View Full Version : Male Marines Publicly Kissing, Legs Wrapped.

03-03-12, 10:41
This is just so flat out disturbing I really have no other words. I don't hate all gays by default, but surely the left has taken us to new lows for this to be publicized and endorsed.


Be prepared for a very, very unpleasant image.

03-03-12, 10:45
Holy shit i know that guy.

03-03-12, 10:56
Holy shit i know that guy.

Uhm, how well? Did he ever call you back? Is 'Eurodriver" code for something an old fuddy-duddy doesn't understand?

Not that I'm interested.

03-03-12, 10:56
Holy shit i used to date that guy.


03-03-12, 10:58
The policy of no PDA is going to have to be enforced or this sight will become all too common. How about some class and modesty. This is the type of thing everyone feared would happen.

03-03-12, 11:09
Holy shit i know that guy.

Probably wasn't the ideally worded response to this particular thread, but regardless if you do know the POS please let him know he should jump off the nearest bridge.

To think of the international propaganda and embarrassment it will generate. I really can't believe it's come to this.

03-03-12, 11:13
The policy of no PDA is going to have to be enforced or this sight will become all too common. How about some class and modesty. This is the type of thing everyone feared would happen.

I was thinking the same think I'm not a hater but I dont want to see it. I see it at my community college every day. I never see a the guys and girls dating doing it. I am going to a christian college for my BA just beacuse of this and I'm not a christian. I'm sure people will see me as the one with the issue but I just dont want to see it and its every were. I have always said to each his own but you can be respectfull about it and still be out.

03-03-12, 11:17
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

03-03-12, 11:26
I was thinking the same think I'm not a hater but I dont want to see it. I see it at my community college every day. I never see a the guys and girls dating doing it. I am going to a christian college for my BA just beacuse of this and I'm not a christian. I'm sure people will see me as the one with the issue but I just dont want to see it and its every were. I have always said to each his own but you can be respectfull about it and still be out.I hear you. If they want to hug, no problem just don't be so over the top. A manly hug and a cheek kiss would suffice. You can tell who's the "bitch" in their relationship. Some people can't help themselves from rubbing peoples noses in it. This type of behavior only throws fuel on the fire.

03-03-12, 11:34
why do some care so much about how other people live their lives?

03-03-12, 11:42
1. His camo is not working, I can still see him.
2. It seems to me that the leaper is probably the 'catcher', and the catcher is the 'thrower'?

Welcome to the future. I really don't care, is this really news?

03-03-12, 11:47
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

Somehow I'm not surprised to see you taking this shot at me, nor your viewpoint overall. However I'll still gladly maintain that for a military that is being de-funded and internally weakened as we speak, this by the likes of a bunch of little Manning's now free to pursue their agendas while flat out embarrassing us, this is just another step in the way wrong direction.

03-03-12, 11:48
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

Your comment has me seriously irritated. You know nothing about the military, about our customs and courtesies, about the honor and tradition wrapped up in that uniform. As a Marine, I cannot mount my wife in public when I return from this deployment because it is disrespectful to the uniform, to the Corps, and because at any moment a spry Gunny may tear me off of her. This is not an equal right situation as I am not allowed to do this as a straight married male. This is my business and the business of every Marine because we police our own, something that our Drill Instructors hammered into us since day one. But you dont know anything about that.

Liberal civilians like you are tearing the military apart piece by piece. You look at our warfighting organization like its a standard corporation, where everyone is equal and everything should be fair. Well, war isnt fair, the military isnt fair, and to make it so only serves as a detriment to the mission. I dont care that you didnt serve your country, and it is your 1A right to say what ever the **** you want, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.

03-03-12, 11:49
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

Public display of affection regulations apply equal to everyone. Ive been to at least a dozen welcome home ceremonies and Ive never seen a soldier leap onto someone and embrace in a kiss.

03-03-12, 11:51

If you'll shift your thinking from feeling anger and sorrow at the loss of what we once had, to the mindset of a historian who not only got to witness the fall of the Roman Empire but had the consciousness to realize the import of what he saw, this is all very fascinating. You're getting to watch the systematic dismantling of the most just and fair society the world has ever known, because it wasn't just and fair ENOUGH.

Nature will win in the end, just like it always has.

A is a.

03-03-12, 11:51
Your comment has me seriously irritated. You know nothing about the military, about our customs and courtesies, about the honor and tradition wrapped up in that uniform. As a Marine, I cannot mount my wife in public when I return from this deployment because it is disrespectful to the uniform, to the Corps, and because at any moment a spry Gunny may tear me off of her. This is not an equal right situation as I am not allowed to do this as a straight married male. This is my business and the business of every Marine because we police our own, something that our Drill Instructors hammered into us since day one. But you dont know anything about that.

Liberal civilians like you are tearing the military apart piece by piece. You look at our warfighting organization like its a standard corporation, where everyone is equal and everything should be fair. Well, war isnt fair, the military isnt fair, and to make it so only serves as a detriment to the mission. I dont care that you didnt serve your country, and it is your 1A right to say what ever the **** you want, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.

And this, too.

03-03-12, 11:57
Well said LS-HD. That fact that this photo somehow fails to cause national outrage shows that we are undoubtedly ****ed and it is simply a matter of time.

