View Full Version : Uzi

03-16-12, 08:49
Recently I fired a pre '86, formerly l.e. Uzi at an indoor range, which rented subs. The range had several varieties. An odd thing was that the owner had no objection to firing entire magazines full auto without stopping. I was burst firing and was asked why I didn't let it rip, which I did for two 25 rd mags. 30 years ago I spent a lot of range time with a prison system Thompsom and would have been told to leave had I not burst fired. In this case, is the Uzi owner misinformed?

03-16-12, 08:58
I don't know the answer to your question, but I was also at a range that rented full auto guns and I rented a MP5 and the guy said we could just do mag dumps if we wanted.

03-16-12, 09:32
In this case, is the Uzi owner misinformed?

Misinformed regarding what?

03-16-12, 10:18
Different ranges have different rules. I've been to some that flat out banned any full auto or modifications to make it full auto and I've been to some that didn't care at all.

03-16-12, 10:27
Having run my local SOT's FA UZI some I can say these three things:

Mag dumps are fun.

It's easy to spend $100 in 9mmP ammo w/o realizing it.

Short, controlled bursts are way better for actually, you know, hitting what you're shooting at.


03-16-12, 10:32
I shot my FA Uzi and Swedish K last night for some stress relief. Five full mag dumps back to back- made me feel much better. My range officer only asked if I was having fun.

However I was shooting clay-birds on a sand pile in my pasture and the RO was watching through the kitchen window while she made supper.

03-16-12, 12:13
I shot my FA Uzi and Swedish K last night for some stress relief. Five full mag dumps back to back- made me feel much better. My range officer only asked if I was having fun.

However I was shooting clay-birds on a sand pile in my pasture and the RO was watching through the kitchen window while she made supper.

That's the type of R.O. you do not want to piss off! :D

Most times, at the ranges where I've shot full auto's, it's because they don't want some idiot to put a string of bullets from the floor to the ceiling because they don't know how to handle the weapons recoil.

One range in particular that I go to from time to time knows me and couldn't give two shits if I do a mag dump, but they make me use the "other" range. Most times they will walk out with the renter and coach them a bit and caution them on only doing short bursts until they see they've got a handle on the weapon.

03-16-12, 13:14
Recently I fired a pre '86, formerly l.e. Uzi at an indoor range, which rented subs. The range had several varieties. An odd thing was that the owner had no objection to firing entire magazines full auto without stopping. I was burst firing and was asked why I didn't let it rip, which I did for two 25 rd mags. 30 years ago I spent a lot of range time with a prison system Thompsom and would have been told to leave had I not burst fired. In this case, is the Uzi owner misinformed?

For practical shooting with the intention of hitting your targets short controlled bursts is the rule. With a stationary target and a decent shooting position I can put a complete magazine burst into the black. But as soon as people start moving and shooting back short controlled bursts are your only practical means of hitting targets.

For recreational shootings bursts are done out of consideration for the barrel and the weapon itself. Five short bursts done in a time from of even less than twice as long as it takes for a single magazine dump (both are short duration events) will result in significantly longer barrel life. But with the Uzi quick change barrel this is not the same consideration as it is for some SMGs like the MP5.

Along the same lines bursts extend weapon life in general. Some SMG designs are prone to wear and vulnerable. For example the M1 Thompson just can't take the pounding that a M3 Greasegun can. But all that aside, most people who "rent full autos" want to "rock n roll" and I suspect more than anything the shop owner was catering to that.

03-16-12, 15:18
It's not a case of mis information on the owners part. He might:
1. Not give a damn
2. Want to share the full auto smile/feeling(I know it make me feel better to dump a beta mag or a 100 round belt).
3. Say while most people would say its a waste of money, if you have fired a LONG string or mag of what caliber out of any f/a, you know why you just want to do it again.
4. Look at barrel life in a completely different light than others.
5. (Not a he might, my own experience) **** therapy. You want to feel better, blow the shit out of somthing. Hopefully something large caliber and loud as hell and fully automatic. If his doesn't help, you need meds and counseling.

Really, it's not about the rounds or the money or the noise or the ability to pick a gnat off a coyote ass at 400 meters.
Like any shooting, it's fun. That's what matters.

03-16-12, 22:24
My local range won't tell you not to do mag dumps, but they pulled the M16 off the rental list because the ceiling tiles were getting tore up. :rolleyes:

03-20-12, 18:57
At the other end of the spectrum, a range that I once went to fairly often decided that they'd ban people from being able to put magazines in semiautomatic rifles because people were firing more than one round per second. They said that you couldn't even load one round at a time in to the magazines. They expected you to put a cartridge in the chamber by hand. I told them that if they were going to do that, then I'd never come back. I have not.

03-20-12, 22:54
My local range rents out an Uzi. If it's a first timer, they will go out to the firing line and coach the shooter on how not to tear up the equipment (e.g. Hit what you're aiming at, and not the ceiling). I almost never see anyone do any mag dumps with it; this is probably why.

After my first time shooting it, they just let me go on the line with it. No real oversight or anything.

Rebel Rifle Ordnance
03-21-12, 19:58
I shot my FA Uzi and Swedish K last night for some stress relief. Five full mag dumps back to back- made me feel much better. My range officer only asked if I was having fun.

However I was shooting clay-birds on a sand pile in my pasture and the RO was watching through the kitchen window while she made supper.

My range officer knows I'm home when she hears a mag dump. She's used to sporadic small arms full automatic fire.