View Full Version : Swan kills man...

04-17-12, 01:58

A pissed off swan manages to drown a fully-grown male. This is pretty bizarre.

I understand that these are nasty birds with attitudes, and I'm guessing that this man probably either got very surprised when he fell into the water or tangled/caught on something and was trying to fend it off. RIP to man and condolences to the family. the family.

Perhaps it could have all been because of this:

04-17-12, 02:49
I'm thinking this guy wasn't a very strong swimmer. . .:confused:

Suwannee Tim
04-17-12, 03:36
I have been attacked by a swan on dry land. My wife and I were feeding the ducks and swans when the boss swan became aggressive. I was wearing blue jeans and steel toe shoes and was pretty well protected and I was glad of it. He was a mean son of a bitch. He began by biting my jeans then kicked me with his feet then struck me in the shins with his wings. That hurt. I kicked him away several times, harder and harder, never hard enough to hurt him but hard enough to deter any sane bird.

04-17-12, 04:20
I know talk is cheap, but I'm thinking that if I ever meet face to face with a swan, to go all honey-badger on it.

04-17-12, 06:19
I used to encounter a swan while fishing a farm pond. It was a mean bitch. I didn't know water foul used drowning as an attack mechanism until Sunday. I was at the park and witnessed four mallards attempt to drown a lone white duck. Someone should really tell PETA about the incident.

Pork Chop
04-17-12, 07:22
Swans are basically wolverines with feathers. They are big, strong and crazy aggressive.

We have a nice fishing pond in a city park which, unfortunately, has a pair of swans living on it. It's a great place to take young kids fishing because of the shallow water, but those damn swans will get angry and come right out of the water after your kids!

Whatever dumbass thought it was a great idea to put the pretty swans on the kiddie fishing pond obviously knew nothing about swans.

If this guy was a weak swimmer, it's pretty believable to me.

04-17-12, 12:34
WOW.. so I can speak on this actually as I have been a victim of an evil bastard swan attack. When I was about 7, we are on the lake in our family barge, feeding swans off to the side. They followed us all around the lake. Eventually when we anchored to hang out and swim, I put on a life vest and jumped in the lake. One of those white devils mounted my head like I was a damn hot-orange egg and tried to kill me! Besides almost drowning me, which it would have (they are heavier than they look), it has some <napoleon>large talons</napoleon> that tore my scalp and face to shreds. My parents thought I would need surgery. Luckilly my Dad jumped in and grabbed him by the neck and played helicopter until there were some popping sounds and DRT.

04-17-12, 13:25
Dude should have had a chainsaw with him in that canoe. No swan has ever won a battle with a chainsaw-wielding man.

04-17-12, 13:29
ive also had encounters with agressive water foul.

my family had a cottage on a lake in michigan.
some geese were hanging out on the shore and our neighbors 10yr old daughter decided she wanted to pet one, needless to say that was a bad idea. one of the (im guessing males) didnt like that idea and charged the little girl. this goose was the size of my nieghbors black lab, large bird to say the least. im confident he could have killed her if he wanted to.

luckily i saw it coming and sprinted towards the group of geese and scared them into the water. (siruational awareness paid off again)

large birds arent something to mess around with.

04-17-12, 13:35
This kid, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xmaWgKlV1w

04-17-12, 13:46
Swans are basically wolverines with feathers. They are big, strong and crazy aggressive.
This, for sure. They are bad-ass MF's.

04-17-12, 14:22
Swans are basically wolverines with feathers. They are big, strong and crazy aggressive...

I don't care what anyone says, those damned beaks hurt. I've had those nasty birds bite me in the ass and thighs before. I thought about turning around and facing them until I realized that doing so exposes more sensitive body parts. So I did the smart thing and just ran away!! :blink:

I have no doubt that this could happen. RIP and prayers to the victim and his family. This is why I always wear life preservers whenever I participate in any kind of water activity.

04-17-12, 14:23
ban all swans.

04-17-12, 14:27
Just another reason for concealed carry. Do you want to be next?

04-17-12, 18:06
Probably just inhaled water periodically and it got to him.