03-03-12, 12:06
LSHD - Spot on.

It is un-natural, deviant behavior and should not be condoned in public by anyone. Especially someone in the armed services.
If they want to be butthole buddies behind closed doors...have at it. Just don't subject me and mine to such bullshit.

03-03-12, 12:10
Your comment has me seriously irritated. You know nothing about the military, about our customs and courtesies, about the honor and tradition wrapped up in that uniform. As a Marine, I cannot mount my wife in public when I return from this deployment because it is disrespectful to the uniform, to the Corps, and because at any moment a spry Gunny may tear me off of her. This is not an equal right situation as I am not allowed to do this as a straight married male. This is my business and the business of every Marine because we police our own, something that our Drill Instructors hammered into us since day one. But you dont know anything about that.

Liberal civilians like you are tearing the military apart piece by piece. You look at our warfighting organization like its a standard corporation, where everyone is equal and everything should be fair. Well, war isnt fair, the military isnt fair, and to make it so only serves as a detriment to the mission. I dont care that you didnt serve your country, and it is your 1A right to say what ever the **** you want, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.

I stand corrected. If that's the discipline the Corps maintains with respect to public displays of affection, so be it. These guys are out of line. It just seems to me I've seen more than a few passionate embraces between a guy and his gal reuniting after a deployment without anyone getting their panties in a bunch. I'm in full agreement that everyone should adhere to the same standards of conduct and show proper respect for the uniform they wear.

My displeasure was directed towards what I perceived as a strong homophobic slant in some responses. And for those that can't tolerate the idea of gay men and women openly serving in our armed forces, you're free to seek employment elsewhere.

03-03-12, 12:13
So much for proper military bearing...

This is the slippery slope I feared. The NCO that dares call "bullshit" will get brought up on an equal opportunity complaint. It is a little hard to control a dependent spouse that mounts a returning service member. We should damn well be able to keep a handle on those in uniform.

The problem with the "oppressed" and those who see themselves as "minorities" instead of viewing themselves as Americans...they always want special treatment and get indignant when you expect them to follow a standard.

03-03-12, 12:13

If you'll shift your thinking from feeling anger and sorrow at the loss of what we once had, to the mindset of a historian who not only got to witness the fall of the Roman Empire but had the consciousness to realize the import of what he saw, this is all very fascinating. You're getting to watch the systematic dismantling of the most just and fair society the world has ever known, because it wasn't just and fair ENOUGH.

Nature will win in the end, just like it always has.

A is a.

Yes, but some of us fools are still trying to rescue the empire.

And if kissing Marines doesn't make our enemies fear and respect us, I'm not sure what will.

03-03-12, 12:14
Holy shit i know that guy.

Are you leaving for a big trip? :confused:

03-03-12, 12:16



03-03-12, 12:24
I just threw up a little in the back of my throat. I never thought I'd live to see the day when DADT was shot down, and this shit thrown in the faces of the US Military...and for what? To see to f--king homos going at it? An embarrassment to the uniform as it is disgusting.

03-03-12, 12:46
I'm really glad I got out before our military changed for the worse. Next thing we will see is male military service members dressing up as women in formation right before they get released for libo.... and at these homecomings.

03-03-12, 13:14
The first day I didn't wake up wishing I was back in the Corps was the election of Obama. This is easily the second and solidifies I am better where I am at now.

The Corps and military as a whole is being manipulated and distorted from a lifestyle and belief system which made it the greatest in the world. The sad thing is the manipulation is coming from those who were too self centered and more or less lacked the balls to join the service to begin with.

DADT or not, hopefully is platoon corrects his blatant disregard for the honor being a Marine and a representative of the Corps as a whole. What a disgrace.

03-03-12, 13:15
Your comment has me seriously irritated. You know nothing about the military, about our customs and courtesies, about the honor and tradition wrapped up in that uniform. As a Marine, I cannot mount my wife in public when I return from this deployment because it is disrespectful to the uniform, to the Corps, and because at any moment a spry Gunny may tear me off of her. This is not an equal right situation as I am not allowed to do this as a straight married male. This is my business and the business of every Marine because we police our own, something that our Drill Instructors hammered into us since day one. But you dont know anything about that.

Liberal civilians like you are tearing the military apart piece by piece. You look at our warfighting organization like its a standard corporation, where everyone is equal and everything should be fair. Well, war isnt fair, the military isnt fair, and to make it so only serves as a detriment to the mission. I dont care that you didnt serve your country, and it is your 1A right to say what ever the **** you want, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.

Very well said. I am not a Marine. I have nothing but respect for those who serve. The fact that this conduct is seen as acceptable by some is further proof that our nation's downhill slide has picked up a lot of speed.

03-03-12, 13:18
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

Your post is an embarrassment. His 1st Amendment rights to post his thoughts on the subject are none of your damned business. Get over it.

See how it works? :rolleyes:

03-03-12, 13:23
Are you leaving for a big trip? :confused:

I do not know him personally, but I have a friend that works in the wing with him. I met him a few times last year but not outside of work or anything.

He is your typical wing Marine. No regard for proper hygiene regulations or haircuts. Always seemed to have a 5 o'clock shadow and got haircuts every 2 weeks or more.

