View Full Version : WTF, Nancy Pelosi gun collection discovered

04-01-12, 10:38
WTF? :eek:

By Philip Baulfield / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS -

A large collection of weapons were taken from a vacation home owned by Nancy Pelosi (D), a well known advocate of stricter gun laws.

The vacation home, located in the mountains sleepy town of Stoten CO, is in shock from the discovery, made by a local plumber after being called by the care taker of the house for minor flooding.

Local sheriff Rick Raoch said "We don't know how they got there or who put them there, but there's enough guns and ammo down there to start WWIII. No one needs that type of weaponry."

So far, calls to the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives have met with silence, but a response from her office is expected shortly.

04-01-12, 10:44
Anybody really surprised...
Do as I dictate (oops say)....

The policy makers are the exception & the same rules don't apply....
BLOWBACK control forthcoming. Here comes the spin for the media....

04-01-12, 10:46
I'm looking for a link Will...and I can't find one. Could you post it? Thanks!

04-01-12, 10:47
By the way what is today's date?:jester:

04-01-12, 10:48
Not surprised, Kennedy was the same way.

04-01-12, 10:49
By the way what is today's date?:jester:

D'oh, good call.

04-01-12, 10:49
First off, it doesnt suprise me. Most politicians are hypocrites.

What DOES suprise me is.....

"We don't know how they got there or who put them there, but there's enough guns and ammo down there to start WWIII. No one needs that type of weaponry."

WTF? "No one needs that type of weaponry"? Are you serious? I hope this opinion doesnt represent the majority of CO Sheriffs...

04-01-12, 10:49
Anybody really surprised...
Do as I dictate (oops say)....

The policy makers are the exception & the same rules don't apply....
BLOWBACK control forthcoming. Here comes the spin for the media....:

You sir are the victim of an April Fools posting. My bad. :jester:

It's an easy to believe April Fools joke as those are such hypocritical D bags, it would come as no surprise to anyone.

04-01-12, 10:52
D'oh, good call.


Reagans Rascals
04-01-12, 10:59
hopefully some of them were post samples....

04-01-12, 11:00
I wouldn't be surprised by this. Feinstein is alleged to have one of the few carry permits issued in Alameda county.

Remember when Democrats were screaming about the war in Iraq and the companies making money? We'll Feinsteins' husband was involved with URS Corp. which made hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars from defense department contracts.

Reagans Rascals
04-01-12, 11:04

04-01-12, 11:26
C'mon, Will, that was like shootin' fish in a barrel! :laugh:

04-01-12, 11:49
C'mon, Will, that was like shootin' fish in a barrel! :laugh:

Zombie Easter Rabbit says "My bad"


04-01-12, 12:15
I wouldn't be surprised by this. Feinstein is alleged to have one of the few carry permits issued in Alameda county.

Remember when Democrats were screaming about the war in Iraq and the companies making money? We'll Feinsteins' husband was involved with URS Corp. which made hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars from defense department contracts.

I know its a April Fools joke, but IIRC, a friend of mine who used to live in Kali, told me he has seen pictures of her, turning the same chrome/stainless pistol into two different gun buy back programs in Kali.

04-01-12, 12:31
Good one Will, you had me go'n! :o

04-01-12, 13:41
Not surprised, Kennedy was the same way.

April 1 aside, if you mean John Kennedy he was not the same way. He was an NRA life member and very pro gun.

04-01-12, 13:49
April 1 aside, if you mean John Kennedy he was not the same way. He was an NRA life member and very pro gun.

Reminds me of:

"NRA life member JFK was shot by ACLU member L. H. Oswald."

Do we have confirmation on both of those?

04-01-12, 15:54
Reminds me of:

"NRA life member JFK was shot by ACLU member L. H. Oswald."

Do we have confirmation on both of those?

No idea about the Oswalk/ACLU thing. But here is verification of the Kennedy being a NRA Life Member.


In addition to the above and a sitting President stating that the citizen militia plays "an important role in our National Defense" John Kennedy has been reported many times to be a gun owner, including at least one NFA registered M-16 in his personal collection.

The photo often attributed as "proof" of that M-16 ownership however is simply him inspecting the "new" Army rifle and almost certainly not the one he would one day have in his personal collection.


There is a photo of him shooting a M-16 (reportedly his) from the back of his boat but I can't seem to find it and haven't seen it in many years.

04-01-12, 16:03
April 1 aside, if you mean John Kennedy he was not the same way. He was an NRA life member and very pro gun.
Uncle Teddy was who I meant

04-01-12, 16:05
F'in a Cotton, that's the second time I've been fooled today...I'm usually not gullible enough to be pranked as such. Well played sir.

04-01-12, 16:17
By the way what is today's date?:jester:


04-01-12, 16:50
No idea about the Oswalk/ACLU thing. But here is verification of the Kennedy being a NRA Life Member.

As I understand it, Oswald went to some local ACLU meetings, and mailed in his membership card with fee just a few weeks before the event, but the ACLU claims to have no records of his ever being a member. That's what seems to be the most common info I have seen to confirm that quote.

Alex V
04-01-12, 17:50
URS Corp. which made hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars from defense department contracts.

No sh*t.

They didn't tell me that during the interview. I knew they worked with the DOD and I had to go through a background check.

Worked for them for about 3-4 months as an architect till I got a better offer. That company is too big and sucks.

Anyway... Good joke Will