Oscar 319
04-03-12, 14:35

“This Saturday in Sanford, Florida the New Black Panther Party will be conducting county-wide and state-wide defense training and community patrols to protect against racial violence and attacks, and people like Zimmerman…” he said.


This is not to revive the locked thread on the Martin V Zimmerman case, just a heads up if you find yourself in certain urban areas. Mods, lock of delete if you feel differently.

Stay Safe, O319.

04-03-12, 14:39
There are just so many things that come to mind when looking at that poster ... and all of them would result in this thread getting locked immediately and me taking a well-deserved "time out" from the forum. :lol:

04-03-12, 14:40
Three day weekend!:dance3:

04-03-12, 14:44


This is not to revive the locked thread on the Martin V Zimmerman case, just a heads up if you find yourself in certain urban areas. Mods, lock of delete if you feel differently.

Stay Safe, O319.

Nothing really to worry about in terms of the national day of absense. The New Black Panthers target audience doesn't work nor go to school and probably shoplifts or at least use govt welfare benefits for there shopping.

Reagans Rascals
04-03-12, 14:46
I understand the outrage and anger by those of the New Black Panther Party by this whole tragedy, however; I fear that advertisements and calls to action like that poster will incite more violence... hopefully their protests will remain peaceful and civil

I will however... be doubly sure that day to keep my CCW with me at all times and maintain a solid state of awareness

04-03-12, 15:47
How about that superimposed reticle and what it rather blatantly implies.

04-03-12, 15:57
Laughing at where it says "Demand the arrest of George Zimmerman" yet they put crosshairs over his picture as to suggest he should be killed. And suggesting its a hate crime. Funny how when a black man kills a white man in cold blood, its never a hate crime. :rolleyes: Bunch of ****ing douchebags. Truth is, these assclowns could probably could care less about Trayvon Martin.

04-03-12, 17:06

Okay I'll bite, since when has any of the members of the NBPP done any of those things?


But I thought it was day of "ACTION". . .:confused:

I'm digg'n the Egyptian symbology too! They really don't have a clue do they? :jester:

04-03-12, 17:09
Truth is, these assclowns could probably could care less about Trayvon Martin.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste".

They are opportunists and will exploit what they can out of this self defense shooting. And your right, had this been just another black on black shooting we wouldn't even know this thugs name.

Reagans Rascals
04-03-12, 18:11
I'm starting my own political organization.... THE WHITE TIGERS

04-03-12, 18:22
Is there any way we can get the people who would support such things to boycott school, work and shopping every day?

The idea of schools, malls and workplaces being populated by mostly normal people sounds wonderful.

04-03-12, 18:28
I'm digg'n the Egyptian symbology too! They really don't have a clue do they? :jester:

Most black racists groups like to believe they are decedent from Egyptian pharaohs and that they Egyptians were black men. This is why Cleopatra is so often suggested to be black despite the fact that the Ptolemies were Greek/Roman.

Course nobody ever suggested racism has to be intelligent.

William B.
04-03-12, 18:30
But I thought it was day of "ACTION". . .:confused:

Yeah, maybe they should change it to the "Day of Inaction".

04-03-12, 18:33
Those idiots deserve NO coverage or attention. They are a an extremist racist fringe group with no traction in the Black Community. Many view them as a home and nuisance. They are a not a serious threat and just like the many White Separatist Groups our there they deserve no coverage or serious attention.

Blame any mispellings on Autocorrect & Tapatalk

04-03-12, 18:34
Most black racists groups like to believe they are decedent from Egyptian pharaohs and that they Egyptians were black men. This is why Cleopatra is so often suggested to be black despite the fact that the Ptolemies were Greek/Roman.

Course nobody ever suggested racism has to be intelligent.

Yeap, that is why I posted that. When I was in Junior High I was forced to go to school assemblies where we were "educated" by some idiots like these on how blacks built the pyramids and other fairy tales.

Funny as a European American we never had assemblies for my Irish, Scottish, or German heritage.

Alex V
04-03-12, 21:17
Pffff... The pyramids were built by my ancestors... not theirs... (my ancestors being Jews lol)

Anyway, the news will cover whatever gets they viewers regardless of quality... lots of people are glued to their TVs over this story and the networks will parade any idiot in front of their cameras as long as they keep talking about this story.

If I was still in school in Newark, I would surely not go to class.

I'm sure we all remember Reginald Denny...

04-03-12, 21:40
Pffff... The pyramids were built by my ancestors... not theirs... (my ancestors being Jews lol)

As slaves no less. Funny how people forget these little inconvenient truths through out recorded history.

04-03-12, 21:51
Is there any way we can get the people who would support such things to boycott school, work and shopping every day?

The idea of schools, malls and workplaces being populated by mostly normal people sounds wonderful.

It is comments like this that make me think we need like buttons

Oscar 319
04-03-12, 22:14
Is there any way we can get the people who would support such things to boycott school, work and shopping every day?

The idea of schools, malls and workplaces being populated by mostly normal people sounds wonderful.


There you go.

Oscar 319
04-03-12, 22:15

Let's see which media outlets report this.

04-03-12, 23:07
Pffff... The pyramids were built by my ancestors... not theirs... (my ancestors being Jews lol)

Anyway, the news will cover whatever gets they viewers regardless of quality... lots of people are glued to their TVs over this story and the networks will parade any idiot in front of their cameras as long as they keep talking about this story.

If I was still in school in Newark, I would surely not go to class.

I'm sure we all remember Reginald Denny...

While I agree with your overall points...


A century of research by archaeologists and Egyptologists has found no evidence which can be directly related to the Exodus captivity and the escape and travels through the wilderness,[16] and most archaeologists have abandoned the archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus as "a fruitless pursuit".[19]

04-04-12, 00:12
It's funny how people that make such a big deal about doing away with racism are in fact the ones most fervently promoting it.
It's funny how a group that falls well within the parameters of what it's [insert other race] counterparts would be considered "extremists" can post up something like this flyer, and and nobody apparently gives two shits. But if the shoe was on the other foot.... I seem to remember a little something a few months back that caused a huge uproar over having supposed "crosshairs" over someones face....
It's funny that some people apparently think they can raise hell about "getting justice", and then go over the heads of those they demand it from and issue a reward- dead or alive, no less. Yet if the shoe was on the other foot, the issuers of said reward would be quickly labeled dangerous vigilantes. Seriously, WTF?
It's funny that the dollar amount they offered was actually kind of pathetic- if you want some random person to go out and drag the offender back for you dead there'd better be a helluva lot more than 10 grand on the table.
It's funny that the apparent impetus behind all this is it being a "racially motivated hate crime- yet the offender really isn't white. But hey- if it serves the purpose he's white enough. Just like a certain high ranking politician is apparently black enough.
It's funny that as far as a violent crime is concerned, this isn't really what I would think would be enough shock and awe to influence people to all march around wearing hoodies and munching skittles. Wackos have committed WAY more heinous crimes than this, and when was the last time a gov. official wore a hoodie to work?
It's funny when a relative talks about how even the older black guys that he works with think this is a crock. Ironically the older folk most would like to think have less than two brain cells to rub together. Interesting.
It's funny that people still blindly follow after whoever makes the most noise, and completely disregard whoever's making the most sense, as long as the noisemaker is "one of us".


04-04-12, 00:19
So these all black groups are going to sit around and do nothing all day.

What is going to be different on April 9th than any other day?

I am very confused. :confused:

04-04-12, 00:21
Those idiots deserve NO coverage or attention. They are a an extremist racist fringe group with no traction in the Black Community. Many view them as a home and nuisance. They are a not a serious threat and just like the many White Separatist Groups our there they deserve no coverage or serious attention.

Blame any mispellings on Autocorrect & Tapatalk

the SPLC even considers them a hate group! You really have to be a special group of morons to get the official "hate group" tag.

04-04-12, 10:29
Okay I'll bite, since when has any of the members of the NBPP done any of those things?

But I thought it was day of "ACTION". . .:confused:

I'm digg'n the Egyptian symbology too! They really don't have a clue do they? :jester:

You're killin' me man!:lol:

So does this mean they are going to raid Footlocker stores & loot shit?

04-04-12, 10:42
*puts extra mag in pocket*

yep, I'm ready.

04-04-12, 12:00
I doubt that there will be much "action". However, if you get enough wingnuts concentrated in one area it can have a snowball effect. Then the fires, looting and mayhem begin. I think it's what we refer to as a "target rich environment". Stay safe everyone.

the SPLC even considers them a hate group! You really have to be a special group of morons to get the official "hate group" tag.

Not at all. The SPLC is a money making racket. Oath Keepers are considered a "hate group" by the SPLC.

A good Harper's article can be read here (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/The%20Church%20of%20Morris%20Dees.html). Another good article can be read here ( http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2642)

This (http://www.counterpunch.org/2009/05/15/king-of-the-hate-business/) is probably the best article I've read on the SPLC titled "King of the hate business". The SPLC preys on white guilt and the ignorant, not stupid, people who don't realize the fact that it's a money making machine.

04-04-12, 12:20
I doubt that there will be much "action". However, if you get enough wingnuts concentrated in one area it can have a snowball effect. Then the fires, looting and mayhem begin. I think it's what we refer to as a "target rich environment". Stay safe everyone.

Not at all. The SPLC is a money making racket. Oath Keepers are considered a "hate group" by the SPLC.

A good Harper's article can be read here (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/The%20Church%20of%20Morris%20Dees.html). Another good article can be read here ( http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2642)

This (http://www.counterpunch.org/2009/05/15/king-of-the-hate-business/) is probably the best article I've read on the SPLC titled "King of the hate business". The SPLC preys on white guilt and the ignorant, not stupid, people who don't realize the fact that it's a money making machine.

I didnt know that about the SPLC. I listened to Mark Potak @ SPLC discussing the Black Panthers and why they are labeled a hate group. I was a bit skeptical(because professional grievance groups are shadier than an overcast day)when he was introduced by the host, but didnt know how financially aggressive they are.

04-04-12, 12:25
The Black Pampers. 45 years strong, and STILL full of crap... :rolleyes:



04-04-12, 12:43
*puts extra mag in pocket*

yep, I'm ready.


04-04-12, 12:58
I didnt know that about the SPLC. I listened to Mark Potak @ SPLC discussing the Black Panthers and why they are labeled a hate group. I was a bit skeptical(because professional grievance groups are shadier than an overcast day)when he was introduced by the host, but didnt know how financially aggression they are.

Most people don't realize it and that's why brought it up. News agencies, police and plenty of other intelligent people treat them as if their word is gospel so you're definitely not alone. The SPLC is a business and is very profitable. Their main product is hate and they get people's money through fear tactics.

Alex V
04-04-12, 13:03
While I agree with your overall points...


A century of research by archaeologists and Egyptologists has found no evidence which can be directly related to the Exodus captivity and the escape and travels through the wilderness,[16] and most archaeologists have abandoned the archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus as "a fruitless pursuit".[19]


It was a joke. To be perfectly honest, I am an atheist and don't believe a word the Old [or new for that matter] Testament says.

I just thought it would be a funny way to refute the idea that "black skinned" African natives built the pyramids, that is all.

Another funny way would be to say;

"When my ancestors were slaves they built the pyramids... what did they [African Americans] do when they were slaves?" lol :sarcastic:

04-04-12, 15:21

It was a joke. To be perfectly honest, I am an atheist and don't believe a word the Old [or new for that matter] Testament says.

I just thought it would be a funny way to refute the idea that "black skinned" African natives built the pyramids, that is all.

Another funny way would be to say;

"When my ancestors were slaves they built the pyramids... what did they [African Americans] do when they were slaves?" lol :sarcastic:

Gotcha, I will adjust my fire.

My favorite one is pointing out that the white man didn't enslave Africans. Africans enslaved Africans and then sold or traded them to the white man. There is a general belief, and this was very glossed over on the Roots series, that all the slaves in America were somehow kidnapped by the white man.

Even funnier is when black people call themselves African American but hate America for slavery. In reality it was African tribalism that resulted in the enslavement of other Africans and the only thing worse than being a slave in America was being a slave in Africa.

It is akin to Mexicans saying we did something to them when they actually speak the language and practice the religion of the country who actually subjugated them (Spain).

04-04-12, 16:13
I understand the outrage and anger by those of the New Black Panther Party by this whole tragedy...

Thankfully most of us don't give a shit about them or their concerns.

Reagans Rascals
04-04-12, 16:23
.. I think it's what we refer to as a "target rich environment". Stay safe everyone...

this is why hi-cap magazines, the XDm and the HK Jet funnel kit were created....

04-04-12, 17:43
The members of NBPP, Jessie J., Al S., Lewis F., etc would do well to listen to the message of James David Manning, PhD.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFiab7fjak :cool:

Reagans Rascals
04-04-12, 18:04
+1 on Doctor Manning



2 of the best I have seen

this is previous post of mine that I feel is relevant here as well:

To be completely honest... and I mean this is the least racial or derogatory way, as I myself have quite a diversity of friends and have had quite the diverse lineup of women in the past...

however; I truly believe... each race.. is a specific species of human... having simply evolved apart due to geographic separation.. much like 2 of the same monkeys or iguanas or turtles separated by vast geographic barriers will eventually evolve past all similarity....

look at bears... Black, Brown, Grizzly, and Polar bears... they are all bears.. however they are discernible down to the cellular level... and I would almost wager that if one were to truly examine the DNA of each individual race... for long enough... distinguishing characteristics would emerge... just as specific disease tend to only target specific races.. such as Sickle Cell Anemia tends to only affect blacks

its all evolution based upon geographic isolation.... pretty much what Darwin tried to explain with his ventures to the Galapagos

think what you want... but I am really starting to see it in Humans... how can there only be 1 species of human... when there isn't 1 single species of any other mammal.... multiple whales, bears, monkeys... host of different species within the same genus, phylum, family and so on...

04-04-12, 18:53
"The white man gonna rise up & I'm goining them"! HAHA!

Dr. Manning is the man!

Here's another one of his finest pieces: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEV0DiFkUQU

04-04-12, 23:23
The members of NBPP, Jessie J., Al S., Lewis F., etc would do well to listen to the message of James David Manning, PhD.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFiab7fjak :cool:

That guy is hilarious!
I needed that today...

04-05-12, 00:01
look at bears... Black, Brown, Grizzly, and Polar bears... they are all bears.. however they are discernible down to the cellular level... and I would almost wager that if one were to truly examine the DNA of each individual race... for long enough... distinguishing characteristics would emerge... just as specific disease tend to only target specific races.. such as Sickle Cell Anemia tends to only affect blacks

its all evolution based upon geographic isolation.... pretty much what Darwin tried to explain with his ventures to the Galapagos

think what you want... but I am really starting to see it in Humans... how can there only be 1 species of human... when there isn't 1 single species of any other mammal.... multiple whales, bears, monkeys... host of different species within the same genus, phylum, family and so on...

While you are dead on about race being little more than geographic isolationism you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the genetic understanding of race. It is almost a completely artificial classification and is about as arbitrary as classifying by hair color.


Mid-20th century anthropologist William C. Boyd defined race as: "A population which differs significantly from other populations in regard to the frequency of one or more of the genes it possesses. It is an arbitrary matter which, and how many, gene loci we choose to consider as a significant 'constellation'".[69]

Leonard Lieberman and Rodney Kirk have pointed out that "the paramount weakness of this statement is that if one gene can distinguish races then the number of races is as numerous as the number of human couples reproducing."[70] Moreover, anthropologist Stephen Molnar has suggested that the discordance of clines inevitably results in a multiplication of races that renders the concept itself useless.[71]

The Human Genome Project states "People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other."[72]

That said, there already have been different species of humans, they simply no longer exist and mitochondrial DNA pretty much resolved the "multiple origin of the species" hypothesis and we all seem to be decedent from the same original human species.

Now certainly with enough isolation, permitted variation and time we could produce a distinct new species but I don't think current global conditions would permit the necessary factors to exist.

04-05-12, 12:00
"If you kill one of mine goddamnit I've got to kill one of yours!" http://youtu.be/5p8CkKA5tFk

If we're going tit for tat things will get real interesting.

04-05-12, 12:48
"If you kill one of mine goddamnit I've got to kill one of yours!" http://youtu.be/5p8CkKA5tFk

If we're going tit for tat things will get real interesting.

Reminds me of the old, "you wanna play Cowboys and Indians" joke. :D

04-05-12, 15:21
The members of NBPP, Jessie J., Al S., Lewis F., etc would do well to listen to the message of James David Manning, PhD.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFiab7fjak :cool:

Reminds me of the old, "you wanna play Cowboys and Indians" joke. :D

Yes sir. These 2 posts belong together.

04-05-12, 18:33
More to follow... http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-Fire/2012/04/03/Man-78-recounts-assault-by-6-youths-in-E-Toledo.html

While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, "[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon ... Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man]," according to a police report.

04-05-12, 19:32
More to follow... http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-Fire/2012/04/03/Man-78-recounts-assault-by-6-youths-in-E-Toledo.html

Yeah, I read about that this morning...what the ****?!?! They must be super bad-ass, six kids beating around a frail old man. Watch out, we got some badasses in Toledo. :rolleyes:

I'm just glad I don't live in a "bad" part of the Bay Area...

04-05-12, 20:18
More to follow... http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-Fire/2012/04/03/Man-78-recounts-assault-by-6-youths-in-E-Toledo.html

Ahh another HATE CRIME that will go unprosecuted, at his age it should enhance the assault charges, though I'm not up on OH law.

Now if those bageniuses wanted to inact some sort of revenge on behalf of their fellow thug shouldn't they have targeted a Latino given that Zimerman is in fact Latino? Nah I guess that old "crack'a" would do.

04-05-12, 21:19
Laughing at where it says "Demand the arrest of George Zimmerman" yet they put crosshairs over his picture as to suggest he should be killed. And suggesting its a hate crime. Funny how when a black man kills a white manor a cop in cold blood, its never a hate crime. :rolleyes: Bunch of ****ing douchebags. Truth is, these assclowns could probably could care less about Trayvon Martin.

Fixed for you.

Anyone else pissed that an isolated event between a black teenager and a Hispanic adult is bringing violence and tension between blacks and whites? Not that I think there should be any tension or violence on any front, but seriously, this is being majorly twisted by the media and popular culture figures, as well as the Black Panthers so as to start a race war against a party that appears to be un-involved.

04-06-12, 06:11
More to follow... http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-Fire/2012/04/03/Man-78-recounts-assault-by-6-youths-in-E-Toledo.html

This story is on Fox News web site, but at the end of the article, no surprise here:

Three of the six youths have been charged in the case, but police interviews didn't yield enough evidence to support hate crime charges, FoxToledo.com reported.


04-06-12, 07:12
+1 on Doctor Manning



2 of the best I have seen

this is previous post of mine that I feel is relevant here as well:

To be completely honest... and I mean this is the least racial or derogatory way, as I myself have quite a diversity of friends and have had quite the diverse lineup of women in the past...

however; I truly believe... each race.. is a specific species of human... having simply evolved apart due to geographic separation.. much like 2 of the same monkeys or iguanas or turtles separated by vast geographic barriers will eventually evolve past all similarity....

look at bears... Black, Brown, Grizzly, and Polar bears... they are all bears.. however they are discernible down to the cellular level... and I would almost wager that if one were to truly examine the DNA of each individual race... for long enough... distinguishing characteristics would emerge... just as specific disease tend to only target specific races.. such as Sickle Cell Anemia tends to only affect blacks

its all evolution based upon geographic isolation.... pretty much what Darwin tried to explain with his ventures to the Galapagos

think what you want... but I am really starting to see it in Humans... how can there only be 1 species of human... when there isn't 1 single species of any other mammal.... multiple whales, bears, monkeys... host of different species within the same genus, phylum, family and so on...

Nonsense. It's regional culture. Give me one of the many fatherless children begat by one of the NBPs and I will raise up a fine American. I've seen it done and know many folks doing it.

04-06-12, 07:24
Nonsense. It's regional culture. Give me one of the many fatherless children begat by one of the NBPs and I will raise up a fine American. I've seen it done and know many folks doing it.


04-06-12, 12:01
Nonsense. It's regional culture. Give me one of the many fatherless children begat by one of the NBPs and I will raise up a fine American. I've seen it done and know many folks doing it.

This is the same old "nature vs. nurture" argument that people tend to bring up when race is involved. There is something to be said about one's DNA makeup - but only to a point. You cannot do anything about inherited mental and physical traits. An inherited chemical imbalance within your brain or body is going to exist no matter what environment you end up in. Although in some cases, the environment facilitates its suppression and in some cases it amplifies the evil.

There is a reason there aren't very many scrawny, 100-pound when soaking wet bullies that don't end up getting their ass beat. This is nature - the largest and most powerful Lion usually ends up as the head of the Pride until they get too old and decrepit to defend their position.

However, I have met way too many individuals who despite being raised in poverty by a single Mother or Grandmother; ended up being upstanding and productive young men and women. In just about every case the difference is they were raised by someone who applied the appropriate mixture of love and discipline at the right times. Nurture can and does suppress evil at times. It's not easy, but it does take a lot of work.

There are also individuals, who despite being raised by loving parents or guardians ended up committing heinous crimes up to and including murdering the very same parents who either gave birth tot hem or adopted them. Sometimes nature is just stronger than nurture.

But I absolutely reject the generalization that just because someone grew up in a particular neighborhood in a broken family that they will end up leading a life of crime. It only becomes so when the very people who live in those neighborhoods allow it to happen.

The idiots of the new black panther panther party are examples of this. Instead of addressing the true issue - that they belong to a culture that worships the almighty dollar and thinks that it is okay to treat women as objects and others as "white bread" - and their community start taking some responsibility for the proper nurturing of ALL their children; they are doomed to keep driving down that road of failure. JM2CW.

04-06-12, 12:25
Enough said :haha:


04-06-12, 12:42
So just another normal day then?

Alex V
04-06-12, 14:01
Fixed for you.

Anyone else pissed that an isolated event between a black teenager and a Hispanic adult is bringing violence and tension between blacks and whites?

I think its a more of a mob-mentality. Take a population and feel them garbage over the media, some will be smart enough to understand the true facts [those are the ones who don't get violent and scream at the top of their lungs about shit they don't understand] then there will be the portion of the population who inherently, be it by nature or nurture, [previous posts ;)] do not posses the intelligence to discern the facts from the bullshit and they will get violent because in their lack of intellect it is the only thing they know how to do.

Think about it, the people who are perpetrating or speaking of violence against whites in response to a possible crime committed by a Hispanic person probably do not have enough brain power to tell the difference anyway. :confused:

Oscar 319
04-06-12, 14:50
Enough said :haha:



04-06-12, 15:26
+1 on Doctor Manning



2 of the best I have seen

this is previous post of mine that I feel is relevant here as well:

To be completely honest... and I mean this is the least racial or derogatory way, as I myself have quite a diversity of friends and have had quite the diverse lineup of women in the past...

however; I truly believe... each race.. is a specific species of human... having simply evolved apart due to geographic separation.. much like 2 of the same monkeys or iguanas or turtles separated by vast geographic barriers will eventually evolve past all similarity....

look at bears... Black, Brown, Grizzly, and Polar bears... they are all bears.. however they are discernible down to the cellular level... and I would almost wager that if one were to truly examine the DNA of each individual race... for long enough... distinguishing characteristics would emerge... just as specific disease tend to only target specific races.. such as Sickle Cell Anemia tends to only affect blacks

its all evolution based upon geographic isolation.... pretty much what Darwin tried to explain with his ventures to the Galapagos

think what you want... but I am really starting to see it in Humans... how can there only be 1 species of human... when there isn't 1 single species of any other mammal.... multiple whales, bears, monkeys... host of different species within the same genus, phylum, family and so on...

It seems that different variants of a species due to geographical isolation = subspecies though. Like different subspecies or races of tigers for instance; siberian, javan, bengals, indo-chinese, etc..

All are the same species and can interbreed with fertile offspring.

Hate how the kid is portrayed as an absolute angel when his school records seem to indicate otherwise. I remember kids like this in grade school. Long suspensions, etc... Many are very far from being angels.

Edit: Is the concept of subspecies as shaky as race is now?

04-06-12, 15:32
Enough said :haha:


EPIC! :cool:

04-06-12, 17:21
Enough said :haha:


That guy is awesome! He needs his own syndicated talk show.

04-07-12, 00:45
As this case unravels there are more people speaking out due to the amount of attention the national media has given this incident. It does me good to see videos like that of Zo and Dr. Manning. I happened on this article today. . .

Profiling, by Dr. Walter E. Williams


Twelve years ago, a black Washington, D.C., commissioner warned cabbies, most of whom were black, against picking up dangerous-looking passengers. She described "dangerous-looking" as a "young black guy ... with shirttail hanging down longer than his coat, baggy pants, unlaced tennis shoes." She also warned cabbies to stay away from low-income black neighborhoods. Did that make the D.C. commissioner a racist?

The former Charleston, S.C., black chief of police, Reuben Greenberg, said the problem facing black America is not racial profiling. He said, "The greatest problem in the black community is the tolerance for high levels of criminality." Former Los Angeles black police Chief Bernard Parks, defending racial profiling, said: "It's not the fault of the police when they stop minority males or put them in jail. It's the fault of the minority males for committing the crime. In my mind, it is not a great revelation that if officers are looking for criminal activity, they're going to look at the kind of people who are listed on crime reports." Are former police Chiefs Greenberg and Parks racist?

04-07-12, 01:37
I'm starting my own political organization.... THE WHITE TIGERS

Ill sign up for a free tshirt!:D

04-07-12, 08:11
That guy is awesome! He needs his own syndicated talk show.

He has done some great videos on various topics. His vids from the 08 election era are awesome and worth a watch.

America needs many more just like him.

04-07-12, 09:01
check out this gem of the human race

CNN's Cooper Grills Black Panthers over Racism, "Uncle Toms" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxIjibd_uy4)

It's all about race now
by Patrick J. Buchanan03/30/2012

If it had been a white teenager who was shot, and a 28-year-old black guy who shot him, the black guy would have been arrested.

So assert those demanding the arrest of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin.

And they may be right.

Yet if Trayvon had been shot dead by a black neighborhood watch volunteer, Jesse Jackson would not have been in a pulpit in Sanford, Fla., howling that he had been "murdered and martyred."

Maxine Waters would not be screaming "hate crime."

Rep. Hank Johnson would not be raging that Trayvon had been "executed." And ex-Black Panther Bobby Rush would not have been wearing a hoodie in the well of the House.

Which tells you what this whipped-up hysteria is all about.

It is not about finding the truth about what happened that night in Sanford when Zimmerman followed Trayvon in his SUV, and the two wound up in a fight, with Trayvon dead.

It is about the exacerbation of and the exploitation of racial conflict.

And it is about an irreconcilable conflict of visions about what the real America is in the year 2012.

Zimmerman "profiled" Trayvon, we are told. And perhaps he did.

But why? What did George Zimmerman, self-styled protector of his gated community, see that night from the wheel of his SUV?

He saw a male. And males are 90 percent of prison inmates. He saw a stranger over 6 feet tall. And he saw a black man or youth with a hood over his head.

Why would this raise Zimmerman's antennae?

Perhaps because black males between 16 and 36, though only 2 to 3 percent of the population, are responsible for a third of all our crimes.

In some cities, 40 percent of all black males are in jail or prison, on probation or parole, or have criminal records. This is not a product of white racism but of prosecutions and convictions of criminal acts.

Had Zimmerman seen a black woman or older man in his neighborhood, he likely would never have tensed up or called in.

For all the abuse he has received, Geraldo Rivera had a point.

Whenever cable TV runs hidden-camera footage of a liquor or convenience store being held up and someone behind the counter being shot, the perp is often a black male wearing a hoodie.

Listening to the heated rhetoric coming from demonstrations around the country, from the Black Caucus and TV talkers -- about how America is a terrifying place for young black males to grow up in because of the constant danger from white vigilantes -- one wonders what country of the mind these people are living in.

The real America is a country where the black crime rate is seven times as high as the white rate. It is a country where white criminals choose black victims in 3 percent of their crimes, but black criminals choose white victims in 45 percent of their crimes.

Black journalists point to the racism manifest even in progressive cities, where cabs deliberately pass them by to pick up white folks down the block.

That this happens is undeniable. But, again, what is behind it?

As Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has written, from January to June 2008 in New York City, 83 percent of all identified gun assailants were black and 15 percent were Hispanics.

Together, blacks and Hispanics accounted for 98 percent of gun assaults.

Translated: If a cabdriver is going to be mugged or murdered in New York City by a fare, 49 times out of 50 his assailant or killer will be black or Hispanic.

Fernando Mateo of the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers has told his drivers, "Profile your passengers" for your own protection. "The God's honest truth is that 99 percent of the people that are robbing, stealing, killing these guys are blacks and Hispanics."

Fernando Mateo is himself black and Hispanic.

To much of America's black leadership and its media auxiliaries, what happened in Sanford was, as Jesse put it, that an innocent kid was "shot down in cold blood by a vigilante."

Yet, from police reports, witness statements, and the father and friends of Zimmerman, another picture emerges.

Zimmerman followed Trayvon, confronted him, and was punched in the nose, knocked flat on his back and jumped on, getting his head pounded, when he pulled his gun and fired. That Trayvon's body was found face down, not face up, would tend to support this.

But, to Florida Congresswoman Federica Wilson, "this sweet young boy ... was hunted down like a dog, shot on the street, and his killer is still at large."

Some Sanford police believed Zimmerman; others did not.

But now that it is being investigated by a special prosecutor, the FBI, the Justice Department and a coming grand jury, what is the purpose of this venomous portrayal of George Zimmerman?

As yet convicted of no crime, he is being crucified in the arena of public opinion as a hate-crime monster and murderer.

Is this our idea of justice?

No. But if the purpose here is to turn this into a national black-white face-off, instead of a mutual search for truth and justice, it is succeeding marvelously well.

04-07-12, 14:50
Enough said :haha:


Mush minded militants. :) That dude nailed it on every point he made.

Oscar 319
04-07-12, 20:38
And now this: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/armed-neo-nazis-patrol-sanford-as-black-panthers-hold-survival-training-session/

04-07-12, 21:14
And now this: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/armed-neo-nazis-patrol-sanford-as-black-panthers-hold-survival-training-session/

They deserve each other, to bad we can't bring back the Circus Maximus. . .

nobody knows
04-08-12, 15:14
Things in this country are comming to a head. It's going to get bad for lot's of people, I just hope there's no more unnecessary violence against innocent people.

04-08-12, 15:24
And now this: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/armed-neo-nazis-patrol-sanford-as-black-panthers-hold-survival-training-session/


A report from the Sanford Police Department is casting doubt on the story posted in the Miami New Times about the Neo-Nazis and the armed street patrols in Sanford. According to William Jacobson, Assistant Clinical Professor of Cornell Law School, there is no evidence that the Neo Nazis are in the Florida town:

Response from Sanford Joint Information Center: “At this time the City of Sanford has not confirmed the presence of Neo-Nazis groups.”
The professor asked for additional clarification and got it:

“You say “not confirmed.” Is there any indication of such patrols that the Department is aware of?”

Further Response from Sanford Joint Information Center:
“We have no indication of any such patrols at this point in Sanford. The only large gathering was the children and their parents at the Easter egg hunt.”

The Blaze will continue to monitor this story and update it as needed.

sanford police cant find any neo nazis

04-08-12, 17:20
Looks like its spreading


Oscar 319
04-08-12, 17:58



04-08-12, 18:05
For those pitching the moronic argument of genetics/race over environment/rearing, please do yourself a favor and read this thread (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=29381).

As far as I'm concerned, the NBP are bunch of shrill, insignificant dickheads with no wherewithal but the Internet and you guys are are buying into the looming "threat" and it's nothing but Internet bullshit.

Let's do ourselves a favor as gun owning Americans and not feed into the bullshit on either side. Obama ****ed this one but good by making it a racial issue but that's should not take away from the gun owners right amongst all of you that have a bit more melatonin than the majority.

04-08-12, 20:10
It was only a matter of time before the other extreme started getting into the act: Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford... (http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2012/04/heavily_armed_neo-nazis_patrol.php)

04-08-12, 20:12
It was only a matter of time before the other extreme started getting into the act: Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford... (http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2012/04/heavily_armed_neo-nazis_patrol.php)

Carlos, the Sandford PD can't find those guys as posted a little bit earlier.

Oscar 319
04-08-12, 22:51
As far as I'm concerned, the NBP are bunch of shrill, insignificant dickheads with no wherewithal but the Internet and you guys are are buying into the looming "threat" and it's nothing but Internet bullshit.

You Sir, are correct. However, there is still a small segment of the population who does feed into this bullshit and the majority of Americans believe the shit the main stream media has been feeding them.

Frankly, it is scary and it needs to stop now. I am getting sick of dudes with their hoodies up in 70 degree weather (of all races), giving me the stink eye simply because I am in a patrol car, as if I am the enemy lately.

My friends and partners, who I trust my life with, are White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and Polynesian. We are all concerned about this.

04-09-12, 00:01
It's April 9th...

12 o'clock and all is well.

04-09-12, 01:03
For those pitching the moronic argument of genetics/race over environment/rearing, please do yourself a favor and read this thread (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=29381).

As far as I'm concerned, the NBP are bunch of shrill, insignificant dickheads with no wherewithal but the Internet and you guys are are buying into the looming "threat" and it's nothing but Internet bullshit.

Let's do ourselves a favor as gun owning Americans and not feed into the bullshit on either side. Obama ****ed this one but good by making it a racial issue but that's should not take away from the gun owners right amongst all of you that have a bit more melatonin than the majority.

I've always been curious as to the organics of how the various race riots in our history have truly started. Certainly, the L.A. riots were presaged by self-styled "black community leaders" beating the war drums. Because of that I honestly can't discount any racialist group that has murderous, violent rhetoric. I am also left being very concerned about the presence of a people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the various other professionally offended racial hucksters and the things they are saying. If George Zimmerman isn't convicted this could very well devolve into something extraordinarily ugly.

As far as the race argument, I agree, the attitudes and behaviors are likely entirely environmental. The problem is that a significant majority of American-born blacks grew up in a that corrosive environment.

04-09-12, 02:02
It's April 9th... and all is well.

I'm praying it stays this way.

Sometimes people talk tough and need to vent their frustrations. Thats what I pray all of this amounts to. Nothing more

Just a Jarhead
04-09-12, 03:29
Being in south Florida, I've told my wife to be extra vigilant today and until this whole mess calms down. If things escalated at any point, they would quickly spread down to my way I would suspect. Keeping a few extra magazines in the vehicle is probably prudent and not over-reactionary.

04-09-12, 04:11
Looks like its spreading


Actually this has nothing to do with the Martin-Zimerman incident. One of the suspects (England) fathers was shot and murdered by a black male two years to the day of the Tulsa shootings. While it's being investigated has a "hate crime" it's more of a "revenge crime".


04-09-12, 04:23
I've always been curious as to the organics of how the various race riots in our history have truly started. Certainly, the L.A. riots were presaged by self-styled "black community leaders" beating the war drums. Because of that I honestly can't discount any racialist group that has murderous, violent rhetoric. I am also left being very concerned about the presence of a people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the various other professionally offended racial hucksters and the things they are saying. If George Zimmerman isn't convicted this could very well devolve into something extraordinarily ugly.

This is one subject matter that I stay pretty well read on, here are some informative articles.

Los Angeles Riots and Korean-African American Conflict (written by a Korean-American survivor of the Rodney King Riots)

Why do I need a rifle? (written by former LAPD veteran of the Watts and Rodney King riots)

04-09-12, 11:58
The problem is that a significant majority of American-born blacks grew up in a that corrosive environment.

We can thank LBJ for that.

04-09-12, 12:10
. If George Zimmerman isn't convicted this could very well devolve into something extraordinarily ugly.

Zimmerman is an excuse not a cause.