As much as I'd like to say "This guy was a total ****ing tool", he really did fit in well with all the other ****ing tools that pay no attention to Marine Corps Orders that pertain to discipline in the wing.

Thats about all I remember. And that he does not have a "fruity" voice and you wouldn't know he was gay (I didn't)

I just spoke to my buddy and he said that an email has gone out from the squadron CO (equivalent of battalion?) regarding this and that its completely unacceptable etc etc

03-03-12, 13:54
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

I'll spell it out for you: homosexuality is morally wrong (by the Judeo-Christian code of our country), and socially destructive (of the family, of the military's discipline).

If you can't see that, there's not much more to discuss on the subject. Perhaps you feel free to ignore society's moral codes; on that aspect, what you choose to do is your decision. But don't expect everyone to sit quietly by while you attempt to encode that choice into the law of the land (and of the military), and force it down everyone's throats (pun intended). And don't expect everyone to agree that socially destructive behavior that undermines the readiness of the military is "none of [our] damn business."

Homosexuality is wrong: it's morally wrong, it's harmful for society, it's destructive for those who engage in it. The original military ban was correct and should be reinstated.

03-03-12, 14:02
I do not know him personally, but I have a friend that works in the wing with him. I met him a few times last year but not outside of work or anything.

He is your typical wing Marine. No regard for proper hygiene regulations or haircuts. Always seemed to have a 5 o'clock shadow and got haircuts every 2 weeks or more.

As much as I'd like to say "This guy was a total ****ing tool", he really did fit in well with all the other ****ing tools that pay no attention to Marine Corps Orders that pertain to discipline in the wing.

Thats about all I remember. And that he does not have a "fruity" voice and you wouldn't know he was gay (I didn't)

I just spoke to my buddy and he said that an email has gone out from the squadron CO (equivalent of battalion?) regarding this and that its completely unacceptable etc etc

The "wing" must be different from when I was in. We didn't have military discipline issues in the 2nd MAW back in the 80's. Then again, I was one of the "grunts of the air wing. 7212, Stinger Gunner.

03-03-12, 14:12
... all words from post #13 ...

Thank you
I'll buy your beers all night if by some bizzarre chance we ever crossed paths.
And that's saying a lot considering I'm former Army!

03-03-12, 14:25
This thread is an embarrassment.

Equal rights means equal rights.

Get over it. It's none of your damn business.

Agreed. Had a long response, but removed it as I can already see the downhill slide of the comments. No thanx.

03-03-12, 14:33
Your comment has me seriously irritated. You know nothing about the military, about our customs and courtesies, about the honor and tradition wrapped up in that uniform. As a Marine, I cannot mount my wife in public when I return from this deployment because it is disrespectful to the uniform, to the Corps, and because at any moment a spry Gunny may tear me off of her. This is not an equal right situation as I am not allowed to do this as a straight married male. This is my business and the business of every Marine because we police our own, something that our Drill Instructors hammered into us since day one. But you dont know anything about that.

Liberal civilians like you are tearing the military apart piece by piece. You look at our warfighting organization like its a standard corporation, where everyone is equal and everything should be fair. Well, war isnt fair, the military isnt fair, and to make it so only serves as a detriment to the mission. I dont care that you didnt serve your country, and it is your 1A right to say what ever the **** you want, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.

Very well said. Every time we'd return from deployment we were under strict rules about the whole PDA thing in uniform. Obviously some young Sailors ignored their warnings and suffered the consequences of their actions. This guy wanted attention and he'll be getting lots of it in the very near future.

03-03-12, 15:02
Forcing Marines to take in gays is like making Broadway play productions incorporate Marines into their dance musicals.

03-03-12, 16:28
I get the feeling that this particular Marine knew exactly what he was doing and intended to make a statement because the PDA standards are more lax at homecomings. I've been deployed OCONUS 5 times in my career and each time there were similar breakdowns in military bearing, but they went unnoticed because the person initiating the contact was a civilian dependent and the contact was heterosexual. There were a few times that both violators were service members, but these went unnoticed as well.

Thus, it looks like CO's will need to strictly enforce the PDA regulations (outside of homecomings) so that we can stop being the laughingstock of the world. That means we can all expect to attend more briefings and online training to insure that everyone knows how to behave in public. I plan to hand down a negative counseling statement to anyone in my BN for the first offense - expect a field grade Article 15 for the second.

03-03-12, 17:04
Agreed. Had a long response, but removed it as I can already see the downhill slide of the comments. No thanx.

Aside from a couple of posts, it seems much of the forum still has their common sense and pride.

03-03-12, 17:14
Aside from a couple of posts, it seems much of the forum still has their common sense and pride.

I see some common sense, and some real ignorant stupid sh^%, and I don't expect those posting it to know the difference per se or agree with me.

I thought LowSpeed_HighDrag comments were as common sense, objective, and realistic as one could ask for really.

I don't give a damn what people do with other consenting adults, but decorum and respect for the uniform applies to all. However, it's important to apply those standards equally to all, regardless of sexual orientation.

03-03-12, 17:19
I see some common sense, and some real ignorant stupid sh^%,

Care to clarify that part of your statement? What specifically do you find objectionable?

