View Full Version : This Is NOT About Race...Just Ask Her...

03-30-12, 13:37

Rarely do you get a chance to see the agendas in such blatant and obvious ways.

03-30-12, 13:55
Ugh, she is just horrible.

Come on Central Florida...you did good last time and got rid of Alan Grayson...time to get rid of this quack as well.

Reagans Rascals
03-30-12, 14:01
**** that rancid excuse for a meat wallet

I was a sophomore in HS and was a delegate to the mock democratic convention (ehhhhhh wasn't my choice), and I remember she was there as the guest speaker and her salient point was that she was the last "yellow dog democrat"... meaning regardless of merit she will always vote democrat, on every single issue.....

another sophomore there from a different school raised his hand to ask her a question and asked her in front of the entire conference ".... what ever happened with all that money you and your daughter stole".... she had no response and left

he straight shut her down... just shut that bitch down like a Block Buster Video

03-30-12, 15:15
Tis petty, to be sure, but I cannot listen to that woman and reconcile her speech with the fact she is a sitting member of the House.

03-30-12, 16:09
Tis petty, to be sure, but I cannot listen to that woman and reconcile her speech with the fact she is a sitting member of the House.

I can't understand how a semi-coherent individual like that could win an election.....:lol:

03-30-12, 16:18
Here's her best ever appearance, from the floor of the United States House of Representatives.


Makes me a little ashamed to be a Gator.

03-30-12, 16:30
This is about all the children.... :rolleyes:

03-30-12, 16:37
Here's her best ever appearance, from the floor of the United States House of Representatives.


Makes me a little ashamed to be a Gator.

Does she have a speech impediment? I can't tell if she is using some form of English that is completely slang or if she has something wrong with her brain.

I would hate to tease her if she does.

03-30-12, 17:08
Does she have a speech impediment? I can't tell if she is using some form of English that is completely slang or if she has something wrong with her brain.

I would hate to tease her if she does.

She definitely has something wrong with her brain, but you can't blame it for her grasp of the English language. Here she is once again blowing up and walking away when asked about districts based upon only racial advantage and how they are fair and necessary.


03-30-12, 17:49
The woman earned both a bachelor of science, a master's degree, and an educational specialist degree. In addition, she was awarded a honorary Doctor of Law degree and has served on the faculty of several colleges.

Apparently, elocution was never on the curriculum of any of these institutions of higher learning.

I realize I'm being a total snob and everyone hates a forum member who appoints themselves the "spelling and grammar" police, but if an individual wishes to be taken seriously it behooves them to speak proper english.

I can cuss a blue streak and sling slang around as well as the next guy, but when the situation demands it, I know how to speak properly. To do otherwise is simply the result of being ignorant (not stupid, mind you, simply never having learned), lazy, or intentionally duplicitous.

I sincerely hope the impression she gives in public is simply to appeal to the constituents of a gerrymandered congressional district specifically created to elect a minority candidate and she is able to express herself more eloquently in private with her peers.

03-30-12, 17:51
I can't understand how a semi-coherent individual like that could win an election.....:lol:

Isn't she a reflection of her constituents?

03-30-12, 18:09
Come on guys, ease up a bit. After all it's not her fault she speaks that way. She fried her brains years ago freebasing all that crack those white devils forced on her. :sarcastic:

03-30-12, 18:32
This is about all the children.... :rolleyes:

I did the biggest jerking motion when she said that.

When she said it again I almost vomited.

I may be posting this in the wrong forum.


03-30-12, 19:04
Apparently, elocution was never on the curriculum of any of these institutions of higher learning.

She just needs a speech corch.

03-30-12, 19:41
The woman earned both a bachelor of science, a master's degree, and an educational specialist degree. In addition, she was awarded a honorary Doctor of Law degree and has served on the faculty of several colleges.

I suspect in the most strongest terms that she met the qualifications for those degrees with the same standards of excellence that were necessary to get elected.

I can only imagine the frustration of significantly more intelligent students who barely missed meeting the minimum criteria for graduation from any of those institutions where she was a faculty member.

03-30-12, 19:54
Here's her best ever appearance, from the floor of the United States House of Representatives.


Makes me a little ashamed to be a Gator.

this is my ace in the hole whenever i get ragged on for being a vol!

03-30-12, 20:12
There are a lot more dimwits in Congress than just her. Its really no wonder we are heading down the tubes at such a high velocity.

And remember the laws she votes on can/are enforced with people with firearms. Makes you feel so good doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Suwannee Tim
03-30-12, 20:19
I can't understand how a semi-coherent individual like that could win an election.....:lol:

"Corrine Delivers." (http://corrineforcongress.com/) She brings home the bacon. She and I are members of the same gym. I have sat in the hot tub with her and talked about this and that, not politics. She is not as stupid as she sounds on this video. She is a damned sight uglier though. I don't know how they make her look so good in the video.