I think most people do not have a fight instinct good enough to pull themselves out of these situations and even if there is a fight instinct it is often wasted on ineffective techniques. Most things hate having their eyes gouged.

Reagans Rascals
04-17-12, 18:18
should have been carrying...

dive under... egress to downrange location while holding breath.... come up blasting... swan stew for supper...

04-18-12, 07:59
True, but made me laugh like an idiot.

My uncle, who is a bit eccentric, had a squad of those evil critters as "guard dogs" on his property. I can tell you that a 5 Y.O. boy cannot swing a little league bat hard enough to deter those spawn of the devil birds.

Swans are basically wolverines with feathers. They are big, strong and crazy aggressive.

We have a nice fishing pond in a city park which, unfortunately, has a pair of swans living on it. It's a great place to take young kids fishing because of the shallow water, but those damn swans will get angry and come right out of the water after your kids!

Whatever dumbass thought it was a great idea to put the pretty swans on the kiddie fishing pond obviously knew nothing about swans.

If this guy was a weak swimmer, it's pretty believable to me.

04-18-12, 08:33
When I was a 10 year old kid walking through the civil war battlefields of Manassas, Virginia, I was accosted by a swan. This is my story.

It was the middle of a summer day and there we were, minding our own business next to a pond at Stonewall Memorial Gardens on our long trek back to the car when a swan decided it wanted to fight. My friend and his mother backed off but I stood there and was like, "So what, it's just a bird". I stuck out my hand and called it over. I was looking right at the swan, waiting for it to come closer because I was expecting it to be a friendly bird but turns out the only thing it had on its mind was assault. I was wearing shorts and once it was close, it hissed angrily, ignored my outstretched hand and bit/pecked my leg. It didn't hurt so much as it scared the hell out of me because it happened so fast, I had no idea that birds made loud hissing sounds, and when it struck it opened it's wingspan suddenly looking like it could envelop me. I was like WHAT THE **** IS THIS DUCK DOING!! AAAHHHH!!!!

My immediate reaction was that of most kids - freak out and start swinging. And no, before you ask, I didn't get into a fistfight with a swan. Instead, we'd been carrying these old musket looking toy rifles, pretending we were in the civil war, walking the battlefield and taking fake shots at trees and bushes along the way. The toy muskets were made of wood and upon being pecked/bitten, I swung the toy wood rifle as hard as I could and clocked that son of a bitch. I connected perfectly with it's head and it was immediately dazed, just standing there looking around, so I got the hell away from the pond because it's friends were eyeballing me. After being chastised by my friend's mom for not backing off, and laughed at by my friend, we continued our walk back to the visitor center and left.

Lessons learned. Swans are evil and carry a gun.

04-18-12, 18:38
All these swan-attack victims speaking out! Never would've imagined this could happen to more than one person.

Side note, Canadian Geese can go straight to hell too. Or back to Canada. Whichevers worse :)

Pork Chop
04-18-12, 18:53
All these swan-attack victims speaking out! Never would've imagined this could happen to more than one person.

Side note, Canadian Geese can go straight to hell too. Or back to Canada. Whichevers worse :)

At least we can hunt Geese. :)

04-18-12, 19:45
All these swan-attack victims speaking out! Never would've imagined this could happen to more than one person.

Were these WHITE swans?!?!?

Side note, Canadian Geese can go straight to hell too. Or back to Canada. Whichevers worse :)


Oscar 319
04-18-12, 21:10
Were these WHITE swans?!?!?


Yes! Now that was funny.

04-18-12, 23:43
Were these WHITE swans?!?!?



Seriously, a swan? I've been rushed and pecked by swans before. They are truly feathered wolverines of the ponds. But seriously? Just put the toe of your boot under their chin at a reasonable velocity, and they tend to choose the better part of valor.

04-19-12, 00:07
Swans are the debil. Google "swan" and swan attack comes up before swan lake. Perhaps a strange pet peeve of mine, but aggressive birds can go straight to hell. I will not hesitate to shoot one in the face, or knock the shit out of it if I'm not packing for some odd reason. :mad:

Reagans Rascals
04-19-12, 09:35
Were these WHITE swans?!?!?


I almost pissed myself... well done sir... well done