03-03-12, 17:35
Care to clarify that part of your statement? What specifically do you find objectionable?

Nothing, it's all good. Gay people are less than human, should be kept away from "normal" society, letting them exist as equal human being under the law and US Const = the end of families, US values, and what ever other BS people wanna think and all that.

Not gonna change anyone's position one way or another in this thread via anything I write.

I have no doubt it's going to be a difficult transition for the military and military culture, and as I hope that transition happens in a way that does not endanger troops.

Good day. Will out.

03-03-12, 18:00
Nothing, it's all good. Gay people are less than human, should be kept away from "normal" society, letting them exist as equal human being under the law and US Const = the end of families, US values, and what ever other BS people wanna think and all that.

As much as I cringe at their personal habits, I never said gays were less than human. But if you somehow can't see that the widespread acceptance of this specific photo is a well defined stepping stone to this country's eventual and possibly accelerated oblivion, then I really have no idea what to say to you at this point.

03-03-12, 18:09
Gay people are less than human, should be kept away from "normal" society,

Interesting, I didn't see anyone in this thread argue either of these points, from the OP on down through the thread.

Arguing that we should return the homosexual conduct ban in the military, and arguing that we should not give homosexual conduct "special recognition" in society, including the military, is not the same thing as arguing that "gay people are less than human" or whatever.

It is not their HUMANITY that's in question. Certainly they have fundamental freedoms and a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as human beings and as Americans. What they do with adults behind closed doors is their concern. However, it is not their HUMANITY that they are seeking special recognition, new laws, and privileges for: it is their homosexual conduct. They want special recognition of their CONDUCT in society, and in the military and other organizations such as the churches, schools, etc. And when they choose to make their conduct a public issue, affecting all these institutions and social policy, then it definitely affects the rest of us and becomes a public issue that we all need to weigh in on.

03-03-12, 18:18
Since we are all about 1st Amendment and stuff... Surely no one will be offended if I post my side...

Therefore Elohim gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts, to disrespect their bodies among themselves, who changed the truth of Elohim into the falsehood, and worshipped and served what was created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Because of this Elohim gave them over to degrading passions. For even their women exchanged natural relations for what is against nature, and likewise, the men also, having left natural relations with woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing indecency, and receiving back the reward which was due for their straying. And even as they did not think it worthwhile to possess the knowledge of Elohim, Elohim gave them over to a worthless mind, to do what is improper, having been filled with all unrighteousness, whoring, wickedness, greed, evil; filled with envy, murder, fighting, deceit, evil habits; whisperers, slanderers, haters of Elohim, insolent, proud, boasters, devisers of evils, disobedient to parents, without discernment, covenant breakers, unloving, unforgiving, ruthless; who, though they know the righteousness of Elohim, that those who practise such deserve death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practise them.
(Romans 1:24-32 The Scriptures 1998+)

The final verse was prophetic... The indefensible being defended.

REligious or not, that is my opinion on that photo and of what lies beneath it...


03-03-12, 19:00
IMO you can take your personal religious lens elsewhere. It is of no import in this matter.

The issue is this pic will be a propaganda coup for all opposition forces of uniformed Americans, from varying cultures. This will alienate possible allies & bolster the idea of an evil foreigner pressing foreign values. A frigging recruiting poster for enemies present and future. These type pics embolden the enemy.

When you wear the uniform, your responsibility is bigger than yourself. We all must subvert some aspect of our personalities for the greater good. I hope this service member gets punished, loudly, for conduct unbecoming & PDA, enough to resonate broadly.

03-03-12, 19:11
If the Military has a no PDA policy, why did that lesbian sailor win a raffle ticket to be the first to kiss her partner.

She said the Navy has a raffle and she bought 50 tickets and won the raffle. which sounds like a setup but still that's supposed to be standard procedure upon return.

I'll be honest, I don't mind them kissing as a greeting. I wouldn't want to have to watch it though. The guys I mean.

But that guy is too much. That just looks unprofessional and especially in uniform. Even if he were out of uniform in that setting it would still be wrong. imo anyway.

03-03-12, 19:18
IMO you can take your personal religious lens elsewhere. It is of no import in this matter.

Exactly to the point. As bad as some of us may perceive such relationships to be on a personal level, it has absolutely nothing to do with the damage it will do to our military via it's international perception. Not to mention it's negative effect on troop morale.

Call me what you will, I see this photo as having very serious long term implications. That little bastard needs to be run out of the service ASAP. I have other suggestions in mind but they won't fly here.

03-03-12, 19:27
If the Military has a no PDA policy, why did that lesbian sailor win a raffle ticket to be the first to kiss her partner.

She said the Navy has a raffle and she bought 50 tickets and won the raffle. which sounds like a setup but still that's supposed to be standard procedure upon return.
I was in the USN aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln from 97' - 01' and never heard of a raffle for the "first kiss" on our ship. But I did just research it and it sounds like a smaller ship type of thing to raise money, for what I don't know. There is a huge difference in them accepting the fact that a lesbian won the raffle, legitimately gets the "first kiss" on the dock, and if they didn't it would be discrimination for the simple fact that the raffle is open to anyone. Did they say the Sailor jumped into the arms of her girlfriend and wrap her legs around them or did she follow the rules set forward by her command? From what I read she conducted herself accordingly.


