View Full Version : Trickery I tell you...

03-27-12, 16:05
Is this real life?

This planet is getting weird.


03-27-12, 16:10
Please explain why you think this matters to us here in this particular forum.

03-27-12, 16:11
Because it's ****ing weird, ridiculous, and something to laugh at. Why does half the shit that gets posted here matter?

03-27-12, 16:14
Maybe because most of the posted topics have some relevance in many of our lives, or at least reflect a personal interest. Hopefully trans-gendered men do not fit into either category.

03-27-12, 16:17
10yrs down the road you wont be able to tell who is what or what they were born as....People are screwing with stuff that shouldnt be screwed with.

Mmmmm petri dish people.....holy hell what a freak show we're living in. I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Who in the hell would think this crap is ok?

03-27-12, 16:17
Maybe because most of the posted topics have some relevance in many of our lives, or at least reflect a personal interest. Hopefully trans-gendered men do not fit into either category.

It's a GENERAL discussion. Sheesh.

Back on topic, she looks pretty good to be a male. ;)

03-27-12, 16:22

I post a ridiculous article that most normal people would just either:

A) get a laugh at

B) use the pictures to trick their friends and then mercilessly make fun of them

C) use as a talking point about how out of control and absurd the acceptance of this lifestyle is

...but instead of acting like a normal person, you call me gay. Interesting.

03-27-12, 16:24
It's a GENERAL discussion. Sheesh.

Shit like this keeps many intelligent folks from participating in GD and personally makes me want to yack. Does that clarify the issue?

03-27-12, 16:30
Shit like this keeps many intelligent folks from participating in GD and personally makes me want to yack. Does that clarify the issue?


I know where this is stemming from (a recently locked thread), but if said intelligent people would ignore the stuff that is "beneath them", then this wouldn't be a problem. If you qualify yourself in this group, and don't like it, then don't acknowledge it and waste your time.

Quite Simple.

And for the record, I'm not commenting on anything that pertains to this thread, since I really have nothing constructive or destructive to say about it. I CHOOSE to not participate except to comment that maybe this is the road that *others* should take as well.

Just some food for thought...

03-27-12, 16:33
...but instead of acting like a normal person, you call me gay. Interesting.

Nah, what's really interesting is that your conscience immediately recognized me as calling you gay when I neither said nor implied any such thing. But I suppose guilt can do that.

I'm out, have your fun. Hopefully a mod will come along shortly and remove this trash.

03-27-12, 16:39

I know where this is stemming from (a recently locked thread)...Quite Simple.

While I know about the locked thread, your reference to it's relation to this one eludes me. Regardless I only say it for the forum's greater good, not to disparage the OP. Even if it's just for fun it surely doesn't belong here.

Pork Chop
03-27-12, 16:39
10yrs down the road you wont be able to tell who is what or what they were born as....People are screwing with stuff that shouldnt be screwed with.

Mmmmm petri dish people.....holy hell what a freak show we're living in. I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Who in the hell would think this crap is ok?


Be honest guys, we'd all be trying to take that home from a club if we didn't know better. THAT'S what's ****ed up about it.

I'm glad I'm married & don't have to sort shit like this out anymore.

Like j-dub said, a few more years and you may never know your new girlfriend's real name is really Gary.

03-27-12, 16:40
Man that dude is hot!:cray:

03-27-12, 16:45
While I know about the locked thread, your reference to it's relation to this one eludes me. Regardless I only say it for the forum's greater good, not to disparage the OP. Even if it's just for fun it surely doesn't belong here.

Well then I guess this quote: "Shit like this keeps many intelligent folks from participating in GD" had nothing to do with the exchange between you and the other member in the aforementioned thread...my bad for the bad connection.

However, what I said still stands true. Don't act like a liberal...unless you are one :haha:

03-27-12, 16:45

Where we are headed as a society if one was to make fun of or get a laugh out of such an, um individual then it would be construed as bigotry and then go into the whole "hate crime" diatribe.

03-27-12, 16:53
It's a GENERAL discussion. Sheesh.

Back on topic, she looks pretty good to be a male. ;)

Shemale technology has seen some significant advancements since Lou Reed sang "Take a Walk on the Wild Side"! :dirol:


03-27-12, 17:06
I encountered similar issues traveling. Particularily through S. America. Gotta get the Adam check and package check nowadays before going any further and that's sad. With the surgeries available, I'm sure these "women" have tricked plenty of guys into the sack. That sickens me, pc or not.

Safetyhit - I don't see a moderator label next to your name. If you are so deeply offended by a topic in gd, report it and be on your merry way.

What is it about the warm weather? It's like the earth heats up and so do tempers around the Internet.

03-27-12, 17:31
This most certainly has a place in this forum.

How else are we to learn about target discrimination?

03-27-12, 17:34
Well then I guess this quote: "Shit like this keeps many intelligent folks from participating in GD" had nothing to do with the exchange between you and the other member in the aforementioned thread...my bad for the bad connection.

However, what I said still stands true. Don't act like a liberal...unless you are one :haha:

Rather than incite trouble here and disrupt your vehement defense of this tranny thread, vent your issue with me via PM or quiet down.

03-27-12, 18:16
Rather than incite trouble here and disrupt your vehement defense of this tranny thread, vent your issue with me via PM or quiet down.

My God dude, are you having a bad day or is this how you always run? Not to mention, you proclaimed that you were "out" in your forth pretend moderator post in this thread. maybe that would have been for the best. Chill out man, if this thread offends your sensibilities so much, report it and let the mods sort it out. Stop picking fights with everyone here.

03-27-12, 18:33
My God dude, are you having a bad day or is this how you always run? Not to mention, you proclaimed that you were "out" in your forth pretend moderator post in this thread. maybe that would have been for the best. Chill out man, if this thread offends your sensibilities so much, report it and let the mods sort it out. Stop picking fights with everyone here.


Who the hell is this guy and why is he getting so irritated?

....is SafetyHit Jenna Talackova?

03-27-12, 18:45
Truly sorry to have offended anyone. Sometimes I ignorantly try to protect the integrity of this forum, this still despite my lesser recent participation. That's probably based on the earlier days when crap like this wouldn't fly for 3 seconds here and we could at least count on a degree of respectability, but what the heck.

Either the mods are busy or things have changed, regardless I relent that my hyperbole is clearly a waste of everyone's time.

03-27-12, 19:04
Either the mods are busy or things have changed, regardless I relent that my hyperbole is clearly a waste of everyone's time.

speaking for myself only, i try to stay out of GD, and only mod when arguments erupt between members (or if threads are reported). i know that many of the mods would rather get rid of GD altogether, but there are some good discussions that wouldn't otherwise fit in any other existing section of the site.

not all topics might be 'intelligent', but we can still handle them intelligently. sometimes, all you can do is laugh and shake your head at the absurdity around you. threads get locked more for bickering between members than because they were stupid.

if a member constantly posts nothing but stupid topics or comments, then we'll put a stop to it. but the OP doesn't have a habit or pattern of doing that, so that's why i haven't locked this thread, upon finding it.

03-27-12, 21:43
Man that dude is hot!:cray: