View Full Version : Some decent footage for you guys with a lesson...

03-30-12, 21:55
No OPSEC violations here. Anyway, thought some of you might like some first hand footage of what it's like to be in a mounted, vehicular engagement. You'll hear the armor taking hits (particularly the driver side glass). I was going to post this in the training forum but there's really not a whole lot to learn besides stay calm.

The video is a short clip of one of the more ridiculous mounted / vehicular contacts I've been in. Got tasked with the unfortunate duty of flying down and picking up some brand new vehicles and bringing them back up. The downside is that only one of us got sent for each vehicle. The crews on the way back up were composed of all soft skill soldiers...cooks, mechanics, etc that needed transportation back up.

The frantic yelling you hear is those soldiers. If you want to survive, chill out, PID, and engage. All the fire / RPG detonations you hear is incoming besides the few short bursts. Unfortunately the gun on our vehicle got hit so that's where the "get the SAW out" comes from. No desire to ever roll with people I don't know again. You'll see why.


03-30-12, 22:05
Ow. Did the driver, in fact, take one in the leg?

03-30-12, 22:15
Ow. Did the driver, in fact, take one in the leg?

He was okay...minor fragmentation inside the vehicle.

03-30-12, 23:26
So much for new vehicles....

glad you got out alright. Is that you saying 'Chill' in the video?

03-30-12, 23:30
Well, looks like those brand new vehicles are broken in huh.

Didn't hear much return fire FROM THE SAW GUNNER. For ****'s sake, let loose with that bitch don't just pop a couple rounds off in their direction.

Glad you're alright...

03-31-12, 13:40
I know what you mean by going out with people you don't know. Glad you made it through all those RPGs unscathed. Stay safe and shoot straight brother.

03-31-12, 14:16
No OPSEC violations here. Anyway, thought some of you might like some first hand footage of what it's like to be in a mounted, vehicular engagement.

Wild, thanx for sharing that.

03-31-12, 14:20
No OPSEC violations here. Anyway, thought some of you might like some first hand footage of what it's like to be in a mounted, vehicular engagement. You'll hear the armor taking hits (particularly the driver side glass). I was going to post this in the training forum but there's really not a whole lot to learn besides stay calm.

The video is a short clip of one of the more ridiculous mounted / vehicular contacts I've been in. Got tasked with the unfortunate duty of flying down and picking up some brand new vehicles and bringing them back up. The downside is that only one of us got sent for each vehicle. The crews on the way back up were composed of all soft skill soldiers...cooks, mechanics, etc that needed transportation back up.

The frantic yelling you hear is those soldiers. If you want to survive, chill out, PID, and engage. All the fire / RPG detonations you hear is incoming besides the few short bursts. Unfortunately the gun on our vehicle got hit so that's where the "get the SAW out" comes from. No desire to ever roll with people I don't know again. You'll see why.


did Funker 530 steal your video? I noticed he posted it last night, still though I though that was insane with everyone yelling and I cant believe that was you

03-31-12, 14:30
did Funker 530 steal your video? I noticed he posted it last night, still though I though that was insane with everyone yelling and I cant believe that was you

I saw it went up on Liveleak so I figured why not show the original here. Guess the dude who took it shared it somewhere...I've got more but I'll wait for someone else to share them first.

03-31-12, 14:35
I saw it went up on Liveleak so I figured why not show the original here. Guess the dude who took it shared it somewhere...I've got more but I'll wait for someone else to share them first.

thanks for sharing, so that was you in the video correct? were you the one telling everyone to stop screaming at the beginning?

03-31-12, 20:06
I saw it went up on Liveleak so I figured why not show the original here. Guess the dude who took it shared it somewhere...I've got more but I'll wait for someone else to share them first.

Funker 530 claims that its troops from the "101st Airborne" who had their lives saved from glass stopping a "7.62" round.

Is the 101st Airborne part true? How did he know this since you are the original video owner, and haven't mentioned it?

03-31-12, 21:52
Funker 530 claims that its troops from the "101st Airborne" who had their lives saved from glass stopping a "7.62" round.

Is the 101st Airborne part true? How did he know this since you are the original video owner, and haven't mentioned it?

You're killing me Sherlock. Highly irritating. Yes it's the 101st. No I'm not the one who originally shared it publicly as I have already stated. The support soldier who took the video must have shared it, or perhaps somebody who he shared it with. Who knows, who cares. I'll never be the first to upload combat footage. If someone else puts it out there I'll share it, which I've already explained. Once I saw it up on Liveleak, I decided why not share the original here (two different versions BTW). Put two and two together.

