View Full Version : I am lucky to be alive. (Pics and video of my stupidity)

03-04-12, 16:55
No really. I came damn close to not being.

Thursday night they started warning us that there we were in store for "The Worst storms in this regions history" Of course knowing how accurate weather forecasting is I posted on Facebook that I give it 50/50 odds of either getting a light drizzle or being carried away by the storms.

Oh how I regret being a smartass at times.

See I live in Henryville Indiana. Maybe you have seen us on the news for the fact that we pretty much aren't there anymore.

The sirens had been going off for about 45 minutes but there was no sign of tornadoes. I decided to check on a couple neighbors of mine who had recently had children and see if they needed anything since the news had said we had at least a half an hour before it got really bad.

At 3:12 on I took the following photo as I walked out my front door.

As you can see it is cloudy and overcast but doesn't look like death. So I walk around the road to my neighbors house and she is fine. Doesn't need anything but is going to go take her baby into the bathroom just in case. Great. So I start waling back around to my house.

The wind really started to pick up and I lost my favorite BCM Hat. :(
I turned around thinking i may go back to my friends just in case when I notice something.

So at exactly 3:20 I take the following photo.

Yeah that is what I see. And that would be what I like to refer to as a "Bad thing"

So I duck under the front porch of the nearest house. I don't know the owner but she is having some work down and the work crew is there watching this thing. While there I took the following video.


Yes that is me cussing and about halfway through saying that maybe we should go inside. It looked like it was cutting across to my friends neighborhood where his wife and kid were. He is a Police officer and was on duty. I am trying to call him on my phone while filming this with my camera. Thankfully it missed his place and they are all fine by the way.

After it passed I started heading back to my place stopping to help where I could. And before I made it back the hail started. And by hail I don't mean small pieces of ice. I mean Holy shit we are all going to die hail. Softball sized hail that lasted about 3 minutes.

Here is one I found.

That one is about the average size of hail that I found. A lot was bigger.

The hail was so bad that it punched through the shingles on my roof and the plywood underneath. Water poured in and did a lot of damage. My roof and siding looks like I was in a firefight. Holes clean through But in the end I got off pretty lucky. The town proper is gone. The school was leveled the gas station I always go to is destroyed. This beautiful farmhouse that I always wanted to live in is just gone. Nothing is left but a hole in the ground. One house near the school has the remains of a Blue SUV in it. Nobody in the entire neighborhood owned a blue SUV. They don't know where it came from.

The devastation is pretty much complete. As bad as it looks on TV the reality is so much worse. Luckily I planned ahead. I had plenty of water, supplies, etc. Believe it or not my power was back on that same night by around 11. Of course I am on the same grid as the Fire Department where they set up the Command post. So that had a lot to do with it. I also have water but it is not potable right now so I am relying on my supplies. My house however is in bad shape. I can live in it but have probably 30K in damage total. My parent had not damage and they live about 4 miles away. However they are without power and water. Except for their generator.

That first night I was able to upload my photos to Facebook from my phone. My ex wife actually posted them to CNN ireport giving me credit. They called me and did a phone interview. I mentioned the video and they wanted to see it. The Producer said it was one of the most amazing things they have seen and asked me to do an interview live on camera. I hate being on camera. But I figure anything getting attention to the area and bringing in more help is a good thing. So I did it.

So not only did they use my photo as the front page image on cnn.com but they had me live on there at 7:00 last night.


Not my greatest moment. But at least I was rocking the Noveske hat!! Sorry BCM. I would have pimped you all but I think my hate is somewhere in Ohio now. Grant if you happen to see one blowing along it is probably mine.

Seriously though, all in all I got lucky. The damage is terrible and at least I still have a house. I don't know why i was so stupid as to stand out in the open with a tornado going by 100 yards away or so. But I did.

After the storm was over I spent the rest of the night helping my neighbors board up windows, etc. And I have to give a shout out to surefire. My collection of 6PXs came in very handy. One got lost in the commotion of trying to work on roofs, etc, but in the grand scheme of thing a single light is a small thing compared to the overall situation.

ETA: By the way, the town is under a state of emergency. Almost martial law. 6PM-6AM curfew, showing ID to get into town, overall a nasty situation. Lots of National Guard patrolling around at night police in from all over the state. I am glad for the help. I just with I hadn't had a run in with that one jackass that every area has last night.

