View Full Version : Magnifier

03-06-12, 10:47
Hey. Im new on here and to owning an AR. I currently have a Eotech sight on it and am looking for a magnifier for it. I hope you guys can help me out.

03-06-12, 10:54
Give us more details. The minimum people will need to start giving suggestions are the basics

What type of gun?
What model EOTech do you own?
What will it be used for? (i.e. Only at the range, HD, hunting, etc)
What are the typical distances you use?
What magnification are you looking for?
What is your price range?

03-06-12, 11:02
What type of gun?
M&P 15

What model EOTech do you own?
I think a 512 but not too sure. Ill check when i get home.

What will it be used for? (i.e. Only at the range, HD, hunting, etc)
Mostly range use. A good friend is a Swat sniper and 2 other friends and my cousin are police officers so i shoot alot with them.

What are the typical distances you use?
100 yards maybe 200 at most.

What magnification are you looking for? 2X-3X would be good.

What is your price range?
Price really dosnt matter but id like to stay around $500-$700.

03-06-12, 11:05
Aimpoint 3x mag.

03-06-12, 11:07
Try Bravo Company:

here is a link with a Eotech 3x flip-to-side mount. $549.....if you want to stick with Eotech...



Aimpoint 3x flip-to side....$605 (my personal choice/recommendation)


03-06-12, 11:07
Aimpoint 3x mag.


03-06-12, 11:25
Since you're already running Eotech and have a good budget, you might want to check out the new G33 magnifier they have coming out soon. Shorter, lighter, an adjustable diopter and an improved flip-to-side mount. Might be worth a consideration next to the previously recommended Aimpoint 3x.

03-06-12, 11:27
Try Bravo Company:

here is a link with a Eotech 3x flip-to-side mount. $549.....if you want to stick with Eotech...


This is a good magnifier, but in another month or so, Eotech will be releasing their G33 magnifier, which will be the same price as the G23, but reportedly much better.

03-06-12, 11:43
I did not know eotech was coming out with a new mag. I would check that out too.
I have an aimpoint 3x that I run behind a t-1 and it is of great quality. Clear glass, and all. I love it.

03-06-12, 11:50
Thanks for the choices. Ill do some research on them tonight when i get home.

03-06-12, 11:54
We have two Search options. Use them before starting a new thread. Questions like this, the chances that you're the first cat to ask it are slim to none.

Grey Search, using keyword "magnifier, limited to thread titles only and to the Optics subforum: https://www.m4carbine.net/search.php?searchid=4072512

Orange Search, keyword "EOTech magnifier": https://www.m4carbine.net/gtsearch.php?cx=003496919632624929056%3Adhiwgm0hbaa&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=EOTech+magnifier&sa=Search&siteurl=www.m4carbine.net%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchid%3D4072512&ref=www.m4carbine.net%2Fsearch.php