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View Full Version : ***April/21 Aurora Sportsman's Club Practical Rifle info & ONLINE Registration***

04-13-12, 10:11
Thanks for attending the March ASC Practical Rifle match. We had a great turnout and we continue work at improving the events.

Please find the attached stages for the April 21st Aurora Sportsmen's Club Practical rifle match. The links below may help you prepare for a couple of the stages.




Stage #1:

Stage #2:

Stage #3:

The practical rifle team has been working hard to learn from each match to make them smoother and safer each time. In order to make match signup go more quickly and to provide for those who wish to shoot earlier rather than later, we will be trying an online sign-up. To sign up for a start time and squad, go to this link and fill your name in next to the squad you wan to shoot in.

***Link to online registration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AogOZgRHCDhndFB0WF9lZVZlYkQ2YkdWeENoWDZKdWc

This should allow you to shoot with your friends if you wish. It will also help shooting move faster as we are limiting squad size to 10 shooters. With 6 possible squads, we should be able to move 60 shooters through the match. If you sign up you are committing to show up and pay. If we find people not signing up in good faith, we will discontinue this practice. Please ONLY sign up yourself. do not place other's names on the sing-up sheet. We can track this.

*ETA: If you want to save everyone a bit more time come game-day, please print and fill out this printable ASC waiver form. It is mandatory for all shooters who are NOT members of the club. Link: http://sz0120.ev.mail.comcast.net/service/home/~/Waiver%20Form%20Jan%202012.pdf?auth=co&loc=en_US&id=382845&part=2.2

We will also be modifying the safety areas a bit more. We will cover it at the safety briefing before the match. Please keep your rifles cased until you receive directions at the safety briefing.

Pass along this email to anyone you know who might be interested in shooting with us.

Thanks, the ASC Practical Rifle Team


*We have a great group of new volunteers who are on-board and committed to helping organize & run the Practical Rifle events. This should be a great help and a huge improvement in efficiency as John & I did not have much help in the past. We basically relied on good samaritans to show up and help with everything the morning of. This did not always work out as planned

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at: ndrak(at)comcast.net or Eric C. at his email provided above.

See you soon!

Stay safe,
Nick Drakulich

04-19-12, 11:37
Original post has printable ASC waiver form attached. This form is mandatory for all non-members of the ASC. Print it, fill it out, and bring it with you to the range Saturday morning. This will save us all a lot of time.

Link: http://sz0120.ev.mail.comcast.net/service/home/~/Waiver%20Form%20Jan%202012.pdf?auth=co&loc=en_US&id=382845&part=2.2

04-20-12, 09:56
What is the cost for this match?

04-20-12, 11:30
$20 for club non-members