This is about all the children.... :rolleyes:

No. "Da choodruns."

Isn't she a reflection of her constituents?


.... ".... what ever happened with all that money you and your daughter stole"....

They didn't steal any money. It was a bribe. They had to give the Mercedes back.

"Go Gatuh! Go Gatuh!"

03-30-12, 20:40
**** her. Go Vols!!!

ST- Did you have a little hot tub fun you aren't telling us about? It's ok, we have all made mistakes.

03-30-12, 20:48
They didn't steal any money. It was a bribe. They had to give the Mercedes back.

"Go Gatuh! Go Gatuh!"

All well and good, but I didn't make that post.... :D

Suwannee Tim
03-31-12, 05:19
**** her. Go Vols!!!

ST- Did you have a little hot tub fun you aren't telling us about? It's ok, we have all made mistakes.

She is ugly son but she has a hot bod. Pornstar hot. :D

I wouldn't know but another guy told me she can suck a basketball through a garden hose. :D

Suwannee Tim
03-31-12, 06:50
This not worth a thread of it's own. Famous last words: "What you gonna do about it?" (http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/2012-03-30/story/law-disorder-what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it-just) Click the next button above the photo on the left.

03-31-12, 09:06
This not worth a thread of it's own. Famous last words: "What you gonna do about it?" (http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/2012-03-30/story/law-disorder-what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it-just) Click the next button above the photo on the left.

Asked and answered. :haha:

03-31-12, 09:36
Go Vols!!!


By God!!!

03-31-12, 14:17
This not worth a thread of it's own. Famous last words: "What you gonna do about it?" (http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/2012-03-30/story/law-disorder-what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it-just) Click the next button above the photo on the left.


Good answer.

Suwannee Tim
03-31-12, 15:07
Go Voles!! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vole)


.....Did you have a little hot tub fun you aren't telling us about? It's ok, we have all made mistakes.

This hot tub seats about 40 people. It ain't like she was sitting in my lap.

Suwannee Tim
03-31-12, 19:02
Corrine speaks again. (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/03/31/Always-Some-Bull-Congresswoman-Who-Couldnt-Remember-White-Murder-Victim-Freaks-On-Reporter)

My favorite Corrine quote is when she told a news reporter "Don't aks me no moe damn questions!"

03-31-12, 19:41
The woman earned both a bachelor of science, a master's degree, and an educational specialist degree. In addition, she was awarded a honorary Doctor of Law degree and has served on the faculty of several colleges.

Apparently, elocution was never on the curriculum of any of these institutions of higher learning.

I realize I'm being a total snob and everyone hates a forum member who appoints themselves the "spelling and grammar" police, but if an individual wishes to be taken seriously it behooves them to speak proper english.

I can cuss a blue streak and sling slang around as well as the next guy, but when the situation demands it, I know how to speak properly. To do otherwise is simply the result of being ignorant (not stupid, mind you, simply never having learned), lazy, or intentionally duplicitous.

I sincerely hope the impression she gives in public is simply to appeal to the constituents of a gerrymandered congressional district specifically created to elect a minority candidate and she is able to express herself more eloquently in private with her peers.

I don't think it's even remotely snobbish. Especially considering she is a sitting member of the House of Representatives.

03-31-12, 19:42
Look now... ya'll lay off Brown...she got a bitchin wig yo.

Suwannee Tim
04-01-12, 07:14
Brown is a hard core lefty loonie but oddly enough her support for the military is pretty good.

04-01-12, 09:38
Well, yeah.
How else are you going to keep the peasantry in line once you have full control of everydamnthing?

04-01-12, 09:54
Brown is a hard core lefty loonie but oddly enough her support for the military is pretty good.

Not that surprising. Brown ranks number three among 435 representatives in the House for "bringing home the bacon" and a lot of that bacon supports Naval Station Mayport and the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville. And Florida is second only to California in terms of military veteran population and Brown serves on the Veteran's Affairs committee.

Say what you will about her speech, she's a shrewd politician who knows how to play the game.

04-01-12, 10:39
... another sophomore there from a different school raised his hand to ask her a question and asked her in front of the entire conference ".... what ever happened with all that money you and your daughter stole".... she had no response and left

he straight shut her down... just shut that bitch down like a Block Buster Video


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Suwannee Tim
04-01-12, 16:57
I know for a fact Corrine carries. A buddy of mine runs a local indoor range and she has been there several times. He said she shoots better than most of the men and she is an old woman.