May seem crazy to you because you've never done shit. But that's daily life over there and thousands of people have similar first hand video. That it seems so unbelievable to you is a strong indication of your have-not status. Given that have-not status, your quickness to call me out is a strong indication of your dumbass status.

I'm about done on M4C. Been called out one too many times by one too many have-nots. If you had doubts it should have been handled through PM. Thought M4C was a community where positive contributors (which I have been from the get-go) were shielded from internet crusaders. It has proven otherwise. And you, GB, are among the worst offenders. Almost every single thing you post is retarded. And now you're calling me out. Absolutely unbelievable.

03-31-12, 22:13
You're killing me Sherlock. Highly irritating. Yes it's the 101st. No I'm not the one who originally shared it publicly as I have already stated. The support soldier who took the video must have shared it, or perhaps somebody who he shared it with. Who knows, who cares. I'll never be the first to upload combat footage. If someone else puts it out there I'll share it, which I've already explained. Once I saw it up on Liveleak, I decided why not share the original here (two different versions BTW). Put two and two together.

May seem crazy to you because you've never done shit. But that's daily life over there and thousands of people have similar first hand video. That it seems so unbelievable to you is a strong indication of your have-not status. Given that have-not status, your quickness to call me out is a strong indication of your dumbass status.

I'm about done on M4C. Been called out one too many times by one too many have-nots. If you had doubts it should have been handled through PM. Thought M4C was a community where positive contributors (which I have been from the get-go) were shielded from internet crusaders. It has proven otherwise. And you, GB, are among the worst offenders. Almost every single thing you post is retarded. And now you're calling me out. Absolutely unbelievable.

no one here called you out?

the question was posed because Funker530 posted it was the 101st, so Georgia just asked you if that was true.

Seeing as how you were there you are the prime candidate to ask was Fuker's description correct

No one called you out, or said you were making this up

03-31-12, 22:25
You're killing me Sherlock. Highly irritating. Yes it's the 101st. No I'm not the one who originally shared it publicly as I have already stated. The support soldier who took the video must have shared it, or perhaps somebody who he shared it with. Who knows, who cares. I'll never be the first to upload combat footage. If someone else puts it out there I'll share it, which I've already explained. Once I saw it up on Liveleak, I decided why not share the original here (two different versions BTW). Put two and two together.

May seem crazy to you because you've never done shit. But that's daily life over there and thousands of people have similar first hand video. That it seems so unbelievable to you is a strong indication of your have-not status. Given that have-not status, your quickness to call me out is a strong indication of your dumbass status.

I'm about done on M4C. Been called out one too many times by one too many have-nots. If you had doubts it should have been handled through PM. Thought M4C was a community where positive contributors (which I have been from the get-go) were shielded from internet crusaders. It has proven otherwise. And you, GB, are among the worst offenders. Almost every single thing you post is retarded. And now you're calling me out. Absolutely unbelievable.

Pm sent

03-31-12, 22:27
Crazy vid; thanks for sharing. Stay safe!!

03-31-12, 22:39
no one here called you out?

the question was posed because Funker530 posted it was the 101st, so Georgia just asked you if that was true.

Seeing as how you were there you are the prime candidate to ask was Fuker's description correct

No one called you out, or said you were making this up

"How did he know this since you are the original video owner, and haven't mentioned it?" - Georgia Boy

The above is an attempt (and a bad one) to cast doubt. If he was genuinely curious it should have been a PM. It turns a discussion where people can learn a lesson or gain some insight into one centered around me having to prove something.

People ask for first hand experience then want to run investigations when they get it.

I'm not being dramatic, all I'm saying is that it's not worth it to post first hand experience only to have to prove you have it to have-nots. If the mods will not come down hard on people like GB for this waste of time so that it doesn't continue I simply don't have any interest in continuing here...that's all.

03-31-12, 22:42
You're killing me Sherlock. Highly irritating. Yes it's the 101st.

Chill out. I never called you out, I asked a simple question.

Quit using your "I have" and your "have not" attacks as well. It's highly irritating and childish. Not all of us want to be in the military. You are making a fool of yourself on the whole Internet.

Thanks for your service, though.

