View Full Version : Fred Thompson's Message to Iowa Voters

Jay Cunningham
12-30-07, 21:51
I try to keep out of the political postings, but I figured, heck why not?


The vid is about 15 minutes and is simply a clear message to the voters.

I have made my decision to support Thompson in the primaries.

If this is inappropriate content - I understand and won't be butthurt if it gets trashed...


12-30-07, 22:38
Second Amendment

I strongly support the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. Gun control is touted as a major crime-control measure. But some of the places with the strictest gun-control laws also have high violent-crime rates. Disarming law-abiding citizens does not prevent crime. The answer to violent crime is smart, effective, and aggressive law enforcement. The real effect of these gun-control measures is to place onerous restrictions on law-abiding citizens who use firearms for such legal activities as self-defense, sport-shooting, hunting, and collecting. I am committed to:

* Strictly enforcing existing laws and severely punishing violent criminals.
* Protecting the rights individual Americans enjoy under the Second Amendment.

12-31-07, 09:33
Fred's the man!!!

01-06-08, 20:09
Too bad he wont be the man :(

01-06-08, 20:37
I think the importance placed on the Iowas caucus is way too great. I don't think anyone should count Fred Thompson out yet. Too much emphasis is put on the Iowa caucus and the NH primary, and thus it affects the political process. Both states are small. Are they representative of the way the rest of the country thinks about the candidates? The news media sensationalizes the process and often the most worthy candidates are dropping out because they came in third. Of course, Howard Dean was sunk because of his maniacal scream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvOhtfgwDfY&NR=1), not because he was third in Iowa. Thank God, things worked out the way they did.

01-07-08, 00:34
The media seems to be ignoring him. At this stage in the game, that might be a good thing.