View Full Version : Most Hilarious News Article Ever...

03-16-12, 17:51
Bin Laden wanted to kill Obama because he thought VP Joe Biden was ‘totally unprepared’ to lead America: Report

03-16-12, 18:20
Dude, that is funny for so many different reasons. To actually explain why it's so funny would be extremely complicated. It's ineffable.

03-16-12, 18:29
That article is pretty funny. Bin Laden was a lot smarter than people give him credit for.

03-16-12, 18:37
That article is pretty funny. Bin Laden was a lot smarter than people give him credit for.

COC prohibits my free speech, so I'll just say that the documents should be used by the Republican nominee to show how big of a detriment the Obama administration is to this country. Our enemies scoff at our leadership with impunity.

03-16-12, 18:49
He'd of run out of bullets, LONG before he got down to a COMPETENT flunky in THIS administration. :rolleyes:

Maybe the Asst. Postmaster of Tower City, ND, or some such. :o

03-16-12, 19:06
Layers of humor in that one...

I'm just happy we shot the POS in the face, but I wish that we could have stuffed his mouth full of bacon before he drifted into the bowels of hell.

03-16-12, 19:10
Hey, those SEAL medics are top-notch. I bet they could even get a bacon-grease IV going.

And I hope they did, too.

I'd love to have seen the petulant frown on Joe Biden's face, too. ;)

03-16-12, 20:49
That article is pretty funny. Bin Laden was a lot smarter than people give him credit for.


...Uhhhmmmmm...I don't know...
He was assuming B Obama was competent to lead???? That's a pretty messed up assumption...


03-16-12, 20:55

...Uhhhmmmmm...I don't know...
He was assuming B Obama was competent to lead???? That's a pretty messed up assumption...


I think it is more a case of Obama not being the same unmitigated disaster that a "Biden bomb" would be. When terrorists start seeing the VP as a weapon things are pretty bad.

03-16-12, 21:16

...Uhhhmmmmm...I don't know...
He was assuming B Obama was competent to lead???? That's a pretty messed up assumption...


Ya but that still puts him ahead of much of our citizenry.

03-16-12, 21:18
Imagine how motivated OBL would have been to get a VP Palin in the driver's seat?

03-16-12, 21:26
Imagine how motivated OBL would have been to get a VP Palin in the driver's seat?


Suwannee Tim
03-17-12, 18:18
Vice President Joe Don't-Screw_With_Me Biden is one of the reasons I pray for President Obama's health and safety every day.

Suwannee Tim
03-17-12, 18:20
"Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

I kind of like that Dave.