View Full Version : china steals military technology.

01-03-08, 13:24
As reported on ccn (comie news network) and FOX news that, due to import and export rules being relaxed our good friends from china have been upgrading weapons systems and making rapid military advancements due to spies stealing U.S. military technology from American companies. I want to know where is the N.S.A and Homeland security, are they sleeping on the job!

Dave L.
01-03-08, 13:32
As reported on ccn (comie news network) and FOX news that, due to import and export rules being relaxed our good friends from china have been upgrading weapons systems and making rapid military advancements due to spies stealing U.S. military technology from American companies. I want to know where is the N.S.A and Homeland security, are they sleeping on the job!

N.S.A. is not legally able to collect any intel on any person on US soil. Everyone knows D.H.S. is the most F'ed up Agency...being new and having all kinds of red tape.

I remember when China bought a Boeing 747 and then stripped it down and copied every piece on it- then substituted all aluminum parts for steel...the plane never left the ground...I'm not to worried about China; the best they could do is resell the secrets after they F the plans up.

01-03-08, 13:47
Buddy I hope your right. After our commie loving Clinton sold balistic ICBM tech to china in the mid 90s they had weapons capable of hitting Hawaii.Prior to that they only had rockets like the Scud and Katusa that could only hit targets by rough aming. The Red Storm is Rising.

01-03-08, 20:33
Good old Bill and his open door policy for the Chicom are to blame.

01-04-08, 02:04
Unbelievable! China apparently has a space plane! Pictures of it are circulating on the Net. Rumor has it can take off from earth, fly into space where it's primary goal is to shoot down U.S. communications and spy satellites. If all this is true then china is further along then anyone has realised.

01-04-08, 10:14
I recall reading (might have been "Hell to Pay") that the Chinese were backing Clinton financially since he was governor of Arkansas. Evidently, the chinese scope out likely candidates and cash them up early - when it won't be obvious. Then, when there horse won, we had chinese diplomats soiling the Lincoln bedroom with their communist presence. We fight communism for over fifty years and we have church-persecuting, black market organ dealing, mandatory abortion pushing, Chinese communists sleeping in the president's bed! William Jefferson Clinton is disgusting, through and through and a whore. There - I said it. :D

hopefully we won't have Lady Macbeth to contend with. When I hear about the intense hatred so many bear her, it gives me hope.

01-04-08, 16:16
The Chinese Military also has units whose job it is to hack into our DOD contrator's computer systems.

01-04-08, 22:41
I have read about the hackers from china. It got so bad in the past year the Pentagon had to set up a anti-hacker unit to stop the attacks. FOX news reported up to a thousand Attacks a week against U.S. and Pentagon security systems. Including one attack that stole the medical records of nearly 50,000 active duty ARMY personel!I hate commies!

01-05-08, 00:14
And every time Americans go to Wal Mart,K Mart etc. ,plus electronics stores the commies get richer . Then use our own money against us.

01-05-08, 00:46
You are so right. My wife and I went to wal-mart and tried to find many of the products we buy made in the U.S.A. and guess what, we couldn't! Nearly every box I turned over had made in China. A sad sign of the times.

01-06-08, 00:03
You are so right. My wife and I went to wal-mart and tried to find many of the products we buy made in the U.S.A. and guess what, we couldn't! Nearly every box I turned over had made in China. A sad sign of the times.

Stop shopping at Walmart! Use your power as a consumer.

Remember when Walmart actually was proud to carry products with the made in the USA labels (maybe I'm showing my age)? Ever since Sam Walton died, his heirs have been all about making as much profit as they can by shipping the manufacturing of all Walmart branded goods outside the country, mainly to China. If you get a chance, rent the documentary "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price". It's very eyeopening.

I'm also convinced that people in this country are quickly forgetting that China is still a communist country with a government that still wants to take over the world. I'm beginning to think that the general population in the US are getting dumber and lazier by the generation.

I for one have been avoiding as many Chinese made products as possible. With some careful research, you can do this also (shop online). Not all of my purchases are made in the US, but my family tries. My recent purchases of an Armalite AR-10, S&W MP15, S&W 357 revolver, and S&W Sigma will hopefully offset some of my non-US made product purchases ;) . Rant over. :D