I'll be honest, I don't mind them kissing as a greeting. I wouldn't want to have to watch it though. The guys I mean.

But that guy is too much. That just looks unprofessional and especially in uniform. Even if he were out of uniform in that setting it would still be wrong. imo anyway.
That's the difference. Apparently the "first kiss" is a tradition on that naval vessel and it isn't a Marine trying to have some sort of a "look at me" publicity stunt jumping up and wrapping his legs around another dude and shoving his tongue down his throat like a raving queen. I guaran-****ing-tee he knew what he was doing and had a bigger agenda than just "I'm happy to see my boyfriend!"

He wanted attention. I hope the Marine Corps gives him plenty of attention.

03-03-12, 19:50
If Sgt. So-and-so wants to suck a fat dick, cool, thats his perogative. But in public, and especially in uniform, he will act like a GD Marine and have some damn discipline, respect, and honor.


Act like the professional you were trained to be.

03-03-12, 19:53
Holy shit i know that guy.

On a final note Euro, since you apparently know this individual and likely have direct or indirect access to his CO, please take the time to voice your displeasure. This needs to be nipped in the bud and every voice out there will matter.

Write, email, call, whatever. Do something regardless should you deem it insignificant. If you would be so kind.

03-03-12, 20:09
On a final note Euro, since you apparently know this individual and likely have direct or indirect access to his CO, please take the time to voice your displeasure. This needs to be nipped in the bud and every voice out there will matter.

Write, email, call, whatever. Do something regardless should you deem it insignificant. If you would be so kind.

Read my post on the 2nd page. I am no longer in but my buddy is still in his unit and his CO has already mentioned it as being unacceptable.

However I'm not sure if anything punitive will result from this. (After all, no one wants to get the gay guy in trouble)

03-03-12, 20:16
Im torn on this one.

What happens in the field stays there right? Marines do some really gay shit in the bush.


But then I think about how our snipers are getting shit for pissing on dead bodies and having thier long held"SS" logo which kinda looks like the SS bolts but not really, then this guy dose this and it's seen as a triumph for civil rights and tolerance. Blah. Either leave our Hoag's alone, or burn this guy like the rest of them.

He must have been hanging around the afghans too long.

Also, the law of lesbians being awesome is still in effect. Double standard? Cry about it.

03-03-12, 20:31
Im torn on this one...


03-03-12, 21:05
The point of my post is the social decay and the defense of it by the masses, so PDA policy or not, I doubt a repremand or complaint will go anywhere... It is the new NORMAL... No one will touch this with a 10-foot pole. Marines or no Marines, brass will toe the line, and many will go further and cheer it on to promote diversity, acceptance and rejection of discrimination...

And those raised nails will be sent to diversity training...


03-03-12, 22:29
Nothing, it's all good. Gay people are less than human, should be kept away from "normal" society, letting them exist as equal human being under the law and US Const = the end of families, US values, and what ever other BS people wanna think and all that.

Honestly, I could pretty much care less if somebody is gay. I don't think they are normal, but I don't think a lot of people are normal. And in almost every social situation they should be equals.

I do have a problem with the promotion of homosexuality and the related agenda that usually comes with it. Basically I don't care but at the same time I don't want to deal with it. I could care less if they get married or whatever, live your life and good luck.

I don't even have a problem with gay people in certain military jobs, but when it comes to combat I think it complicates the issue (same reason we have tried to keep women off the front lines). There is of course the old joke about the Navy and I think it will always be there, but I also remember the USS Iowa and what can happen.

This issue isn't as simple as racial integration of the military.

03-04-12, 00:35
Well said LS-HD. That fact that this photo somehow fails to cause national outrage shows that we are undoubtedly ****ed and it is simply a matter of time.

+1 to that.

03-04-12, 00:40
I see some common sense, and some real ignorant stupid sh^%, and I don't expect those posting it to know the difference per se or agree with me.

I thought LowSpeed_HighDrag comments were as common sense, objective, and realistic as one could ask for really.

I don't give a damn what people do with other consenting adults, but decorum and respect for the uniform applies to all. However, it's important to apply those standards equally to all, regardless of sexual orientation.

As I mentioned earlier Ive been to at least 12 welcoming home ceremonies and Ive never seen anything like that. I can't speak for every unit or situation just what Ive witnessed and know of regulations pertaining to displays of affection.

In my experience these ceremonies are done as quick as possible, yes people go up and hug and kiss, and then its GTFO time. When I went through my last one ours was held in the gym, and the shopette was between the gym and my barracks room. All of us single guys got a beer/booze and went to party in the barracks. The married people kissed/hugged (briefly) and left to go back to their quarters. Ive never seen a person, either service member or spouse JUMP on another person and then give them a big smooch. Everyone knows you can't be swapping spit and making a scene. These things are for blah blah blah you all did a great job and welcome home. Its not a place to make a big scene and violate decorum in uniform.

