran.

You missed the part where I said I agree it's unlikely they'll be ultimately handed over. The point is that the poster above tried to make it sound in the other thread as if the whole story of the government being pressured to hand them over was bogus and not carried by any major news outlet. The story is well validated and the A-stanis are definitely pressuring the government to hand them over, as reported in several major outlets. My issue is with the mischaracterizations contained in the other poster's earlier post.

03-03-12, 17:36
We seem to be crossing thread here, but seeing as how you keep bringing this up, I'll respond.

The article linked by the OP in the other thread (http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/afghans-quran-burning-soldiers-to-face-trial/) stated:

“NATO officials promised to meet Afghan nation’s demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as possible,” the statement said.

The wording suggests members of the military could be handed over to an Afghan system that imposes Shariah-related penalties.

I have yet to see any evidence from a credible source which indicates the United States government intends to turn over any American military personnel to stand trial in an Afghani court.

Karzai and the rest of these Afghani ass-clowns can talk shit till the cows come home. I still maintain no U.S. military personnel will ever be turned over to Afghani civil or religious authorities. That's not to say they may not face disciplinary action under the UCMJ, but that's another argument.

sorry some thread crossing but its to the point of you now wont respond in that thread ? and it goes to character really that you wont believe anything other than what you think ? if it does not fit your mold its not real or made up or ???

the statement was pretty clear they wanted justice ! the writer like you did his own interpretation of it to think it means handing them over ? I dont read it like this I read it as what it says they want justice and punishment which seems to now be under way
they never said we want them handed over ? or that would have been in it !

maximus83 hit it pretty good :)

now we have video of the UN guys asking
and now
On Friday, an American official close to a joint Afghan-American investigation into the episode noted that the final report would call for disciplinary review for at least six people involved in the Koran burning, including American military “leaders” and an American interpreter.
this way its from a left wing source even ! not some right wing religious nut job site that you wont trust

fact is they are seeking and seem to be getting some kind of justice/discipline which you said
This is never gonna happen. It's just another bullshit story from a fundamentalist religious website looking to stoke up some controversy.

I do think the made up conspiracy of him being murdered is a bit of a stretch ? but at the same time its a strange timing as to the stuff he supposedly has coming out on video

and yes people do just die and yet strange things do happen and while great odds it is a murder people win the lottery ! so strange things can happen

03-03-12, 17:39
The odds of this happening is about the same as you being sent to A-Stan for desecrating a Koran.

Considering there are now six U.S. servicemen dead as a direct result of burning the worthless rags, I'd hope it's even less likely. Korans have less value than used toilet paper.

03-03-12, 18:06
Come on guys, even though he was going to release those tapes of Obama with the weather underground the next day......its just a coincidence!!

The govt. wouldnt do something like that!!!!

(extreme sarcasm)

03-03-12, 18:06
I will take the ground if asked I think he died of natural causes but ya never know

but the one thing it could make a good TV movie !!!

03-03-12, 18:07
And the docs told me for two days that I was too young and it couldn't possibly be my heart. Then they did an angiogram and found a 90% blockage of my proximal LAD (euphemistically called "the widowmaker").

My cardiologist looked at the screen and said "I'll be damned. That there should a killed ya. When I discharge you tomorrow, be sure to pick up a Powerball ticket on the way home"

I lived. Breitbart didn't. Luck of the draw.

BTW, my lottery ticket was a LOSER! :cray:

When you wife is quiet and gets that far away look in her eye, do you think she is wondering what it would be like if the outcomes had been reversed ;)

Ah, conspiracies. The lack of evidence just shows how powerful the people involved are!

Interestingly enough, IIRC when she found out her roll in the Clinton perjury, Monica Lewinsky's first instinct was that she as going to get whacked.

Can we just feed Soros more bacon and make it even?

03-03-12, 22:38
First Whittney, then Breitbart...who will be unlucky number 3?

03-03-12, 23:13
First Whittney, then Breitbart...who will be unlucky number 3?

That Monkey guy, Davy Jones.

03-04-12, 09:03
Ah, conspiracies. The lack of evidence just shows how powerful the people involved are!

Indeed. The supporting evidence of the conspiracy is the "suspicious" lack of evidentiary support.