04-09-12, 12:13
New Black Panthers call for race war, blood shed against honkies, crackers and pigs and starve capitalism (Audio)


04-09-12, 13:27
...Los Angeles Riots and Korean-African American Conflict (written by a Korean-American survivor of the Rodney King Riots)

Pretty interesting read, thanks for sharing. I remember during the 1990s when there was a widespread protest against Korean owned businesses, in particular Liquor Stores in Baltimore City. These protests were organized and led by so-called "leaders" of the black community.

It came to a head when the number of blacks being shot by the Korean Liquor Store owners shot up to incredible proportions. The black community started ranting and raving that Koreans and other immigrant-owned businesses were shooting black youths for racial reasons. They somehow missed the part that these "youths" were committing armed robbery and assaults with deadly weapons.

The Investigating Officers were thankful that they did not have to do any of the shooting. All they had to do was write the reports, secure any evidence, and view the security cameras. They said these were usually the easiest cases they had to work because there were usually plenty of witnesses (of all races), plenty of evidence (IE: spent cases, bullet holes, bodies), and security videos that corroborate the statements.

As someone who used to live around and work in Baltimore City, I have had multiple experiences as the target of racial statements from the "upstanding residents" of Baltimore City. A lot of that City's residents are absolute bigots and racists. They hate anyone who dare to live the American Dream and "take advantage" of their people's poverty by opening a business, any business.

They did drag at least two Police Officers (one black one Caucasian) through the courts for their roles in OISs. The white Officer was eventually acquitted after two hung juries when advances in Forensic Techniques proved that the "child" did have powder residue on his clothes verifying the Officer's story that he merely returned fire. They never did find the gun.

The black Officer was accused of excessive force when he shot one of these fine upstanding youths who was holding a knife and refusing to surrender after he tried to rob a Shoe Store. It was all caught on the store's security camera. The Officer fired when he saw in the subject's demeanor that he was about to lung at them; something that the camera nor the public could not see. They were about 15-feet from the subject. I don't remember what the outcome of that case is.

Like the articles said, it seems to be a lot of cases of "haves" versus "have-nots". I can't blame the "haves" from using whatever is at their disposal to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the lived they had built through their blood, sweat, and tears. JM2CW.

04-09-12, 15:03
Like the articles said, it seems to be a lot of cases of "haves" versus "have-nots". I can't blame the "haves" from using whatever is at their disposal to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the lived they had built through their blood, sweat, and tears. JM2CW.

Roger that.

There is a member here who is serving abroad who grew up in the Korean community of L.A. and his family suffered during the Rodney King riots. There is a lot more to the story but we all know what the national media and the Federal Government cherry picks to cover.

In these audio recordings posted by Ocar 319. . .




You hear one of the NBPP oxygen thieves speak of the have and have nots, interestingly enough his explanation of this is racist classism caused by capitalism. :rolleyes:

At the root of it the NBPP, Jesse, Al, Lewis, and the like don't give two shits about the Trayvon Martins of the world they just want to exploit the incident to get whatever they can out of it. Equality is not enough for these people, they want what everyone else has had to toil for while they sit back and do nothing. . .

04-09-12, 20:30
so, how did this day of action go down? anything get burned? at all? beat downs? any honkies get the bidness? Something! Anything meaningful from Shabazz the Clown? Besides the typical "death to honkies" thing?

I was busy at work today, so I missed all the excitement:o

04-09-12, 20:38
so, how did this day of action go down? anything get burned? at all? beat downs? any honkies get the bidness? Something! Anything meaningful from Shabazz the Clown? Besides the typical "death to honkies" thing?

I was busy at work today, so I missed all the excitement:o


04-09-12, 20:41

bummer! That sounded so cool!

04-09-12, 23:45
From the previous audio links:

“An act of war has been declared on us and we have no choice but to fight…[But] we have to be trained how to fight. See the whole purpose of the maneuver that’s happening in Sanford is to train in self-defense, because many of us think we’re prepared for a battle- just like many of us think we’re prepared for a fight- but if you are not training, if you are not stocking up water, if you are not stocking up food, if you are not stocking up weapons and artillery and survival books, and gas masks, and flashlights, and cantines, and ready-to-eat meals…if you are not stocking that up I don’t know how serious we are right now

Joy. :rolleyes:

04-10-12, 00:33
Looks like they didn't get off the welfare couch long enough to do anything today.

Figures. Oprah & BET had some new episodes probably.

04-10-12, 03:05
I can't imagine a race war ending well for the race that is outnumbered by 200,000,000.

04-10-12, 03:22
Most black racists groups like to believe they are decedent from Egyptian pharaohs and that they Egyptians were black men. This is why Cleopatra is so often suggested to be black despite the fact that the Ptolemies were Greek/Roman.

Course nobody ever suggested racism has to be intelligent.

i say that all the time :D

04-10-12, 05:53
Sooooo... everybody SURVIVE the, "day of... 'action'?" :haha:

All show, no go - I'm SO surprised... :rolleyes:

04-10-12, 06:20
Sooooo... everybody SURVIVE the, "day of... 'action'?" :haha:

All show, no go - I'm SO surprised... :rolleyes:

This is not the first time that these terrorist wannabees called for a day of "action". They did the same thing in April of 2011. It fizzled also.

04-10-12, 09:19
so, how did this day of action go down? anything get burned? at all? beat downs? any honkies get the bidness? Something! Anything meaningful from Shabazz the Clown? Besides the typical "death to honkies" thing?

I was busy at work today, so I missed all the excitement:o

Shooting up cop cars. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/Sanford-police-car-shot-near-Trayvon-Martin-scene/-/1637132/10396904/-/j1ihog/-/index.html

And a group of black guys beating a white dude for Trayvon. http://www.gainesville.com/article/20120409/ARTICLES/120409617/1182?Title=Man-tells-police-group-yelled-8216-Trayvon-then-beat-him

04-10-12, 12:10
Pretty interesting read, thanks for sharing. I remember during the 1990s when there was a widespread protest against Korean owned businesses, in particular Liquor Stores in Baltimore City. These protests were organized and led by so-called "leaders" of the black community.