I am personally against openly serving gays but am ok with gay marriage. Had my share of debates about it on this site. I think it would be unbecoming of any service member to do 'that' at an official ceremony. When we were off duty and at the bar? Sure...after my 2nd deployment we had a unit night of drinking and basically took over a restaurant in Germany. Spouses were there. People kissed and hugged. That is different. Its not a ceremony where we are in uniform and where pictures are being taken where the whole world is going to see it.

As for the anti gay comments I don't really care what two consenting adults do their own bedroom. I don't even care if gays get married. I don't think its the downfall of society and thats theres some unwritten code we're all supposed to follow. Some people do.

Not picking on you but its not really fair to the discussion when people post broad comments aimed at no one in particular. Im not telling you what to do but it helps the flow of things to comment on particular posts, and you can even use the multiple quotes tag on the lower right to quote multiple posters at once.

Just a Jarhead
03-04-12, 05:39
Absolutely Repulsive!

"those who ignore history are damned to repeat it"!

and we're following in the footsteps of ancient Rome lock, stock & barrel, in every way. From over-extended military, looking to Rome for handouts, to the prevalence of homosexuality. This is Rome all over again & the horse is out of the barn. It's only a matter of time, we're all watching Rome fall once more right before our very eyes. Hedonistic, perverse, dependent mentality. Disagree? Go read friggin history! When a nation acts like this it is doomed.

It's like stupid people. Stupid people are blessed with being so stupid they don't know they're stupid. Could you imagine being stupid and knowing you were stupid? We've become so vile & perverse we don't even know we're vile & perverse anymore. Exception being it's not a blessing...but rather a curse. We've become a nation of "reprobate's".

Hopefully the 1st amendment still has some meaning around here and my post doesn't get deleted!

03-04-12, 07:01
yea Rome fell because of the gays. It all makes sense now

They used the same argument back in the 1940s when they wanted to integrate blacks into the military.

03-04-12, 07:07
yea Rome fell because of the gays. It all makes sense now

Would you deny that their free fall into total hedonism precipitated their collapse?

Just a Jarhead
03-04-12, 07:08
yea Rome fell because of the gays. It all makes sense now

Don't be a jackass. Or are you one of the stupid ones that is so stupid they don't know they're stupid?

No one said any one thing caused it as there were many, but homosexuality was certainly a declining factor. There are many symptoms of a declining civilization. History has taught SOME of us this! The decline of the TRADITIONAL family and family values was certainly a factor in the fall of Rome. And in the U.S., we're currently displaying many of the other factors as well.


03-04-12, 07:43
This thread needs to get back on track. This isn't about the morality of Homosexuality etc.. Its about respecting the uniform you wear and military discipline. The fallout from this is going to have negative consequences for both honorable strait and gay military members.

Just a Jarhead
03-04-12, 09:28
This thread needs to get back on track. This isn't about the morality of Homosexuality etc.. Its about respecting the uniform you wear and military discipline. The fallout from this is going to have negative consequences for both honorable strait and gay military members.

Yes, you're 100% correct! The only thing repulsive and reprehensible about seeing that, is that it was done in uniform. Once again, my bad! Had there not been a uniform involved, it would have been amazingly beautiful, so so sweet and loving!

In my best Jack Nicholson voice, "you can't handle the truth son"! As for me, I refuse to be a politically correct sap. Some of us are still strong enough & man enough to call a spade a spade...without fear of being castigated, called a homophobe or any other trite name liberals try to use to silence us! They have the right to do what ever they want, and I have the right to call it vile, perverse, unnatural, reprehensible, disgusting and that it repulses me etc etc etc.

03-04-12, 09:36
This thread needs to get back on track. This isn't about the morality of Homosexuality etc.. Its about respecting the uniform you wear and military discipline. The fallout from this is going to have negative consequences for both honorable strait and gay military members.

Good point keep it behind closed doors out of sight out of mind

03-04-12, 09:55

03-04-12, 10:12
Funny, I see on the news all the time soldiers in uniform being greeted by their wives in the same manner when they get back and I have yet to see a single thread about it, or even hear of a complaint.

For a bunch of people who are all about the constitution and equal rights you sure do take offense to this pic.

I expected better of this community.

03-04-12, 10:15
The liberal media is having a field day with this story, they think it's just fantastic. Not one negative word from a major network commentator anywhere, no condemnation of any sort.

Maybe we need to have some sort of military conflict on this continent in order to wake people the **** up, because right now the complacency is absolutely frightening. We are becoming as soft as our marshmallow president and it's just bad.

03-04-12, 10:21
This thread needs to get back on track. This isn't about the morality of Homosexuality etc.. Its about respecting the uniform you wear and military discipline. The fallout from this is going to have negative consequences for both honorable strait and gay military members.

Show me a thread complaining of straight couples doing this then.

03-04-12, 10:33
Funny, I see on the news all the time soldiers in uniform being greeted by their wives in the same manner when they get back and I have yet to see a single thread about it, or even hear of a complaint.

For a bunch of people who are all about the constitution and equal rights you sure do take offense to this pic.

I expected better of this community.Many things that are legal and Constitutionally protected are offensive to some. Being offended makes you a bigot now. I suppose your not offended by the KKK and NAMBLA?

03-04-12, 10:42
Show me a thread complaining of straight couples doing this then.