03-04-12, 17:01
I'm glad you and yours are OK man, that was scary stuff.

03-04-12, 17:05
Holy shit!
Glad you and yours are OK.

03-04-12, 17:20
Wow! They are still looking for bodies I gather. :(

03-04-12, 17:27
WOW I have never seen anything like that, glad your ok. Was anyone you know hit with one of them?

03-04-12, 17:27
Holy shit, glad you guys are ok.

Note to self: purchase a hard hat or 2.

03-04-12, 17:29
I didn't see ours but I heard it at 4:37am on Wednesday. Sounded like the house was coming down on us.

My house



My pole barn

What's left of our office and shop/warehouse

One of our job storage trailers

03-04-12, 17:43
Will. Believe it or not. The death toll in town stands at two. Our town is gone. But we remain. We will rebuild.

03-04-12, 17:45
Good grief Kev and Ryr, glad you are ok. These storms have been devastating.

03-04-12, 17:55
Will. Believe it or not. The death toll in town stands at two. Our town is gone. But we remain. We will rebuild.

I meant total death toll from various areas hit by those collection of storms. It's over 30 people no? Lots of damage there! Wow again!

03-04-12, 17:56
Our tornado proceeded on to Harrisburg, IL which is about 15 miles east of me. Unfortunately 6 people were killed there. No one hurt here. Wife sprained her knee getting the grandkids in the closet, we had 2 of them spending the night.

I took the rest of the week off and dealt with insurance and hiring someone to temp my roof in. I temped my windows in. Spent the rest of the time cutting up an oak in my parent's driveway. They live on the other side of what used to be our office and shop.

Going back to work tomorrow and will clean my trees up in my spare time. People have already cleaned up most of the scrap metal just for the salvage.
My adjuster says he's at $13,200 on my house plus the estimate to rebuild my pole barn is $12,500. He said he doesn't know chimneys so that will pretty much be in addition to the 13 grand. That all doesn't include the personal property losses from stuff in the yard and pole barn which will be in the thousands.

Neighbor brought a backhoe over and pushed the back wall of the pole barn off of my polaris so we could get it out. Roll bar is bent on it but it still runs and is coming in damn handy.

03-04-12, 18:01
Glad you and yours are okay.

Went through one in '73. Thought I was gonna die. I was fourteen at the time and I was terrified.

03-04-12, 18:22
Kevin you presented yourself articulately. Im sure, not one of those CNN libtards noticed the Noveske hat.

03-04-12, 18:27
Ouch brother, that hurt to read and I am so sorry. It also stings to watch the news stories, but yours has hit home even more.

Prayers to you and your neighbors my friend. Godspeed to everyone reclaiming normalcy in their lives.

03-04-12, 18:46
So at exactly 3:20 I take the following photo.

Seriously though, all in all I got lucky. The damage is terrible and at least I still have a house. I don't know why i was so stupid as to stand out in the open with a tornado going by 100 yards away or so. But I did.

First and foremost, I'm damn glad to hear your alright....property can be replaced in time, your health not so much:)

Secondly....AWESOME PIC....devastatingly beautiful, and it's my new screensaver if you don't mind.

Lastly, I live in AL...and watched the April 27th epic outbreak(specifically the F5 that rolled through just north of Bham), and over the years find myself completely captivated by these monster twisters being that I live in Dixie Alley. So with that said I actually understand why you stood your ground....how can you turn away from that type of awe inspiring beauty and power that was so nicely captured in your pic above. Stupid yes.....staring a monster twister down up close, f**king priceless in my book!

03-04-12, 18:58
Very glad you and yours are okay!

I have a friend in KY who rode out the first wave on Wednesday in his travel trailer (they are building a home and staying in the trailer).

The second wave he rode out at a neighbor's home.

He posted some amazing photos and video on his fb page.

We will continue to pray for you folks!

03-04-12, 19:32
I want to give a big shout out to the utility workers. The main lines (about 6 powerlines) were blown down across the road, poles snapped in half for about 3/16 of a mile. My pole in my yard bringing power to my weather head was snapped in half.

The main grid about a mile west of here took a big hit and was down.

I had no hope of electricity for at least a few days, especially after I heard of the devastation in Harrisburg. They worked all day out here getting the main lines jacked back up and poles set. I told the wife not to hope for anything, they wouldn't be hooking our power up to our individual house in the dark. I had a generator running, cords strung all over the place to 2 freezers, fridge, my computer, modem, and the tv and sat box.