It came to a head when the number of blacks being shot by the Korean Liquor Store owners shot up to incredible proportions. The black community started ranting and raving that Koreans and other immigrant-owned businesses were shooting black youths for racial reasons. They somehow missed the part that these "youths" were committing armed robbery and assaults with deadly weapons.

The Investigating Officers were thankful that they did not have to do any of the shooting. All they had to do was write the reports, secure any evidence, and view the security cameras. They said these were usually the easiest cases they had to work because there were usually plenty of witnesses (of all races), plenty of evidence (IE: spent cases, bullet holes, bodies), and security videos that corroborate the statements.

As someone who used to live around and work in Baltimore City, I have had multiple experiences as the target of racial statements from the "upstanding residents" of Baltimore City. A lot of that City's residents are absolute bigots and racists. They hate anyone who dare to live the American Dream and "take advantage" of their people's poverty by opening a business, any business.

You mean armed robbery, looting, welfare and food stamps aren't the American dream?

What's even more amazing is the new Rev Wright tape. Here's our divider in chief Omao preaching he is the American Dream when Rev Wright and the "churches" like his preach the opposite, whitey is holding you down, you can't make it. If you believe that crap, you deserve the poverty you chose to accept, much like what we get as voters.

04-10-12, 13:00
I'm starting to "rethink" my positions on the territorial demands of racist groups. For years the KKK/AN and the BP/BI have demanded "white only" and "black only" territories respectively.

Not being a racist, like most people I was originally offended by the concept of "race based" territory and felt it had no place in this country. But then I looked at the problem from the other side and realized how convenient it would be to collect a huge percentage of both hate groups into a concentrated area that everyone else could then simply avoid.

We could have a "white homeland" somewhere in Montana or North Dakota and a "black homeland" somewhere in Georgia or Alabama. We could let them exist like a huge, angry and bitter Chinatown and just completely ignore them. We could establish "mecca like" churches which preach hatred and stupidity in each location to continuously attract the new idiots who come along.

All parolees who were members of the BM or AB could be released directly into these areas where their "brothers" could look after them.

04-10-12, 13:01
Last night came and went.

Few guys with "Remember Trayvon" big white buttons with his face on them walking around but nothing serious or racially motivated.

04-10-12, 13:29
I'm starting to "rethink" my positions on the territorial demands of racist groups. For years the KKK/AN and the BP/BI have demanded "white only" and "black only" territories respectively.

Not being a racist, like most people I was originally offended by the concept of "race based" territory and felt it had no place in this country. But then I looked at the problem from the other side and realized how convenient it would be to collect a huge percentage of both hate groups into a concentrated area that everyone else could then simply avoid.

We could have a "white homeland" somewhere in Montana or North Dakota and a "black homeland" somewhere in Georgia or Alabama. We could let them exist like a huge, angry and bitter Chinatown and just completely ignore them. We could establish "mecca like" churches which preach hatred and stupidity in each location to continuously attract the new idiots who come along.

All parolees who were members of the BM or AB could be released directly into these areas where their "brothers" could look after them.

You have it all wrong. You promise them they get their special place, but then you put both groups into the same isolated area, with only enough resources to support 1/3 of the given population. After they kill each other for the limited resources you let the survivors starve. 2 birds, no stones and limited tax expenditures. Hell if you put it on pay per view you might make a profit. [sarcasm/]

Honestly, the world shouldnt have to tolerate or deal with ignorant doofuses no matter what the color of their skin is or what God they pray to.

04-10-12, 18:57
You have it all wrong. You promise them they get their special place, but then you put both groups into the same isolated area, with only enough resources to support 1/3 of the given population. After they kill each other for the limited resources you let the survivors starve. 2 birds, no stones and limited tax expenditures. Hell if you put it on pay per view you might make a profit. [sarcasm/]

This is why I made the comment on the previous page about bringing back the Circus Maximus. It was nothing for 50K men to die in one days worth of games. The ancient Romans would have gone ape shit for Pay-Per-View. . .;)

04-12-12, 21:31
That guy is awesome! He needs his own syndicated talk show.

Holy shit, that guy is effin fantastic. I mean he just laid it all out there, perfectly.


04-12-12, 23:35
For those pitching the moronic argument of genetics/race over environment/rearing, please do yourself a favor and read this thread (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=29381).

As far as I'm concerned, the NBP are bunch of shrill, insignificant dickheads with no wherewithal but the Internet and you guys are are buying into the looming "threat" and it's nothing but Internet bullshit.

Let's do ourselves a favor as gun owning Americans and not feed into the bullshit on either side. Obama ****ed this one but good by making it a racial issue but that's should not take away from the gun owners right amongst all of you that have a bit more melatonin than the majority.

Just for clarity, I wasn't pitching about one "race" being better or worse, just musing about the validity of subspecies in humans. Biologists sometimes use the terms race/subspecies interchangeably when discussing animals. Is the same not PC enough when applied to humans.

I think I read somewhere that the neanderthals are a subspecies of homo saipens.

Again, not really debating anything. I hope Zimmerman gets justice guilty or not, though people like Jesse Jackson are overdoing it a bit..

I'd hate to be thought of as someone who categorizes people's character based on their "race".

Reagans Rascals
04-12-12, 23:44
I'm starting to "rethink" my positions on the territorial demands of racist groups. For years the KKK/AN and the BP/BI have demanded "white only" and "black only" territories respectively.

Not being a racist, like most people I was originally offended by the concept of "race based" territory and felt it had no place in this country. But then I looked at the problem from the other side and realized how convenient it would be to collect a huge percentage of both hate groups into a concentrated area that everyone else could then simply avoid.

We could have a "white homeland" somewhere in Montana or North Dakota and a "black homeland" somewhere in Georgia or Alabama. We could let them exist like a huge, angry and bitter Chinatown and just completely ignore them. We could establish "mecca like" churches which preach hatred and stupidity in each location to continuously attract the new idiots who come along.

All parolees who were members of the BM or AB could be released directly into these areas where their "brothers" could look after them.

Abraham Lincoln asked those of African descent to return to their homeland before the Emancipation Proclamation was ever even signed


Reagans Rascals
04-17-12, 17:19