View Full Version : TSA X-ray machines now worthless.

03-07-12, 10:48
The billion dollar cancer causing X-ray machines are worthless. Article here. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2111417/TSA-nude-body-scanners-Jonathan-Corbett-video-exposes-loophole.html)

Engineer Jonathan Corbett has published a video where he shows how he took a small metal case through two of the TSA's $1billion fleet in a special side pocket stitched into his shirt.

This is because, he suggests, the scanners blend metallic areas into the dark background - so if an object is not directly placed on the body, it will not show up on the scan.

Demonstration video: http://youtu.be/olEoc_1ZkfA

03-07-12, 10:56
Great. Now they'll scan us side-to-side as well as front-to-back. Double the dose of X-rays per flight!

03-07-12, 10:58
According to all major university studies they pose a high risk of causing cancer. Most European countries have now banned the use of them. Dumbed down American sheep just keep bleeting and following the asshole in front of them.

Doc Safari
03-07-12, 11:08
Dumbed down American sheep just keep bleeting and following the asshole in front of them.

And that is exactly what they want. They train our children to be this from day one of pre-school all the way through retirement.

They do not care if you learn, prosper, or contribute to society as long as you are a slave with no will of your own who will obey them without question in every aspect of your life.

03-07-12, 21:18
According to all major university studies they pose a high risk of causing cancer. Most European countries have now banned the use of them. Dumbed down American sheep just keep bleeting and following the asshole in front of them.
Not me. I mainly fly for business (99% of the time) I refuse to go through and demand a pat down. Sorry I'd rather deal with the humiliation than risk my balls starting to glow. When we went to Colorado this winter I demanded pat downs for the entire family. Amazingly enough the kids and wife went through with out being even patted down. I however got extra special attention.

03-08-12, 07:22
Not me. I mainly fly for business (99% of the time) I refuse to go through and demand a pat down. Sorry I'd rather deal with the humiliation than risk my balls starting to glow. When we went to Colorado this winter I demanded pat downs for the entire family. Amazingly enough the kids and wife went through with out being even patted down. I however got extra special attention.

The problem with pat downs is they test their gloves for residue of explosives. The new scanner are WAY to sensitive and I got delayed last trip because I tested positive for explosives. The TSA guy said the new scanners tests for gun powder, I thought they only tested positive for higher order explosives. I told him I have a CCW, which made his eyes go wide till I added 'permit' at the end. I said all my stuff will test postive for GP residue. They swabbed me and my bags again and I tested positive again. They called the explosives experts and TSA gave me the 'jail-grade' pat down in a private room. (3-4 pat downs in all)

The EOD(?) guys showed up and I told them I have a CCW and I use the belt I have on to carry. They said the scanners don't test for gun powder- silly TSA agents. The EOD guys laughed, they'd never get thru security either since they said they were CCW guys too. I also had tested positive for TNT, which I actually laughed at. The EOD guys seemed from the start to know it was a red herring. They said the new scanners detect at the single molecule level, and for some reason Bose headsets sometimes test positive. Nice guys, they told some stories about how since they were EOD, I think ex-MIL, they had a devil of a time getting thru security at times because they would test positive all the time for really fun stuff.

So, skip the scanner and end up getting delayed 30min and get a prisoner grade pat down. Yeah!

03-08-12, 07:47
Great. Now they'll scan us side-to-side as well as front-to-back. Double the dose of X-rays per flight!

What? Did they ban trains & automobiles last night?

Screw the TSA & the Big Sis they rode in on. I drove to a convention in Houston (FROM Pittsburgh) a couple summers ago. Anything LONGER than that, and they can buy me a train ticket, OR, I don't REALLY need to be there. And if Touch Some Ass starts working tollboothes, I predict a new trend in 'gummint-supplied hood ornaments'... :mad:

03-08-12, 08:14
Ill bite.

I go through the scanners.

03-08-12, 09:31
I fly almost every week and opt out every time. Even when I'm only going through the metal detector and they want me to take off my hat so they can fingerF&*@ it I insist they change their gloves.

Every single time I get the biggest attitude and down right pissed off TSA dorks when I tell them not to touch me or my belongings without changing their gloves, it's rather entertaining. Challenging their "authority" and telling them what to do really gets them going. :)

06-24-12, 21:08
It helps when they actually turn the machines on:


"The TSA’s bungling reached a new low yesterday when a JFK Airport terminal had to be evacuated and hundreds of passengers marched back through security screening all because one dimwitted agent failed to realize his metal detector had been unplugged..."

06-24-12, 21:16
Yeah, I'll take the patdown every time. Funny how airport travel has been made like voting in the presidential election anymore. Lesser of two evils.

06-24-12, 22:11
Yep, I fly all the time, and I never go through the scanners. I go the metal detector route and if they want to pat me down, fine. You should see the looks on other travelers faces as TSA frisks a pilot in uniform......
I figure I get a big enough dose of radiation with my job, why do I need more?

06-24-12, 23:05
Yep, I fly all the time, and I never go through the scanners. I go the metal detector route and if they want to pat me down, fine. You should see the looks on other travelers faces as TSA frisks a pilot in uniform......
I figure I get a big enough dose of radiation with my job, why do I need more?

Hey man, you just might highjack the airplane you already have control over......

06-24-12, 23:27
There's no silver bullet- the "tried and true" metal detectors can easily miss titanium, as well as the hard plastic "letter openers" and "ice scrapers" that have been sold for decades.

06-24-12, 23:46
There's no silver bullet...
Yes there is. Its called 'profiling' and employing true security professionals. Ben Gurion International Airport in Isreal would be a great example of a successful model.

06-25-12, 12:00
We opt out of the scanners every time. If they want to waste man hours on groping my wife and I then so be it but I'm not exposing myself to more radiation then I have to. The whole TSA thing is a crock of shit anyway and NOBODY is more safe as a result.

06-25-12, 12:23
The silver bullet is that our planes all seem to be 90+ percent filled so when ever someone tries something funny, the guy next to them opens a can of whoop-ass on them. I fly 4-6 times a month and I spend so much time in security lines I see all kinds of ways to beat the system. I'm not going to mention them here because I don't want to get flagged, but there are all kinds of 'hard' and 'soft' ways to beat security its not funny.

Just saw that there is some kind of Bill in congress to increase TSAs prescence at non-airport locations. I see this as the biggest threat to gains made in CCW laws.

06-25-12, 12:23