View Full Version : redacted

03-26-12, 08:48

03-26-12, 08:52
un freeking real! What the hell is going on, they are one of the original terroist groups. I cant wrap my mind around this.

03-26-12, 09:10
We already give Hamas hundreds of millions every year. In 2009 we gave them almost a billion.

03-26-12, 09:38
Just last Thursday I was talking with someone about this kind of thing. Their response was "we have to, if we don't we will lose the good will and China or Russia will fill the good and we will be even less liked":rolleyes: sigh, I do fear to many are lost and will sink us all.

03-26-12, 09:51
But REMEMBER - he is NOT, a Mohammedan! :rolleyes:


Reagans Rascals
03-26-12, 10:05
someone please explain how this is legal, which I know it is not, and therefore how is it allowed to continue, Congress has the legal responsibility to stop these acts and therefore where is the oversight?

Not everyone in congress is pro-Obama... so someone please explain how his continual disregard for constitutional law is allowed to occur.

There has to be someone within congress viewing this as a direct violation to US doctrine and calling for hearings.....

he blatantly said I will do what I want and give money to who I want when I want and congress you can't say shit, even though congress has control over appropriations.

Does no one in congress know their actual policies and procedures and therefore when things like this occur, they just kick the dirt and shake their and fist and say things like gosh darn it, or I declare or Rabble Rabble Rabble.

Isn't it illegal for Congress to be derelict in their duties?

Someone please explain this in terms that are understandable... and not just say well that's the brainwashing of Obama... not everyone in Congress is pro-Obama... so how is this occuring unless even those who are staunchly anti-Obama either a)don't know their ****ing jobs or b)have Obama in their pockets

03-26-12, 10:32
Ron Paul may not be right on everything but he is the only POTUS candidate who would cut off funding to these groups and governments. They are taking the money out of your pocket, the food from your child's mouth and your nation's security to fund terrorists around the world. Then we have a WOT so we can fight these groups... Round and round we go...

03-26-12, 10:33
someone please explain how this is legal, which I know it is not, and therefore how is it allowed to continue, Congress has the legal responsibility to stop these acts and therefore where is the oversight?

This is a big part of our issues in this nation as Congress gives so much authority to the Executive branch they can't/won't pull back the reigns. They just give the State Department 10 billion and the state department sends it out as they see it. AFAIK theres no bill that goes through Congress that designates where the money goes. There are guidelines but each recipient is not specifically designated. If the guidelines were put in place by State then they can remove those guidelines. If they were put in place by Congress then they would be breaking the law and abusing the authority given to them.

What pisses me off is we are spending ~1 trillion a year in deficit spending, and in turn we're sending billions of dollars overseas in aide. Now we, as citizens, are responsible for the debt. So we put ourselves in debt to give billions to these 3rd world crackpot countries and terrorist organizations. Its not even being spent here on our people, which I don't want either, but its worse when it goes overseas.

03-26-12, 12:32
People, people...please relax. It's a well established fact that appeasing overt enemies with cash badly needed in our own country benefits us all in the long run, so there's little need for all the over-reactions seen here.

03-26-12, 13:05
I don't know much about the Muslim Brotherhood... Who are they and what is their mission statement and how in the world do they get a billion dollars from congress?

And unless I'm mistaken, only congress can fund, not POTUS.

03-26-12, 13:21
Our thinking is all wrong here, we need to form our own group in another country and collect billions.;)

03-26-12, 15:15

03-26-12, 16:52
At this point, nothing that MF'er does surprises me.

03-26-12, 17:37
I caught a quick blurb saturday about this. Didn't really get anymore information on it until today. Thank you for the heads up.

I wrote my senator today in regards to this. Don't know what, if anything, I'll hear back.




Nothing to see here folks, move along, keep it moving....
Yep we are getting what we deserve because we ALLOW it. Whatever deal was cut it's blatantly obvious. Let's continue the same trajectory/azimuth & see where it goes while our own people suffer. Koo Koo Ka Choo....
Everybody over the romance & historical past context of "Our Tax Dollars" at work or are you still clinging to old traditional paradigms of idelology ?

Dark times ahead all'aboard....

03-26-12, 18:23
Mr. Soetoro needs to fund our enemies. That way they're still around....the elite needs boogie men to be out there. Not only to further the bankrupcy of the U.S., but to further the U.N. agenda. (agenda 21)

The bankers run the show, he's only doing what he's told. Just look at what they're doing in Europe right now....look at what they're doing to the dollar....

Just go look at who foot the bill when he ran for president....that is who is running the show here and abroad. The Globalist elite.

03-27-12, 00:27
I'm glad this is coming out, thanks for sharing the links. Sadly this is an old play in the playbook.

Back during the 70's the US via the CIA funded terror groups as bribes not to attack US interests abroad as it was cheaper than going after them.

How did that work out for us??? :sarcastic:

Through such ops as School of the Americas and many others we have funded and trained some of our worst enemies. Los Zetas anyone?

I'm ready to move to another planet.

03-27-12, 02:07
This stuff
Telling Israel to retreat back to their 1967 borders if they want peace.
Blocking the Keystone pipeline so that the Saudis can butt **** us for the near future

Does anyone else see a pattern?

03-28-12, 14:08
The Police Chief of Dubai slams the Brotherhood. The rest of the article (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4a9d5336-7806-11e1-b437-00144feab49a.html#axzz1qRDBppek) is very interesting and not too long.

Then Mr Tamim claimed in an interview that the Muslim Brotherhood – the Egypt-based organisation that inspires other mainstream Islamist groups in the region – was plotting to take over Gulf states.