What is the point you are trying to make here? Do you also actually believe it's all about hate for gays? Despite the fact that some of us may find the image nauseating, can you really not see the far bigger and broader picture?

If somehow this is the case (and that's real hard to believe), let me summarize:

*Our president bows to muslim dictators.

*He does all he can to appease our overt and also covert enemies until that option is exhausted, then he tries once more.

*Our military is being defunded as those same enemies abroad strengthen theirs at an ever increasing pace. The Russians and Chinese pay him absolutely no heed whatsoever, he has earned none of their respect. Forget the maniac but dopey muslim extremists, it's the Russians and Chinese we need to be paying close attention to.

*As Iran rushes toward nuclear weapon capability, he sits back and chastises Israel with that douche Sarcozy.

And now, all that aside, we have a male Marine virtually humping another man in public, in uniform, for all the world to see. But more frightening than that is the endorsement the debacle has received by the major news outlets, like it's just such a feel good story.

Well guess what people? Feel good stories aren't how we got here and they sure as **** won't sustain us in what is just as sure to be a very complex and possibly dangerous future. My God why does this need clarification here?

03-04-12, 10:45
Show me a thread complaining of straight couples doing this then.I won't waste my time. Their most likely aren't any. I don't really object to the kiss, its the riding your partner that I find over the top. Remember the UCMJ and the Constitution are two separate things. The rights you have as a civilian vs a Military member differ. The last part of my statement saying that the fallout will have negative consequences for both sides most likely means the the Military will establish a draconian Zero Tolerance Policy referring to PDA (public display of affection) in uniform. Since both sides can't play nice, all will now suffer.

03-04-12, 10:45
What is the point you are trying to make here?

For starters if it were about respect for the uniform wouldn't we see more threads about all the straight people hugging and kissing, or is that ok because that is what you do?

Do you also actually believe it's all about hate for gays?

If it were not about that why are there ZERO complaints about straight couples doing this?

03-04-12, 10:47
You don't see Heteros wrapping their legs around each other trying to create a full spectical during home coming ceremonies either.

I don't give two shits about the liberal media giving this BS a thumbs up. I will not put up with other people forcing their collective BS liberal agenda down my throat, to include gays. Guys liking guys, shaving each others hairy asses or sucking on cheesy foreskin is not "natural", nor is it acceptable in most Americans eyes, faith or beliefs. What people do behind closed doors is their business. The minute it's thrown in my face or jumps into my yard, I'm hacking it off with a chain saw.

Funny, I see on the news all the time soldiers in uniform being greeted by their wives in the same manner when they get back and I have yet to see a single thread about it, or even hear of a complaint.

For a bunch of people who are all about the constitution and equal rights you sure do take offense to this pic.

I expected better of this community.

03-04-12, 10:51
You don't see Heteros wrapping their legs around each other trying to create a full spectical during home coming ceremonies either.

I don't give two shits about the liberal media giving this BS a thumbs up. I will not put up with other people forcing their collective BS liberal agenda down my throat, to include gays. Guys liking guys, shaving each others hairy asses or sucking on cheesy foreskin is not "natural", nor is it acceptable in most Americans eyes, faith or beliefs. What people do behind closed doors is their business. The minute it's thrown in my face or jumps into my yard, I'm hacking it off with a chain saw.

So no one's wife ever, in the history of man, ever jumped into her husbands arms as he got off the plane?

Sounds like you really need to just grow up. No one is trying to make you do anything.

What are your thoughts on heterosexual couples doing the same thing in public? I bet you don't care one bit.

03-04-12, 10:59
Grow up? I'm damn near 50, with 22 years of military service. The term that most people describe me as, is "realist". You need to "wake up" from that dream state liberal thinking and stop drinking that toxic liberal degenerate kool aid. The overwhelming majority of this country is not what you think it is, and despite what you think you know, it ain't liberal...far from it.

So no one's wife ever, in the history of man, ever jumped into her husbands arms as he got off the plane?

Sounds like you really need to just grow up. No one is trying to make you do anything.

What are your thoughts on heterosexual couples doing the same thing in public? I bet you don't care one bit.

03-04-12, 11:04
What are your thoughts on heterosexual couples doing the same thing in public? I bet you don't care one bit.

But Orion can't you understand that this is not the point being expressed? Shall we be content lecture our enemies overseas, who will undoubtedly find the image as a display of weakness, that they are just uptight and misguided?

03-04-12, 11:04
So two guys kiss and the world ends? Got it.

All about equal rights, as long as they are equal to what you see fit.

All about no PDA's in the military, as long as "none of them there queers start kissin' in public..."

03-04-12, 11:04
For starters if it were about respect for the uniform wouldn't we see more threads about all the straight people hugging and kissing, or is that ok because that is what you do?

If it were not about that why are there ZERO complaints about straight couples doing this?Technically your right. No one complains about the straits. Thats because the straits represent the majority and traditional values. Also society in general is more culturally liberal today. In the past and even today in some ultraconservative societies, such behavior wouldn't be tolerated. Here in New England in the 1600's with the Puritans or today in certain Muslim countries for example.

03-04-12, 11:15
All about equal rights, as long as they are equal to what you see fit.

