View Full Version : Why Airport Security Is Broken—And How to Fix It - WSJ.com

04-16-12, 10:21
An interesting read from a former TSA head



04-16-12, 10:32
Thanks for posting this. Honestly, I am a little surprised that someone of his position wrote that. Today, most people in his spot would not admit to failings willingly.

04-16-12, 10:46
Good post. And he makes some sensible suggestions.

It is apparent that many of the security measures implemented by the TSA are, to use a shop-worn phrase, "fighting the last war." All the restrictions on carry-on items simply confuse, confound, and frustrate travelers while providing potential terrorists a "what not to do" list. I like the idea of randomizing screening procedures and getting rid of baggage fees to reduce the glut of carry-ons which have made the passenger cabins of most airlines resemble the interior of a third-world rural bus crammed full of everything from people to produce to livestock.

04-16-12, 11:09
Waiting to board my flight now. I went thru security and picked the line with out a mm radar scanner, just a metal detector. Guy in front of me got thru with a SS Rolex on his wrist. Oh well.

04-16-12, 12:16
I wonder if he needed an ice pack after such a heavy round of self-congratulatory back patting? I haven't seen so many "I's" since the last Obama speech.

Otherwise it's actaully a pretty good article and has some salient points. I believe the current TSA administrator wants to implement some of the same ideas, but the red tape is still pretty tough to cut. :(

04-16-12, 13:54
Kip Hawley...HAHAHAHA...AKA Douchebag!

His greatest policy was being kinder and gentler to the TSO personnel (Yawn!). That idiot couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag...

Pardon the rant everyone......

04-16-12, 14:39
The TSA would be more effective if they profiled properly instead of all the PC crap that has blossomed in our government since 2001. The only reason they're strip searching toddlers and grandmas is because they have to go out of their way to look "unbiased" in their searches because they're afraid of lawsuits from terrorist front groups that shouldn't even be allowed to incorporate in the U.S. in the first place.

Successful prevention requires bias and profiling. That's the only way it can be truly effective. Instead resources are wasted on going out of the way to placate radicals. When you bow the knee to them and allow their potential angst to guide your policy, you've already lost.

04-16-12, 15:03
No that isn't true.

Solution to the current problem:

Passenger: wallet, clothes on body, ticket
Passenger carry on baggage: none allowed
Passenger checked baggage: 1 bag, 75 pounds, clothes, electronic items, shower kit

Rules passenger: modified FI at check in (Questions), trained behavioral detection (The stuff works!), metal detector. Fail the questioning you don't fly.

Rules checked baggage: visual/physical inspection aided with X-ray. Your stuff fails check, you don't fly.

The problem with all of it is this...the airline industry makes the government billions of dollars a year. Initiate the above protocols and I can guarantee you a 60% reduction in flights/passengers/money.

An example of the money: Let's just say you have a Super X airport, that airport makes the .gov 30 billion a year, let's say there are 10 Super X airports in the US...do the math. Lose 50% of that money and what do you think would happen?

Profiling (In the sense of "profiling") a bomber sucks! Especially in this country. Too many avenues to screw up. Get in a persons face and pop their safety bubble...like damned dominoes fallen down...

Successful prevention requires bias and profiling. That's the only way it can be truly effective.

04-16-12, 16:53
No that isn't true.
Passenger carry on baggage: none allowed

The only way that would happen is if:
- Checked bags are GUARANTEED to arrive when you arrive, and with everything still in them.

I mainly have a roll-on bag to contain any valuable I can't stuff into my pockets, all electronics not on my person, and essentials and change of clothes in case my luggage departs for Newark instead of Sacramento.

We know the guarantee will never happen so neither will restrictions on carry-ons.

04-16-12, 17:45
Checked bags aren't even guaranteed to get to their final destination now...

The only way that would happen is if:
- Checked bags are GUARANTEED to arrive when you arrive, and with everything still in them.

I mainly have a roll-on bag to contain any valuable I can't stuff into my pockets, all electronics not on my person, and essentials and change of clothes in case my luggage departs for Newark instead of Sacramento.

We know the guarantee will never happen so neither will restrictions on carry-ons.

04-16-12, 18:05

04-16-12, 19:14
So what's your point?

I can probably find 100 times the articles about police/Feds/doctors/senators/congressmen...you get the picture that steal from us everyday.

It isn't a secret that there are ****tards out there who will steal from you.

In the process of fixing the system you would streamline it, getting rid of the useless waste, making the system more efficient, safer and with solid integrity.


04-17-12, 00:57
No point, other than adding a data point in support of your and his points.