View Full Version : The days of firearms are at an end.

03-02-12, 10:22
Ok maybe not. But this guy can cut a pellet out of the air moving at a couple hundred miles per hour.

I really don't have the words to express my feelings on this video. Except that I would hate to run into this guy if he didn't like me.


03-02-12, 10:30
I think it's funny how in the beginning the host says he can cut a bullet with his sword. Id like to see him try that with a bullet.

Btw: the Dr. is pretty cute.

03-02-12, 13:05
OK, a few things.

First off an airsoft pellet is not going 200mph after 70 feet, maybe at the muzzle but not at 70 feet.

Second, It almost looks like the airsoft guy attempted to shoot the cutting edge of the sword (or at least where it would be) as much as the swordsman tracked and cut the airsoft bb.

That said, it still wouldn't be easy and I'm impressed he was able to do it from the draw rather than from a more prepared position. But there is no way he'd be able to reproduce such a thing with an actual firearm.

03-02-12, 14:10
I'm more surprised by his ability to SEE the damn thing, let alone hit it with the edge of the sword!

There may be some "indexing" going on. I'm sure this isn't the first time the shooter and the uhh sword-er have worked together. As in, shoot it to my shoulder height or something.

Either way, that's a damn small target being hit with a damn small edge. Even if he could only do it 1 out of a 100 times, it's still impressive.

03-02-12, 14:18
I'm more surprised by his ability to SEE the damn thing, let alone hit it with the edge of the sword!

As a general rule white BBs from an air soft gun are pretty easy to track with the naked eye. Black ones are much harder. Of course the background can make all the difference. Still impressive though.

Much more impressive though was the shooter's awesome tea cup and saucer weaver stance.

03-02-12, 15:27
But can he hit a slider? :lol:

03-02-12, 16:30
no matter what that is pretty darn cool and good to have that reaction

03-02-12, 17:46
Probably some trickery with it, no matter how much it is at least a bit impressive although might not amount to jack outside melee combat.

03-02-12, 18:36
Probably some trickery with it, no matter how much it is at least a bit impressive although might not amount to jack outside melee combat.

Awhile back (late 80s) I remember the Iaido guys cutting arrows in flight fired from a Japanese long bow, from a distance of about 15 meters.

Now certainly the archers aimed a bit "off center" so the arrow would be over the plate for the cut. But at least these guys were fully drawing a genuine bow (and easy way to fake it is to half draw and/or use a very weak bow).

In some ways the arrow is easier (it is a bigger target) but in some ways more difficult (I personally believe the arrow might be traveling faster and it is certainly more dangerous than an airsoft bb.) But when done without "set ups" or gimickry cutting an arrow in flight from a draw is impressively difficult.

The airsoft bb is just a new spin on the old demonstration. I'm almost 100% certain that I can't do it.

03-03-12, 17:18
OK, a few things.

First off an airsoft pellet is not going 200mph after 70 feet, maybe at the muzzle but not at 70 feet.

Second, It almost looks like the airsoft guy attempted to shoot the cutting edge of the sword (or at least where it would be) as much as the swordsman tracked and cut the airsoft bb.

That said, it still wouldn't be easy and I'm impressed he was able to do it from the draw rather than from a more prepared position. But there is no way he'd be able to reproduce such a thing with an actual firearm.

Agreed. Seems a bit hyped overall, but I'd probably rather not have to sword fight the fellow.

03-03-12, 20:43
I'd rather not have a sword fight with anyone given the choice.
230gr FMG from about 30' is just fine with me, and I've snatched a thrown dart out of the air on its way to the board on far more than one occassion :)