View Full Version : Raven Concealment at the 2012 Ohio Tough Mudder event

04-17-12, 14:36

On 4/14/12 three members of RCS (and a few of our friends) completed the 2012 Ohio Tough Mudder event.

For those who aren't familiar, Tough Mudder is a 12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces members. It is one of the more difficult obstacle races that are becoming popular these days. More than just a difficult event, Tough Mudder has partnered with Wounded Warrior Project and to date has donated close to $3,000,000 (yes, three million) to WWP.

Trek of RCS decided to also hike 17 miles from RCS HQ to the Tough Mudder event site the day before in support of the Patriot Guard Riders of Ohio.

RCS's customer base donated close to $1500 in donations for the WWP and Patriot Guard Riders. We would like to thank each one of you again for your generosity.

The crew wore RCS Phantoms (with training guns) and Ares Gear Ranger belts for the entire event. If there is a situation outside of combat to test the durability of gear, this event certainly ranks near the top. Both the holsters and belts held up great.

Trek and Michael on their 17 mile hike to the Tough Mudder site:


The crew at about mile 7 of the Tough Mudder:


We'd like to thank our sponsors for their generous support of our team and the Wounded Warrior project:

Raven Concealment Systems

Ares Gear

Rat Mountain Design

Indiana Gun Owners

04-17-12, 14:38
THAT's pretty cool.

04-17-12, 14:59
Awesome. I'm doing the Wisconsin Tough Mudder in September!

04-17-12, 15:01
More than just a difficult event, Tough Mudder has partnered with Wounded Warrior Project and to date has donated close to $3,000,000 (yes, three million) to WWP.
Outanding!! From their web site I see there are TM events all over, with one being here in Austin in October. I am too old to compete, but I will be there for sure to support it.

04-17-12, 15:04
I am too old to compete, but I will be there for sure to support it.

You sure about that?


04-17-12, 18:21
I am doing the october 27 event with a couple of my fellow teachers. One is former military. I have already been training running 2-4 miles 4 days a week. I have never been so excited to participate in an event that looks like it causes so much pain.

04-17-12, 20:32
You sure about that?


Sorry but that is just badass. That guy is at least double my age and could run me into the ground.

04-17-12, 21:38
Tom, thanks very much for supporting two very fine organizations - The Wounded Warrior Project and the Patriot Guard Riders. Those are my two favorite non-profits.

Many years ago, we used to run in a similar race at Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, in California. It was called the Volkslauf, and put on by HMM-262, a helo squardon. They also donated the money to charity.

You had to enter a 4-man team, and everyone had to cross the finish line together. I still have a couple of those old t-shirts someplace. It was oodles of messy fun. :D

Thanks again for being such a fine corporation.

04-18-12, 10:09
You had to enter a 4-man team, and everyone had to cross the finish line together. I still have a couple of those old t-shirts someplace. It was oodles of messy fun. :D

We did the same. Our guys took turns setting pace and resting throughout the event. We went through the final obstacle (hanging wires with 10,000 volts running through them) as a team.

I took a hit right to the Cobra Buckle on my Ranger belt. That was........interesting.

Thanks for the kind words!

04-18-12, 10:15
We did the same. Our guys took turns setting pace and resting throughout the event. We went through the final obstacle (hanging wires with 10,000 volts running through them) as a team.

I took a hit right to the Cobra Buckle on my Ranger belt. That was........interesting.

Thanks for the kind words!

Good work man. I'm going to one in Oct up in Missouri. I'll remember to not wear a metal belt buckle :fie:

04-18-12, 13:55
Was this the event in Amherst?

04-18-12, 18:24
That's great Tom - proud to see a fellow Ohioan dedicating efforts to a noble cause!

I'm PISSED I couldn't participate this time around :(

04-18-12, 23:18
Was this the event in Amherst?

Yep, at the quarry. It was a really cool layout. We did the one at Bear Creek PA last year. The ski hills were a bitch.

The scenery was pretty cool at the quarry.

04-18-12, 23:56
Congrats Tom to you and the great guys at RCS. I'm sure WWP appreciates everything you guys do. Nice to see companies that still give a shit. They are getting fewer by the day. Thanks for everything you do here at M4C. Having direct contact with companies is what makes this great.

I'm planning to attend a TM in the near future. Looks like a shit load of fun.

04-19-12, 09:35
Here's a few more pics:




