View Full Version : You Should ALWAYS Follow 911 Operator Directions...

04-04-12, 16:54
Denver 911 Operator’s Decision Called Into Question After Murder (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/04/02/denver-911-operators-decision-called-into-question-after-murder/)

short version:

man calls 911 after being threatened at gun point. The 911 operator tells him that if he doesn't go back that the cops can not go to his location. He goes back to the scene, the guys are still there and he's killed.

Doc Safari
04-04-12, 17:03
I wonder what would happen if you just didn't call 911 and handled it yourself.

Oh, sorry. That's why I live in the middle of nowhere. ;)

911 would take hours to arrive out here anyway.

04-04-12, 17:41
A civilian 911 dispatcher has zero legal authority. You are under no obligation to follow their directions.

04-04-12, 19:15
How's that Big Government, hope, and change working out for you America? :rolleyes:

04-04-12, 19:21
A civilian 911 dispatcher has zero legal authority. You are under no obligation to follow their directions.

Unless your name is Zimmerman.

04-04-12, 20:06
Training. Be a good sheeple. Listen to what the government tells you to do, even 911 operators. Don't stand up for yourself, hence the anti bullying campaign. Bully's, time to nut up or shut up. Unless 1+1 doesn't equal 2.

I also see a lack specific information on the medias part about the individuals involved, or atleast the person shot.

04-04-12, 20:32
Training. Be a good sheeple. Listen to what the government tells you to do, even 911 operators. Don't stand up for yourself, hence the anti bullying campaign. Bully's, time to nut up or shut up. Unless 1+1 doesn't equal 2.


Just like last week when the two girls soccer players got in the fight...or should I say one girl jumped the other...and I won't mention any races cause we all know that doesn't matter...but the principal of the school says that she will have a conference between BOTH players! Why the F^%* would there have to be a meeting with BOTH??? Just punish the one who threw the punches and be done with it! All this PC crap is such BS! Its truly sickening!

Reagans Rascals
04-04-12, 20:39
Unless your name is Zimmerman.

+1000000 exactly

and I'm sorry but... in pilot lingo... "The final responsibility of collision avoidance rests with the pilot, even if contradictory to ATC directions"

as in..... **** that... I know for a fact I am in a compromising and threatening situation... therefore I am disregarding all directions to continue putting my life in jeopardy...

The man was dumb to return, regardless if the pope, Jesus, and president told him too....

The dispatcher is an ass-clown... but in the end... the final responsibility for personal safety lies with the individual feeling threatened

there's a reason our bodies get those uneasy feelings, when the hairs on the back of our necks stand up, when our pupils dilate, when for some reason we have some foreboding feeling about a particular situation... and to disregard those premonitions for anyone... is asinine

You are not going to talk me into getting back into the water when there is a great white swimming circles around us.... I don't care what office you hold

04-04-12, 20:47
People are conditioned since birth to follow 'orders' from government employees.

This is a cut and paste from our local school districts 10 ethical principles for students...

Law-abidance/Civic Duty — obeying rules and laws/making the world a better place

04-04-12, 20:52
Law-abidance/Civic Duty — obeying rules and laws/making the world a better place

So we can all live long and prosper. . .:rolleyes:


04-04-12, 21:34
there's a reason our bodies get those uneasy feelings, when the hairs on the back of our necks stand up, when our pupils dilate, when for some reason we have some foreboding feeling about a particular situation... and to disregard those premonitions for anyone... is asinine

Boom. Only trully gifted criminals can pull of a un-telegraphed attack. People choose to hope for the best. That's one of the questions I get from people about CCW. Someone can just pull out a gun and you'll never be able to draw. I respond back that if your situational awareness is that bad, you might be well served by CCWing.

There was another case recently where someone was trying to break into a house thru the front door. The homeowner called 911 and the operator handed it off to a police dispatcher who failed to understand the severity of the situation and didn't send a police car. The 911 operator told the person to hold tight, help was on the way when it wasn't. Opps. I think the attacker went away, luckily for everyone.

Reagans Rascals
04-04-12, 21:47
the operator handed it off to a police dispatcher who failed to understand the severity of the situation and didn't send a police car.

terrible.... I had brain surgery in 08 and had to leave my motorcycle parked in front of my apartment in PA while I had the surgery in Fl... less than a month later... they issued a bench warrant for my arrest and actually sent a constable to my residence to arrest me on 2 different occasions (luckily I was still in FL).... all because my bike had accumulated 4 tickets for failure to clear the roadway for street sweeping.. an $18 ticket each time.... so for essentially $72 they sent someone to arrest me 2 different times....

yet... they failed to send a single officer... when someone is reporting an attempted B&E IN PROGRESS

just flat out disgusting

04-04-12, 22:10
Having done both jobs, we were told to tell people not to follow suspects due to liability reasons.

On the street I find myself wanting/needing real time information which would actually lead to a capture.

I don't think telling someone not to follow a suspicious person and telling someone to go back to where a guy who threatened you with a gun, is even close to the same thing.

04-04-12, 22:50
The man was dumb to return, regardless if the pope, Jesus, and president told him too....

Dude . . . .

They're all the same person.

Don't you watch the news?

04-04-12, 23:51
I don't think telling someone not to follow a suspicious person and telling someone to go back to where a guy who threatened you with a gun, is even close to the same thing.

Couldn't agree more and I believe my Zimmerman comment was completely misunderstood by another poster.

In the Zimmerman case people act like the instructions to stay in the car came from Yahweh himself. In reality, as you noted, it was nothing more than what a operator always tells somebody for liability reasons.

04-05-12, 00:05
I got confused at the part where the dispatcher told him to go back so that the police can respond.

What kind of back-words crap is that?

04-05-12, 02:58
The dispatcher in the Zimmerman 911 tape said, in regard to following Martin: "We don't need you to do that". IIRC