And who can argue with that logic? :sarcastic:

03-04-12, 09:38
That Monkey guy, Davy Jones.

And now Ronny Montrose..

03-04-12, 10:16
And now Ronny Montrose..

Nay, Houston, Jones and Breitbart make a good three.

A Junkie, a Monkee and a political Flunkie.

The closest I can get with Montrose is Guitar Wonky.

03-04-12, 11:56
A Junkie, a Monkee and a political Flunkie.


03-04-12, 23:55
Returning to the original subject of this thread:

Given that Mr. Breitbart had clearly already distributed the alleged upcoming damning Obama videos to other contacts in the newsmedia/blogosphere well ahead of his death (and was in no way concealing that fact), I find it extremely hard to believe he was assassinated.

What would be the purpose? The videos were getting set in motion at least a couple weeks in advance of his death and we will be seeing them soon, per Mr. Breitbart's original pre-death schedule.

Call me crazy, but I would think if you were gonna whack a guy to keep a secret, it'd be pretty pointless to do so after said secrets were out.

03-05-12, 07:55
You know how its going to be easy to tell?

If we see those damning videos or not.

Doc Safari
03-05-12, 10:06
Returning to the original subject of this thread:

Given that Mr. Breitbart had clearly already distributed the alleged upcoming damning Obama videos to other contacts in the newsmedia/blogosphere well ahead of his death (and was in no way concealing that fact), I find it extremely hard to believe he was assassinated.

What would be the purpose? The videos were getting set in motion at least a couple weeks in advance of his death and we will be seeing them soon, per Mr. Breitbart's original pre-death schedule.

Call me crazy, but I would think if you were gonna whack a guy to keep a secret, it'd be pretty pointless to do so after said secrets were out.

Agreed. And I would be willing to bet that the videos are much ado about nothing. The dirty little secret of Barry's supporters is that most of them knew he was a lefty radical and voted for him anyway. These new videos will change nothing.

03-05-12, 13:48
Returning to the original subject of this thread:

Given that Mr. Breitbart had clearly already distributed the alleged upcoming damning Obama videos to other contacts in the newsmedia/blogosphere well ahead of his death (and was in no way concealing that fact), I find it extremely hard to believe he was assassinated.

What would be the purpose? The videos were getting set in motion at least a couple weeks in advance of his death and we will be seeing them soon, per Mr. Breitbart's original pre-death schedule.

Call me crazy, but I would think if you were gonna whack a guy to keep a secret, it'd be pretty pointless to do so after said secrets were out.

I dont buy into the he was killed ? I just think its strange timing ?

his videos are not out in the blogosphere or distributed to the media !
they are only at his company being finalized and checked
like he did on the weiner story he is accurate and not a hack
if they were distributed them we would be seeing them !

if they were out their ! I agree killing someone might even backfire on the person

as to why kill someone ? again hypothetical
also killing someone before they are released they might not have known who else knew since they are not released !!!!!
also kill the main guy often the whole thing goes down and nobody else if sent the message is going to post them !!

again I am not buying into the conspiracy ! :) its more like finding a yeti :) fun to talk about and interesting :)

03-07-12, 17:28
Interesting stuff... The Breitbart "Obama tapes" will be shown on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/07/buzzefeed-selectively-edits-obama-tape) per Drudge.

Breaking footage shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright. (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/03/07/Obama%20Video%20Harvard)

03-07-12, 18:03
I bet we wont see the videos with Bill Ayers or Bernardine Dohrn...

That video in Irish's post has already been released in 2008. So wheres the video Breitbart talked about?

03-07-12, 19:20
Watch Hannity tonight. He's suppose to have something on the tapes

I bet we wont see the videos with Bill Ayers or Bernardine Dohrn...

That video in Irish's post has already been released in 2008. So wheres the video Breitbart talked about?

03-07-12, 19:23
If he is linked to the weather underground...guess what that makes him...

03-07-12, 23:27
Interesting stuff... The Breitbart "Obama tapes" will be shown on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/07/buzzefeed-selectively-edits-obama-tape) per Drudge.

Breaking footage shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright. (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/03/07/Obama%20Video%20Harvard)

Got to say, nonplussed.