About 10:30 on the night after the morning of the storm (approx. 18 hrs after the tornado hit us) a pole truck backed into my driveway. An hour later we had electricity. I was amazed.

03-04-12, 19:37
Glad your OK!

03-04-12, 20:00
About 10:30 on the night after the morning of the storm (approx. 18 hrs after the tornado hit us) a pole truck backed into my driveway. An hour later we had electricity. I was amazed.

There you go, great to hear. Also sounds like you were better prepared than I would be.

03-04-12, 20:08
There you go, great to hear. Also sounds like you were better prepared than I would be.

Not really. I didn't own a generator until that morning. I called my son to tell him I was sending the employee from my job to his job and asked to borrow his generator. Went to pick it up about 6 am since he has to leave by 15 after to get to his job.

He helped me load it and I told him I was definitely going to buy one. He said just keep it and we'd make a deal later. He needed a bigger one to power the fancy compressor he uses to fill air tanks to sell air to his paintball league.

So through luck I now have a generator. If I had already bought a generator it would have been in the pole barn and I couldn't have got to it. Another lesson learned, I'll keep this one in the garage I guess.

03-04-12, 20:35
Glad youre okay buddy.

PM me your address and this brand spankin new BCM hat is all yours. Came with my Kino and I dont wear hats.


03-04-12, 21:02
Amazing (and terrifying) photos and video. Glad you and your families are OK.

03-04-12, 21:14
Thanks everyone. It has been an intense few days to say the least. The rescue and relief effort has been great. I have seen police from every corner of the state. Electric company trucks with out of state tags, volunteers coming in with Virginia plates. You get the point.

Trident feel free to use the photo. But if you post it anywhere else just give me credit if you don't mind. It really has become very popular because of CNN using it. I didn't think it was that great at first. But I guess that is because I was there and the photo pales in comparison to seeing it.

For anyone wondering this ended up being a EF-4 on with winds of 175-180mph.

Here are a couple more photos of the town.

This is the gas station where I normally went. Knew the guy who worked 3rd shift there pretty well since I stopped in a lot. They also had a subway in there where I would grab lunch sometimes. Locally owned by an Indian family. Good people. Thankfully they all are ok.

For the record the semi trailer and bus were not always in the building. :D

This is also the gas station. But see that empty space on the right where there are just some stripped trees. There used to be a huge white farmhouse there. Beautiful place. I always wanted it. Now it is a hole.


Finally this is a small restaurant across from the school. You have probably seen this one on TV. Like the gas station, this didn't used to have a bus in it either.
(This is not my photo)


Here is the school. Not my photo either but I wanted you all to see the damage.

03-04-12, 21:49
No doubt pal, I just clicked over it and hit " set as desktop background ". I just wanted to stare at it for a day or so. Ive honestly looked at tons of google images for tornadoes, and your pic is certainly one of the most captivating ones I've ever seen....in large part because it appears to be spawning in full strength right over your head.

It's like the mothership formation spawned it out right on top of your position.

Well wishes for all those affected by this large outbreak, and thanks for sharing your pics and story with us all.

ETA: I was uploading a youtube video when I was reading this earlier and just now got to watch your video.....WOW!!!!

03-04-12, 22:00
Glad you guys are ok.

Amazing pics and vid.

03-04-12, 22:44
Prayers sent for you and all others affected by this tragedy.

I used to live south of you. We saw some bad weather at times, but nothing like what you experienced.

03-04-12, 23:45
Holy hell in a hand basket! :eek:

Glad to hear your hat didn't take you with it.

03-05-12, 01:04
Holy!! Glad you and yours are ok kwels. I can relate to what you are going through. Same thing happened to us in Fayetteville last year. Clean up was a pain and my 1sg and CO let me take some leave to help the folks out. The guys at Grey Group were doing doing security patrols with the police to keep looting away.

I'll say this too. If you find yourself needing help and want to put me up I'll come down and give you guys a hand. Great job on the interview btw I think you sounded alot better than the "this is what the tornado sounded like" folks you see sometimes.

Reagans Rascals
03-05-12, 01:28
as shitty of a situation it is..... I've never met anyone in life that's ever been anywhere near that close to a tornado... much less one that is forming right above them... and even much much more less be able to video the entire thing...

consider it something in life that however tragic, is still a wonder to behold

watch the film "Take Shelter".... very good flilm

you're not by chance in the middle of a divorce from Helen Hunt are you?....should we call you Bill?