Please don't pollute this thread with idealogical garbage. If you want to go down this simpleton road then we can discuss the right of one man to marry multiple women or even the 12 year old boy next door so long as he consents. After all, who are we to judge?

But maybe your tolerance stretches that far, who knows at this point.

03-04-12, 11:17
Please don't pollute this thread with idealogical garbage. If you want to go down this simpleton road then we can discuss the right of one man to marry multiple women or even the 12 year old boy next door so long as he consents. After all, who are we to judge?

But maybe your tolerance stretches that far, who knows at this point.

Sure, and what is your next point? People wanting to marry their dogs?

As I said before, I expected better of this community. Oh well.

03-04-12, 11:19
He wanted attention. I hope the Marine Corps gives him plenty of attention.

I agree with this 100%, so long as anyone who does this gets the same attention. That will be the case if it is indeed about something bigger, the uniform/Marine Corps/____. Sadly I do not believe that would be the case.

03-04-12, 11:20
So two guys kiss and the world ends? Got it.

All about equal rights, as long as they are equal to what you see fit.

All about no PDA's in the military, as long as "none of them there queers start kissin' in public..."

Notice that you are the only person fixated on equal rights in the military?

03-04-12, 11:22
Sure, and what is your next point? People wanting to marry their dogs?

What is your problem with a man marrying his dog? Just because you may not like it, doesn't that man and his dog have a right to be happy? Who are you to judge either of them?

As I said before, I expected better of this community.


03-04-12, 11:24
Dude, you're just a liberal ideolog who just doesn't get it. Who's trying to force their beliefs down my throat, look in the mirror...people just like you. You and yours, will NEVER accept a thought or idea outside of your own. When confronted with facts and logic, liberals want to get violent, until you get your ass stomped, then you cry fowl and claim to be victimized and oppressed. YOU are what's wrong with this country.

So two guys kiss and the world ends? Got it.

All about equal rights, as long as they are equal to what you see fit.

All about no PDA's in the military, as long as "none of them there queers start kissin' in public..."

03-04-12, 11:25
I agree with this 100%, so long as anyone who does this gets the same attention. That will be the case if it is indeed about something bigger, the uniform/Marine Corps/____. Sadly I do not believe that would be the case.

In every command Ive been in this would not be allowed at a ceremony, and its never happened at any of them Ive been to as either coming back home myself or being there for other people coming home.

Im not saying its never happened before, and Im sure it probably has. Maybe some commands don't take it as seriously as others. Doesn't mean this unit cannot discipline people as they see fit because somewhere, at some point, a heterosexual spouse of a service member jumped into someones arms.

I have seen people get UCMJ action for using a cell phone during a FTX. Does the fact at some point in history a unit allowed people to use cell phones during FTX's mean the unit I was in could not set their own rules or discipline people as they see fit (within their lawful authority and command)?

03-04-12, 11:38
Dude, you're just a liberal ideolog who just doesn't get it. Who's trying to force their beliefs down my throat, look in the mirror...people just like you. You and yours, will NEVER accept a thought or idea outside of your own. When confronted with facts and logic, liberals want to get violent, until you get your ass stomped, then you cry fowl and claim to be victimized and oppressed. YOU are what's wrong with this country.

Oh, that's what I am? How is a homosexual couple forcing their beliefs down your throat if they kiss? Wouldn't it be the same if a straight couple were kissing in public?

But hey, there once was a time where metal music was the end of the world too.

In every command Ive been in this would not be allowed at a ceremony, and its never happened at any of them Ive been to as either coming back home myself or being there for other people coming home.

Im not saying its never happened before, and Im sure it probably has. Maybe some commands don't take it as seriously as others. Doesn't mean this unit cannot discipline people as they see fit because somewhere, at some point, a heterosexual spouse of a service member jumped into someones arms.

I have seen people get UCMJ action for using a cell phone during a FTX. Does the fact at some point in history a unit allowed people to use cell phones during FTX's mean the unit I was in could not set their own rules or discipline people as they see fit (within their lawful authority and command)?
If that is the case that is great, and how it should be. If the rules are applied in the same manner to all people there should be no issue.

03-04-12, 11:53
You're either dim witted or intentionally missing the point...again. It's you and the liberal media that's trying to force the gay agenda down the throats of conservatives and the rest of the country as being "normal". The "kiss" pic is just the latest liberal media attack on most peoples morality, faiths and beliefs...get it now?

Oh, that's what I am? How is a homosexual couple forcing their beliefs down your throat if they kiss? Wouldn't it be the same if a straight couple were kissing in public?

03-04-12, 11:54
What is the gay agenda? To be treated exactly the same as a straight person?

03-04-12, 11:56
Are you gay?

What is the gay agenda? To be treated exactly the same as a straight person?

03-04-12, 11:57
I am a male happily married to a female, if that is even relevant.

03-04-12, 12:01
I am a male happily married to a female, if that is even relevant.

Good for you, but you still have yet to answer my question regarding why a man can't marry his dog. I guess you're too prejudice against both of them to do so.

03-04-12, 12:02
How does a dog consent?

03-04-12, 12:05
We are going to take a brief time out on this thread before shit gets too deep and people get banned..