Not that I don't doubt that Obama is the most radically left-wing out-of-mainstream President in United States history, but this video really doesn't show anything more than the 20+ year association with Wright and multiple brushes with people like Khalidi, Ayers, Pflager, and some of his other Chicago pals showed. The overall point that Obama went "unvetted" is entirely true. The news media has utterly failed us yet again.

I'd kinda like to see his school transcripts and theses.

03-08-12, 09:45
Got to say, nonplussed.

Not that I don't doubt that Obama is the most radically left-wing out-of-mainstream President in United States history, but this video really doesn't show anything more than the 20+ year association with Wright and multiple brushes with people like Khalidi, Ayers, Pflager, and some of his other Chicago pals showed. The overall point that Obama went "unvetted" is entirely true. The news media has utterly failed us yet again.

I'd kinda like to see his school transcripts and theses.

I hear ya. Mostly I was posting it for people as a preview to watching the whole video on TV. I don't have cable or satellite and didn't watch it.

03-08-12, 09:58
Not that I don't doubt that Obama is the most radically left-wing out-of-mainstream President in United States history ...

This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

03-08-12, 11:08
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

So, you think that pushing an energy policy to raise prices as a means to re-direct consumption when no viable alternative exists is mainstream? How about a president who responds to rising healthcare prices with a plan that exacerbates the price problem, while causing long-term budget deficits (his cost savings analysis was intentionally limited to 2020) only to insure 8% of the population? If that is not enough, what do you say about a guy who has spent 5 Trillion dollars that we don't have to yield an average GDP of 1.5% over 3 years? Not to mention that he has put more people on food stamps and other public assistance than any other president in history.

If you consider these aspects of his presidency mainstream, I'd hate to see your definition of radical.

03-08-12, 11:11
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

Serious question for you - is this your carefully constructed response after thoroughly examining the system of governance as set forth by the founding fathers? Or is this merely an indictment of the fact that both mainstream parties are corrupt?

If it is the later, we would all be wise to recognize that corruption is corruption regardless of it's nature.

Good luck

03-08-12, 13:50
I think it is more likely that foreign agents, China, Iran and Russians, would want Breibart dead as Obamas reelection would hasten the demise of the U.S.

03-08-12, 14:26
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

getting us into more debt than ever
gas prices soaring
health care cost soaring
even more rights taken away
wanting to do away with congress
thinks the constitution is a outdated document
apologizes to every nation
bows to other leaders
puts more people on welfare

the list goes on !!!

yeah is so centrist

03-08-12, 16:26
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

Are u insane? NDAA, Fast and Furious , the Department of Social Justice not prosecuting voter intimidation, shall I go on?

03-23-12, 22:23
Whitney houstons cause of death has finally been confirmed.

03-24-12, 07:21
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

I respectfully disagree in it's entirety.
This is painfully & grossly inaccurrate.

03-24-12, 12:30
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

I respectfully disagree in it's entirety.
This is painfully & grossly inaccurrate.

I disagree too. Anybody not in line with our founding fathers, are the left wingers that are driving us off the cliff by morally bankrupting our youth & monetarily bankrupting our country. It gets worse and worse with every generation.

It's too bad people have blinders too see that forced redistribution of wealth in any form doesn't work. Be it from the middle class down, the middle class up or from all through the banks/The Fed/bailouts.

Our founding fathers really knew their history.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness

Every man wishes to pursue his occupation and to enjoy the fruits of his labours and the produce of his property in peace and safety, and with the least possible expense. When these things are accomplished, all the objects for which government ought to be established are answered.

In questions of power let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.

The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.

Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.

03-24-12, 20:34
This shopworn, hyperbolic rhetoric is simply risible. If anything, the actions of the Obama administration during the past three years have been centrist and pragmatic.

They only appear "radically left-wing" to those who are "radically right-wing" and, coincidently, quite "out-of-mainstream" themselves.

The GOP has taken such a hard right turn it is driving the party off both an ideological and a demographic cliff.

Montana Dave are you the DaveA from the other place?

03-24-12, 20:46
Montana Dave are you the DaveA from the other place?

Not sure where the "other place" is but no.

Although around here, there are probably a few folks that might think of me as Dave the "A" hole. :haha: