View Full Version : This is why voter I.D. is sorely needed.

03-15-12, 10:42
Registering Tom Brady and Tim Tebow to vote in Minnesota...
Apologies if a repost, I didn't find it with a search.

03-16-12, 23:39
That kid who exposed ACORN for being corrupt and knowingly providing assistance in the commission of a crime, O'Keefe IIRC, is apparently working on a project where he had people using the names of dead people to vote in Vermont (IIRC).

The way I view the voter I.D. question is this, if being required to present a valid I.D. at a polling place is such a burden to the poor and prevents them from exercising their "right" to vote (which isn't actually a "right," but whatever), how then does being required to present not one, but two forms of I.D. (well, I.D. and proof of residence) to purchase a firearm (actually a "right") not burdensome to the poor???

03-17-12, 08:05
I've never once seen someone give the answer on cops, " officer I don't have an I'd, i can't afford to buy one." maybe our Leo's on here can chime in.

03-17-12, 08:06
That kid who exposed ACORN for being corrupt and knowingly providing assistance in the commission of a crime, O'Keefe IIRC, is apparently working on a project where he had people using the names of dead people to vote in Vermont (IIRC).

The way I view the voter I.D. question is this, if being required to present a valid I.D. at a polling place is such a burden to the poor and prevents them from exercising their "right" to vote (which isn't actually a "right," but whatever), how then does being required to present not one, but two forms of I.D. (well, I.D. and proof of residence) to purchase a firearm (actually a "right") not burdensome to the poor???

I'd love to see Debbie wasserman Schultz answer that one.

03-17-12, 17:25
That kid who exposed ACORN for being corrupt and knowingly providing assistance in the commission of a crime, O'Keefe IIRC, is apparently working on a project where he had people using the names of dead people to vote in Vermont (IIRC).

The way I view the voter I.D. question is this, if being required to present a valid I.D. at a polling place is such a burden to the poor and prevents them from exercising their "right" to vote (which isn't actually a "right," but whatever), how then does being required to present not one, but two forms of I.D. (well, I.D. and proof of residence) to purchase a firearm (actually a "right") not burdensome to the poor???

This is one of those issues where both extremes of the political spectrum form enough opposition to prevent an ID mandate. Liberals realize that most of their constituents opperate on the fringes of society. Any extra steps in the voting process is likely to cause a number of their supports to simply stay home rather than exert the extra effort. Some liberals organizations like Acorn also use the loose standards to committ fraud. However, the extent of this is not well quantified - it may be overblown or the tip of the iceberg.

On the other hand, many libertarians see any ID requirement as excessive overreach into private lives. As for your example, there are some on this board who feel that people should be allowed to mail order a SMG and have it delivered to their home via UPS (I presume that this does not involve in any ID). Personally, I am in favor of a middle ground approach in that I do not want a national ID. Instead, I favor the use of state issued ID for voting or firearms purchases to insure that only legally eligible people are engaging in the activities.

Suwannee Tim
03-17-12, 18:27
This is an illustration of what has been called "the soft bigotry of low expectations". Democrats "know" that many blacks and Hispanics are too befuddled to be able to get an ID.