03-05-12, 03:54
WOW amazing story for sure !!!!

have to say Hats off to you :) pun intended for checking on your neighbors !!! dude that is the stuff that sadly does not seem to happen as much anymore and for you to do that shows their are great people out their still !!!!!

bummer about the house hope insurance covers it ? glad you are still here

03-05-12, 08:56
Do you need anything?

Alex F
03-05-12, 09:19
I'm glad to hear that you and yours are OK.

RIP to the victims of this last storm :(

03-05-12, 09:27
Thanks again everyone. I don't really need anything at this point. I am a bit worried about covering my insurance deductible but that is a minor thing for later. The town as a whole however needs a lot of help. The Red cross has been taking collections of money and items so anyone close that feel like helping can go that route.

Last night to add insult to injury we got about an inch of snow. Not enough to be a real problem normally but enough to really screw with cleanup and recovery.

03-05-12, 13:02
Here are some photos of my house.
Most of the damage has been covered but this is some you can still see.

This is one of the holes in my roof. You could drop a golf ball through the hole and onto the insulation between the joists. There are about a dozen of these and about double that in holes that only splintered the wood underneath.

This one just shows how cleanly it was breaking the shingles.

And this is some of the siding of my house.

This part isn't too bad but I have tarps over the rest. 3 sides of my house look like this.


03-05-12, 13:25
Kevin, you are a crazy man!
I'm glad to see you made it out OK.
I hope your community rebuilds and gets back on it's feet in short order.

03-05-12, 13:25
I'm glad you're OK, and survived the experience intact (sans hat). I've chased three tornadoes in my life, and wouldn't mind chasing more... but it's a lot DIFFERENT, than when they're chasing YOU through your own neighborhood!

My sister, in se TN, had 4 pass within a few miles of her that same day. VERY hair-raising for her, since they just moved there before Christmas! :eek:

Mauser KAR98K
03-05-12, 16:10
great video, Kwelz, and am so glad you made it through. I take it you're heavy in the clean up?

I'm glad you're OK, and survived the experience intact (sans hat). I've chased three tornadoes in my life, and wouldn't mind chasing more... but it's a lot DIFFERENT, than when they're chasing YOU through your own neighborhood!

My sister, in se TN, had 4 pass within a few miles of her that same day. VERY hair-raising for her, since they just moved there before Christmas! :eek:

What region does she live. We had several pass near us. The town where I do ride-alongs with local PD had one pass south of it. Apparently, the tornado traveled across three counties. No fatalities though. Can't say the same for Cumberland county.

03-05-12, 17:31
I'll echo everything else that everyone's already said and add:

Way to go rocking Noveske on CNN! I bet they had no idea what your hat even meant.

Where was it filmed at? I'm assuming they meant to have the schoolbus in the background...

03-05-12, 17:46
neat story...no doubt we all turn our noses at mother nature only to get sucker punched.

Growing up along the coast as a kid, I remember big groups of my folks friends having hurricane parties and just rolling with it. Looking back, we had a blast & it gave me a meh attitude towards them...especially being a little inwards and not having to worry about a direct storm surge. It's those tornados in the cells that scare me more than anything now that I'm grown.

Only advice I can give someone with advance notice to an incoming storm is to get the wife & kids OUT...there is nothing worse than being w/out electricity for 3 days & listening to nagging that is out of your control. I have a generator that will run everything accept the AC...told them next storm they are all driving to my sister's upstate or I will start kicking people in the taint if they complain about no electricity.

GTF over it and STFU or leave the house...I will never put myself through that torture ever again.

03-05-12, 18:23
I'll echo everything else that everyone's already said and add:

Way to go rocking Noveske on CNN! I bet they had no idea what your hat even meant.

Where was it filmed at? I'm assuming they meant to have the schoolbus in the background...

I was in front of the restaurant across from the school. If you look up at some of the photos I posted you will see it. The bus is sticking out of the restaurants front. That bus was originally parked in front of the main part of the school. about 50-75 yards away from where it landed.

03-05-12, 19:02
I'm glad you and your friends made it ok kwelz. That is some scary stuff. Thanks for sharing, even though I was nowhere near it this feels like a gut check.