View Full Version : M4C in Washington State news exposé

03-10-12, 15:44

Around 4:00 in along with numerous other forums

Robb Jensen
03-10-12, 15:48
We're famous! ;)

03-10-12, 15:50
Ouch. :o

Nice thing about working in an office of ONE, in my case, though! :p

03-10-12, 16:06
Personally, I'd be happy if the folks at the Emergency Management Division came here to get info.

And speaking as a senior IT geek, stuff like this happens just about everywhere. And it's usually the upper-level folks in an organization that are the worst offenders.

03-10-12, 16:36
Over 4000 sites ?
I bet that was history count not sites :)

Typical of news make it more than it is sensationalize it

03-10-12, 16:49
Is this site mentioned specifically? I'm on my phone and may have missed it.

03-10-12, 18:03
Yet our state is broke, and we just cant make any more staff cuts, as what we have is over worked, and behind. Hmmmmmm wonder why?

Heavy Metal
03-10-12, 18:14
Over 4000 sites ?
I bet that was history count not sites :)

Typical of news make it more than it is sensationalize it

Considering the department involved, I would argue M4C is a work-related site.

Unfortunately for me, it's blocked at work:p....but netnanny missed Lightfighter!:laugh:

Kind of moot when I am only in the office about two days a month.

03-10-12, 18:31
Is this site mentioned specifically? I'm on my phone and may have missed it.

No, just a snap shot of the main page with BCM's gunfighter ad.

03-10-12, 18:37
Thanks. I will have to check from a PC. I only see a shot of a bunch of people at their desks/computers.

03-10-12, 20:45

If we were to check the tax payer owned computers of our congress critters, senators, and other public officals we would find pedophile and pornography sites!

"Do as I say, not as I do."