View Full Version : When I was deployed, we could not fly Old Glory...but this is ok?

04-05-12, 11:29


Reagans Rascals
04-05-12, 11:35

My grandfather fought in the Pacific theater, Korea, and Vietnam... and he had old glory with him the entire time... and he passed that flag down to me... and since I myself was unable to enlist, I loaned the flag to a friend that was deploying to Afghanistan so it would still fly over US troops... and he flew it every day while there

that flag has flown over Iwo Jima, Pelilu, Guadal Canal, The Chosin, and Khe Sanh... and now over Zhari

I have no idea why you wouldn't be allowed to fly the very flag you are fighting for yet... gays go ahead and have at it all you want

04-05-12, 11:41
Our flag isn't put up there because its not over an embassy or territory that we intend to keep indefintely as actually US property.
We couldn't fly it during Desert Storm and Desert Shield either.
I don't write the policy, its just the way it is.

The fags just need a beatdown, but not because of thier preferences but for being so ****ing rub it in everyones face about it.

04-05-12, 11:45
Our flag isn't put up there because its not over an embassy or territory that we intend to keep indefintely as actually US property.
We couldn't fly it during Desert Storm and Desert Shield either.
I don't write the policy, its just the way it is.


As much as I would have loved to fly our flag over our base, I completely understood why we were not allowed to. Everyone knew this.

Yet no one thought there would be a problem flying THAT? :suicide2:

Reagans Rascals
04-05-12, 11:47
this is the issue with homosexuals

they don't want to just be normal citizens and live normal lives just like everyone else.. they have to have the spotlight, they have to shove it in everyone's face and not let anyone forget that they are here, they are queer, get used to it

why can't they just be gay... and that's it... why do they need a ****ing flag or a parade or their own organizations, political parties, and their own channels.... they bitch and bitch and bitch about being treated equal but that's not what they want at all... they have some undeserved sense of entitlement that they are above just being normal private citizens

04-05-12, 11:48
while the Maddow Blog says it's an example of the military's "extraordinary progress on gay rights.

That right there is proof that this act is inappropriate and should have been dealt with by the Leaders of those involved. A Marine gets in trouble for emphasizing that he will not follow any illegal order on facebook; but these morons are celebrated.

This was the fear that was voiced when they were considering repealing DADT. Some gays and lesbians don't have the common sense to just blend in an become an AMERICAN SOLDIER FIRST and a rainbow person last. JM2CW.

04-05-12, 11:55
Wait for them to authorize an exclusively gay SpecOps team or platoons or whatever to make them feel 'more comfortable in their surroundings and work environment'.

The fairy brigade, just like the Greeks and Macedonians of old, except with flash, bling, and a heavy lisp.

Think it won't happen?

04-05-12, 11:58
this is the issue with homosexuals

they don't want to just be normal citizens and live normal lives just like everyone else.. they have to have the spotlight, they have to shove it in everyone's face and not let anyone forget that they are here, they are queer, get used to it

why can't they just be gay... and that's it... why do they need a ****ing flag or a parade or their own organizations, political parties, and their own channels.... they bitch and bitch and bitch about being treated equal but that's not what they want at all... they have some undeserved sense of entitlement that they are above just being normal private citizens

My train of thought runs parallel to yours. I don't have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I love pussy!" and I don't have a parade about it either. If you want to be treated as equals than act like it.

Reagans Rascals
04-05-12, 12:08
Wait for them to authorize an exclusively gay SpecOps team or platoons or whatever to make them feel 'more comfortable in their surroundings and work environment'.

The fairy brigade, just like the Greeks and Macedonians of old, except with flash, bling, and a heavy lisp.

Think it won't happen?

and roller skates........ you can't forget roller skates

04-05-12, 12:18
and roller skates........ you can't forget roller skates
I dunno about that

Reagans Rascals
04-05-12, 12:34
I dunno about that

I do...

04-05-12, 13:15
My train of thought runs parallel to yours. I don't have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I love pussy!" and I don't have a parade about it either. If you want to be treated as equals than act like it.

You sir are one of the true word smiths on this board who always seems to phrase things the perfect way and I totally agree with you. Well done!

04-05-12, 13:33
You sir are one of the true word smiths on this board who always seems to phrase things the perfect way and I totally agree with you. Well done!

Thank you. :) I just call things as I see them.

04-05-12, 15:01



WWPD (What Would Patton Do)?

If old blood and guts bitched slapped a Joe for PTSD I can only imagine the ass stomping he would deliver if he saw this kind of faggotry going on in his beloved Army.

04-05-12, 15:51
Wait for them to authorize an exclusively gay SpecOps team or platoons or whatever to make them feel 'more comfortable in their surroundings and work environment'.

What would they go buy, "Squeal Team 6"?

04-05-12, 18:41
Maybe they're just trolling the Afghans?

04-05-12, 18:45
Maybe they're just trolling the Afghans?

Everybody party! It's bacha bazi time!

04-05-12, 19:34
Everybody party! It's bacha bazi time!

That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw this picture last week, no shit...

04-05-12, 21:49
I, too, don't really care for gays but I support gay marriage (should not be government regulated) but I am against open gays in the military. This is one reason why but who wants to take a shower in an open shower room/bathroom with a dude who is flying the gay flag over post? No I don't really care if some gay dude wants to check out my butt which has a few pimples on it or my dick (which some chicks would laugh at) but its the same as I disagree with "same sex" bathrooms/showers. If I had a daughter who was serving I would not want her to be forced to shower with a bunch of guys when the typical ratio is 10 to 1 and even worse in combat arms units. It would be like a straight dude showering with 10 females in there with him. Most people who are serving are in the 18-24 age bracket when hormones are still going on and I think its just inappropriate to make straight service members show with gays or unisex facilities as well. I think its a basic human right to be able to get nude and not have to feel like someone is going to be checking you out. Again I don't dont really care 'for me' but its still wrong to force everyone to do it.

With this flag thing its really stupid. Agree with the above comments about how gays can't just blend in and be just another person. Not all of them but it seems like its all over the place. Bumper stickers, parades, flags, ect. They have to push it in everyone elses face and "make" you aware they are gay. I don't really give a shit. Most people don't. Gays would be a lot more accepted if they didn't insist on gay pride parades through "every town" America and going out of their way to let others know they are gay. If one of my good friends said they were gay, and I had no idea...it would be like cool now how about them dodgers. I wouldn't become friends or stay friends with some dude who wears ass chaps in public and talks about the aids party they went to or flys a gay flag on a military post. I don't make a scene in public with my wife or fly a flag with a big set of meat curtains on my porch.

04-05-12, 21:55
Wait for them to authorize an exclusively gay SpecOps team or platoons or whatever to make them feel 'more comfortable in their surroundings and work environment'.

The fairy brigade, just like the Greeks and Macedonians of old, except with flash, bling, and a heavy lisp.

Think it won't happen?

That's NOTHING! Wait'll Tommy Tune pens new marching cadences, and works out new drill routines and unit formations.

"PLATOON! Dress right... FABULOUS!!!!" :rolleyes:

Mauser KAR98K
04-05-12, 22:00
So what do they play for the "National" Anthem? The tango from the Blue Oyster Bar?

04-05-12, 22:52
My train of thought runs parallel to yours. I don't have a bumper sticker on my car that says "I love pussy!" and I don't have a parade about it either. If you want to be treated as equals than act like it.

Quite frankly, I think a significantly large protion of all the gay bullshit going around these days is just simply people acting out because they want attention. Everyone wants to do something to prove they're more unique or different than the other fellow, and seeing as how this is currently the "In" thing to do that will gather them loads of attention and public suppport.....
Only reason to explain grade school kids "coming out". :rolleyes:
IMO, same goes for all the bullying malarky going around to- just whiny oversensitive gutless people pitching a fit.

04-06-12, 23:33
Wait for them to authorize an exclusively gay SpecOps team or platoons or whatever to make them feel 'more comfortable in their surroundings and work environment'.

The fairy brigade, just like the Greeks and Macedonians of old, except with flash, bling, and a heavy lisp.

Think it won't happen?

What would they go buy, "Squeal Team 6"?

Rainbow Thix!

Reagans Rascals
04-06-12, 23:46
well maybe this is why they changed it from CAG to ACE... you know... with CAG sounding so similar to.....

can't be offending our Tier 1 divas!!

04-06-12, 23:56
well maybe this is why they changed it from CAG to ACE... you know... with CAG sounding so similar to.....

Like no one would ever come up with All Cocks Enter

Reagans Rascals
04-07-12, 00:01
Like no one would ever come up with All Cocks Enter

touche` my dear man... touche`

04-08-12, 19:14
That Joe would be going to sick call w/ a busted damn nose, and to remove my boot from his ass.

04-08-12, 22:29
This photo is without a doubt photoshopped and is therefore no reason to get your panties in a bunch.

04-09-12, 14:20
I bet it was just thursday. You know, Allah cant see us.