04-01-12, 00:48
Thanks for sharing here as I don't frequent the other section. If there are other videos that other members have I would appreciate them being posted to this thread too since I'm tracking it and find this sort of thing highly interesting. Thanks for your service.

04-01-12, 01:56
Thanks for sharing here as I don't frequent the other section. If there are other videos that other members have I would appreciate them being posted to this thread too since I'm tracking it and find this sort of thing highly interesting. Thanks for your service.

one of my favorite videos of MARSOC



04-01-12, 06:03
"How did he know this since you are the original video owner, and haven't mentioned it?" - Georgia Boy

The above is an attempt (and a bad one) to cast doubt. If he was genuinely curious it should have been a PM. It turns a discussion where people can learn a lesson or gain some insight into one centered around me having to prove something.

People ask for first hand experience then want to run investigations when they get it.

I'm not being dramatic, all I'm saying is that it's not worth it to post first hand experience only to have to prove you have it to have-nots. If the mods will not come down hard on people like GB for this waste of time so that it doesn't continue I simply don't have any interest in continuing here...that's all.

I think you need to take your meds.

Your posts in general have a very "us vs. them" attitude, but this has now gotten ridiculous. You may, in fact, be happier on a forum like Lightfighter where military service, any military service, trumps anyone who never served. You seem to have a lot of interesting information to share, although in truth I have a hard time figuring out how some of it applies to my own life and situation, or even your own if you are no longer active duty and are just a regular dude like the rest of us.

Maybe we are all a bunch of "never did shit" guys. I'm quite happy having not been in combat thank you, and thank you for doing what I wouldn't, couldn't, or don't want to. But once you're done doing it you're just like us, going with the family to the movies, driving back and forth to a boring day job, etc. Maybe you're better qualified to deal with that 1:1,000,000 chance violent civilian encounter, maybe not. But your chances aren't any different than mine now, or if you're still active any time you're stateside.

I hope you don't leave, but you need to give the "us vs. them" shit a rest. There are other forums where resume is everything. Thankfully M4C is more about what you can currently offer to the knowledgebase, not where you've been.

04-01-12, 07:16
Everyone step back and do a "woosah"or whatever they hell they did on Bad Boys. Also, in the future let's use the PM feature to ask questions and maybe that will help solve part of the issues.

04-01-12, 10:18
Everyone step back and do a "woosah"or whatever they hell they did on Bad Boys. Also, in the future let's use the PM feature to ask questions and maybe that will help solve part of the issues.

Boy this thread went down in flames fast. General FYI, not sure if value added, but it's easy to add a "water mark" to the vid so when people decide to "share" it, the original source is known. No PERSEC/OPSEC info at all needs adding, just some identifier to the vid of some sort.

Learned the lesson of adding such things early on with vids the hard way as some parts of my own vids ended up on various sites minus any credit to the source.

04-01-12, 11:18
Rob I'm going to let this die but I'll just say I don't have that outlook at all. It just makes no sense to me why someone would try to investigate / try to catch a contradiction as GB did without really knowing anything about it. It's about staying in lanes. And that's what I mean by haves and have-nots. I don't have any competition experience, for example, so in that arena, I'm a have not. It's got absolutely zilch to do with military / civilian. In fact, I tend to value the opinions of the civilian side of the house more on many subjects. The only us vs. them mentality I have is qualified vs. unqualified. I've spoken equally strongly against military shooters with no competition experience who think they're qualified to weigh in on those subjects or question the claims of those shooters.

I think you need to take your meds.

Your posts in general have a very "us vs. them" attitude, but this has now gotten ridiculous. You may, in fact, be happier on a forum like Lightfighter where military service, any military service, trumps anyone who never served. You seem to have a lot of interesting information to share, although in truth I have a hard time figuring out how some of it applies to my own life and situation, or even your own if you are no longer active duty and are just a regular dude like the rest of us.

Maybe we are all a bunch of "never did shit" guys. I'm quite happy having not been in combat thank you, and thank you for doing what I wouldn't, couldn't, or don't want to. But once you're done doing it you're just like us, going with the family to the movies, driving back and forth to a boring day job, etc. Maybe you're better qualified to deal with that 1:1,000,000 chance violent civilian encounter, maybe not. But your chances aren't any different than mine now, or if you're still active any time you're stateside.

I hope you don't leave, but you need to give the "us vs. them" shit a rest. There are other forums where resume is everything. Thankfully M4C is more about what you can currently offer to the knowledgebase, not where you've been.