View Full Version : Redacted

03-21-12, 12:07

03-21-12, 18:18
Im thinking about signing up for this. I don't really see what the "big enemy" is here?

03-21-12, 20:02
I'd go if I were 18-24 just for the hot chicks.


03-22-12, 20:21
Why does this sound so familiar?

Oh I know. . .


03-23-12, 08:52
Just go read up on the Chinese proletarian communism revolution....also known as the "cultural revolution".

03-23-12, 09:52

03-23-12, 10:11

03-23-12, 12:31
Why does this sound so familiar?

Oh I know. . .



Yeah, that's immediately what I think of every time the American government comes up with a make-work program for young unemployables......:fie:

Looks like AmeriCorps with an emphasis on disaster relief efforts. A stupid waste of money we don't have, but a Nazi program? No.

BTW, that's an advertisement for donations to the Youth Hostel.

03-23-12, 16:27

Yeah, that's immediately what I think of every time the American government comes up with a make-work program for young unemployables......:fie:

Looks like AmeriCorps with an emphasis on disaster relief efforts. A stupid waste of money we don't have, but a Nazi program? No.

BTW, that's an advertisement for donations to the Youth Hostel.


Yes, I know what the propaganda poster was for. I simply posted a poster with a female on it due to a female being on the FEMA ad.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid though. . .

03-23-12, 16:35
I'm sick of people trying to create parallels between Germany in the 30s and 40s, and the US of today...

Please, stop it already.....

The sign says "youth hostel and home." It isn't a poster for the Hitler Youth, and even if it were, I fail to see any connection whatsoever between that and Americorp.

No, I don't like AmeriCorp, but I also don't think that bringing "Nazi" Germany into every single discussion does anything to improve the discussion....

03-23-12, 17:04
I'm sick of people trying to create parallels between Germany in the 30s and 40s, and the US of today...

Please, stop it already.....

The sign says "youth hostel and home." It isn't a poster for the Hitler Youth, and even if it were, I fail to see any connection whatsoever between that and Americorp.

No, I don't like AmeriCorp, but I also don't think that bringing "Nazi" Germany into every single discussion does anything to improve the discussion....

If you choose not to see how fascism came about in Germany and the parallels to modern America then that is your luxury, but not all of us asleep at the wheel.

03-23-12, 17:15
If you choose not to see how fascism came about in Germany and the parallels to modern America then that is your luxury, but not all of us asleep at the wheel.

You can make up "facts" and claim that the US is heading to the place where Germany was, but if you dare make that claim, you are unaware of, or avoiding, many historical considerations that would tend to make such speculation appear slightly misinformed.

Rather than side-track this thread any further, I would be more than happy to discuss this in greater depth (in a friendly manner, of course) via PM.

03-23-12, 19:49
As the OP has expressed in this thread that he agrees with my analogy I don't think talking about what we are is a thread drift in any form. Mods feel free to jump in if you all deem appropriate.

Here is a good jumping on point:

A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust (http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/timeline/nazifica.htm)

"With Adolf Hitler's ascendancy to the chancellorship, the Nazi Party quickly consolidated its power. Hitler managed to maintain a posture of legality throughout the Nazification process."

"Domestically, during the next six years, Hitler completely transformed Germany into a police state."

"Hitler engaged in a 'diplomatic revolution' by negotiating with other European countries and publicly expressing his strong desire for peace."

With the general tide of recent legislation by the current and previous administrations, most recently the passing of EO: National Defense Resources Preparedness it easy to me to see the correlations.

03-23-12, 19:55
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

03-23-12, 20:14
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

Yeah good one. :sarcastic:

If it acts like a duck, if it walks like a duck. . .

03-24-12, 11:08
I'm sick of people trying to create parallels between Germany in the 30s and 40s, and the US of today...

It's the curse of being a student of history. Reading has a way of putting ideas in your head.

For your consideration:



I believe these two books provide the correct context on how normal 'reasonable' people willingly allow their nation to become a totalitarian police state.

Also try reading the Communist Manifesto, it is only a small pamphlet. For a fun game, watch your favorite Obama speech with a copy of the Communist Manifesto handy. Try to find the number of direct references you can find in his speech.

03-24-12, 11:49
If you choose not to see how fascism came about in Germany and the parallels to modern America then that is your luxury, but not all of us asleep at the wheel.

Some people just don't want to face reality and will disagree even when we are in a full bore Fascist police state run by the Global Banking Cartel. It can't happen here. The don't/won't put the puzzle pieces together and disagree with us that do. The TSA, NSA, Fema, Google, Facebook, NDAA, CIA, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs and everything else is a figment of our imagination.

03-24-12, 12:03
It is sad what is fast becoming of our great Nation.

03-24-12, 13:16
It's the curse of being a student of history. Reading has a way of putting ideas in your head.

Yes, as a student of history myself, I have a fairly good idea what I am talking about here.

Those books you mention are propaganda. They don't deal with facts, but rather tow the party line, i.e., they only deal with issues that have been "approved" by certain highly persuasive groups in the US/England.

Again, if you want to discuss this further, I am more than happy to engage in a discussion of this subject via private message...

As to your last comment, you are crazy. I don't listen to politicians. Never have, never will -regardless of their political affiliations.

I'm also quite familiar with the Communist Manifesto, by the way...

As a true student of history, I also understand that Fascism, and Communism are total opposites of each other, so please, make up your mind whether we are about to turn into Germany under Hitler, or Russia under Stalin... (I actually think that there are many parallels between the October Revolution, and what we are seeing in this country today...)

03-24-12, 15:32
As a true student of history, I also understand that Fascism, and Communism are total opposites of each other, so please, make up your mind whether we are about to turn into Germany under Hitler, or Russia under Stalin... (I actually think that there are many parallels between the October Revolution, and what we are seeing in this country today...)

On the surface yes they are different, what we are seeing today is a blend of what we saw in the early 20th century. It all ends in a totalitarian police state.

I think the Nazi's are everybody’s favorite bad guys. Hitler murdered and estimated six million people, Stalin murdered 4 x that! IMHO the Russian people never really drank the Communist Kool-Aid that is why the Russians and their satellite states ruled with internal brute force, however the Nazi's were such masters of out in right brainwashing and manipulation that the German people drank their Kool-Aid to the last drop.

03-24-12, 15:56
As a true student of history, I also understand that Fascism, and Communism are total opposites of each other Not really, more like cousins or even brothers. There are to many similarities for them to be opposites. Just because Germany and Russia were at odds with each other and the fact they got to their destination in different manners, does not mean their governmental forms were all that different. This is simplifying it but, Fascism has a more nationalistic streak to it than communism, but both are socialism.

03-24-12, 16:15
Go back to sleep little one. Nothing is going on here. Just ignore, or pretend things aren't the way they are, and all will be just fine. History has been lying to you all the time. It is all propaganda. TRUST ME!

03-24-12, 17:00
Not really, more like cousins or even brothers. There are to many similarities for them to be opposites. Just because Germany and Russia were at odds with each other and the fact they got to their destination in different manners, does not mean their governmental forms were all that different. This is simplifying it but, Fascism has a more nationalistic streak to it than communism, but both are socialism.


03-24-12, 21:13
Not really, more like cousins or even brothers. There are to many similarities for them to be opposites. Just because Germany and Russia were at odds with each other and the fact they got to their destination in different manners, does not mean their governmental forms were all that different. This is simplifying it but, Fascism has a more nationalistic streak to it than communism, but both are socialism.


03-24-12, 21:24
something to consider Rex_84 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84)