View Full Version : Simpson-Bowles Gets Crushed

03-29-12, 08:35
OK. Everybody has their political ax to grind and nobody wants to see their rice bowl broken. But the Simpson-Bowles commission offered a workable plan which provided for some substantive reductions/cuts to federal spending and did so in a manner which spread the pain around in a bipartisan manner. Folks may find bits and pieces to pick apart but it was a realistic effort to tackle a seemingly intractable issue.

So all these assholes serving in the U.S. House of Representatives had the opportunity to vote on Simpson-Bowles yesterday ... and shot it down 382 to 38 (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303816504577310431192990736.html). These jerkoffs that make a living standing in front of every camera or microphone someone shoves in their face bemoaning the federal debt, unsustainable federal spending, and the need for entitlement reform, when given an opportunity to actually DO SOMETHING tuck their tails and run.

One of the bill's sponsors, Republican Steve LaTourette of Ohio, asked the House, "If not now, when? If not this, what?" Cue sound of crickets chirping.

The House of Hypocrites. That's all it is. You can count the number of statesmen serving in Congress on one hand. The rest are nothing more than political hacks and grandstanding politicians riding a gravy train of federal pork and lobbyist bribes until they can slip out the back door and make a couple of million a year with some lobbying group leg-humping all the connections they made while in office.

Rant over.

03-29-12, 08:49
Presidential Election year, no one wants to upset the "disadvantaged voters", or special interests this time of year. :rolleyes::bad:

03-29-12, 09:08
Congress gave up any pretense of budget control after caving in on the Clinton budget showdown. They could not stand tall on even a 7% increase rather than Clinton's 12%. Since then they believe their job is to spend as much as possible to buy campaign contributions and votes.

03-29-12, 11:59
Hey at least they took it up for a vote. Unlike the Dem controlled Senate under the great leadership of Harry "Its DOA" Reid (:rolleyes:), shoots down most everything the House sends over WITHOUT voting on it.

03-29-12, 12:13
At this point surely people can see that budget & government spending are non-congruent, not tangible, a fallacy & non sequitur...

03-29-12, 12:53
Generally speaking this is because the Ryan budget is up for vote today 3/29) …

On Thursday, the House is expected to pass, mostly along party lines, a resolution drafted by budget committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.).

The Ryan effort is more aggressive than Simpson/Bowles. It is not at all to the Dems liking … but then neither was the S/B bill

Now, whether one is better than the other I am not going to say. But some of your agitation against certain parties may be a bit hasty.

03-29-12, 15:45
The Ryan budget passed today pretty much along party lines. 10 Repubs voted against it. Obama's budget failed 414 - 0. Unaminous against it.