View Full Version : Disarming the Myths Promoted By the Gun Control Lobby...

03-14-12, 13:48

As much as gun control advocates might wish otherwise, their attacks are running out of ammo. With private firearm ownership at an all-time high and violent crime rates plunging, none of the scary scenarios they advanced have materialized. Abuse of responsibility by armed citizens is rare, while successful defensive interventions against assaults on their lives and property are relatively commonplace.

National violent crime rates that soared for 30 years from the early 1960s began to decrease markedly since 1993. Last December the FBI reported that murder and other violent crime rates fell again by 6.4% during the first half of 2011 compared with the same period in 2010. A Gallup poll indicates that “Americans’ preference regarding gun laws is generally that the government enforce existing laws more strictly and not pass new laws.”

Newsweek has reported that law-abiding American citizens using guns in self-defense during 2003 shot and killed two and one-half times as many criminals as police did, and with fewer than one-fifth as many incidents as police where an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal (2% versus 11%).

Finally, on the subject of public safety, just how well have gun bans worked in other countries? Take the number of home break-ins while residents are present as an indication. In Canada and Britain, both with tough gun-control laws, nearly half of all burglaries occur when residents are present. But in the U.S. where many households are armed, only about 13% happen when someone is home.

An Undocumented Worker
03-14-12, 18:41
Whoa, hold up.

You are asking us to disarm the gun control lobby, while we arm ourselves? Don't all law abiding citizens deserve to be armed. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed, right? If the only weapon these people have is myths and twisted statistics doesn't the use of logic and facts to disarm them make us hypocrits?

Unless of course those lobbyists are all felons, and myths, lies, and statistics have been known to kill. And we certainly can't have felonious lobbyists roaming the streets with deadly weapons now can we?

This message sponsored by the letter S for sarcasm.

03-14-12, 18:43
Another recent article discussing American gun ownership from the Christian Science Monitor:

Gun Nation: Inside America's Gun-Carry Culture by Patrik Jonsson


03-14-12, 21:46
Another recent article discussing American gun ownership from the Christian Science Monitor:

Gun Nation: Inside America's Gun-Carry Culture by Patrik Jonsson


A very good read.

03-14-12, 22:24
Whoa, hold up.

You are asking us to disarm the gun control lobby, while we arm ourselves? Don't all law abiding citizens deserve to be armed. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed, right? If the only weapon these people have is myths and twisted statistics doesn't the use of logic and facts to disarm them make us hypocrits?

Might want to reread the title of the topic and actually read the article.


An Undocumented Worker
03-15-12, 07:30
Might want to reread the title of the topic and actually read the article.


Highlight the blankspace under my text on my original post ;)

03-15-12, 11:53
Highlight the blankspace under my text on my original post ;)

okie dokie

03-15-12, 14:18
Highlight the blankspace under my text on my original post ;)

Berry berry sneaky. :D

03-16-12, 12:33
The anti-gun lobby/camp/ideologists are the "tool" be used/exploited for the real agenda hidden subrosa for the ongoing attempt of implelmenting Global Governance/NWO of disarming citizens/people. The reality is the Neo-Cons, Wealthy Elite (Banking Cabal), Globalists, Democrats, Liberals have been merged into an agenda hailing the UN as the "Macdaddy" as a Geo-Political World Goverance agenda.

Agenda 21 tells us that for those that have their radar on & "pinging". People need to & SHOULD understand the real agenda behind the infiladed attack of/on gun rights. It is a complicated & convoluted labyrinth. The traditional/conventional paradigm of polarized political beliefs has mutated from what most US citizens have known.

BTW Agenda 21 in addition to a host/plethora/cornucopia of loss of individual rights, advocates as well that Skiing, Snowmobiling, Off Roading, Hunting (all forms) are "UNSUSTAINABLE". There is a huge disconnect/disperity between the general public's knowledge/understanding/comprehension of what a Technocracy is VS. the Globalist's vision of a Technocray.

Meaning NO MORE. Knowing that would create outcries/civil unrest etc. So it's easy to see (in fact Bacarat Crystal Clear) the need for disarmament.

Consider the humungous/massive industry revenue losses, jobs, recreation etc.

Matters not to the "Globalists" as they want to crash the current fractional Banking System & implement the "Bankor" or ? in lieu of our current currency.

The totality of what lies ahead regarding their agenda, is far beyond the myopic & mico vistas that are being presented, regulated, censored et alia.

There is/will be WAY more coming & going to get worse before better by a long shot. That is the reality we are faced with.

Make no mistake this IS the agenda, vehicle & means to accomplish that end result.


Classic Textbook Helgalian Theory & implementation.