View Full Version : Secret Service looking into Ted Nugent violent anti-Obama message

04-17-12, 18:55
Well it appears the Secret Service is looking at violating Ted Nugent's 1st Amendment rights, wished they would have spent half the time looking into their own agents habits while abroad, hookers and all. . .

"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him," he said.He also denounced the administration as "criminals" and said a Democratic victory in November would mean "we'll be a suburb of Indonesia next year" - Uncle Ted



04-17-12, 19:46
Ted Nugent... ... er.. nevermind..

04-17-12, 19:51
Good ol' Uncle Ted.:D

04-17-12, 19:52

04-17-12, 20:18
Look at it this way, he will always be a source of quality entertainment.

04-17-12, 20:27
Look at it this way, he will always be a source of quality entertainment.

I could not have said it better! Cheers.. Ron

04-17-12, 21:47
Maybe he'll finally serve some time in jail for dodging the draft:haha:. Other than that he's spot on.:agree:

04-17-12, 22:01
Well it appears the Secret Service is looking at violating Ted Nugent's 1st Amendment rights

I don't understand how asking some follow-up questions equates to "violating 1st amendment rights".

It's not like they've thrown him in jail or anything.

04-17-12, 22:36
Nugent is a douche of the highest order. See the following quote from another forum by a respected SEAL regarding Nugent's BS claims of training SEALs:

"Two years ago my wife and I attended the SHOT Show in Orlando, FL. After a couple days of walking the show Mrs. Frogman was a little sluggish getting up in the morning. It was strongly suggested by her that I go get our morning coffee while she caught a few more Z's. I cautioned that she may miss something by sleeping in as more often than not I had run into someone interesting; a celebrity or whathaveyou, at that particular Starbuck's. This mere tantalizing factoid would not budge the woman, however, and so I was off to retrieve caffeine alone. I ordered our drinks and stood at the drink pick-up area patiently awaiting our elixirs when Ted Nugent, his wife, and someone I presumed to be his daughter walked in. Never one to fawn on celebrities I feigned ignorance as to who he was and continued my vigil waiting for the drinks.

As I was on leave at the time, I had a couple weeks growth of beard and was wearing average civilian clothing. Ted initiated a friendly conversation about nothing in particular with me after signing a couple of autographs for patrons and sitting with his family next to where I stood. His wife glanced at me from behind her morning paper where she had conveniently hid out while he signed the autograph or two before seating himself and engaging me in idle chit chat. She gave me a brief once over and returned to her paper, intent on dismissing me, as well. About this time Ted asked me if I was in town for the SHOT Show and I told him I was. He said he was, too, and that he was an avid hunter. I told him that that was nice. He asked me if it was the first time I had been to SHOT and I told him, "No", that I had been several times before. He asked why I had been so many times and I simply told him that "my work sent me nearly every year." He pressed me further about what I did and I told him "I was in the Navy".

At this point I was aware of the newspaper dipping slightly behind him and saw only one of his wife's eyes above the paper examining me once more, but more carefully this time. Then the single eye disappeared behind the paper once more, apparently satisfied that something interesting may develop here after all. Oblivious to his wife, Ted extended his hand and said that his name was "Ted". I returned the favor and he began to tell me how he had trained Navy SEALs. I was amazed. "Really?", I said. "What do you do for a living that allows you to train those guys?" The newspaper slowly began to lower again and a curious grin crossed his wife's face. He said nothing of his rock life-style, in fact he never mentioned his full name. But he went on and on about how he had trained SEALs often as well as Secret Service Agents and a whole host of other high speed characters. As his wife crossed her arms and grinned a "I knew this day was coming grin", I began to fill out my mental scorecard by asking....

"Who did you train?" (SEALs, Secret Service, Cops..etc...heavy emphasis on SEALs.

"When did you train them?" (Vague answer.)

"Where did you train them?" (Texas somewhere)

And then came the famous:

"What are some of the SEALs names?" "Oh, you wouldn't know them.", he said.

"Sure, I would", I said. "I've been a SEAL for about 20 years. Lay some names on me."

A look of horror and panic hit his face as he stumbled for words and couldn't come up with a single name. [Embarrassed] His wife beamed in the background clearly amused at this development. I let him dangle, clearly embarrassed for a while until I thought he'd had enough. Then I changed the subject to his favorite pistol cartridge the 10mm and 1911's. He eagerly took that bait in order to drop the previous subject. By then my drinks were up and I departed. I couldn't help it, though, when I got to my car. I fished out one of my official business cards and went back to the store. In front of his wife I gave it to him and said something to the effect of, "Well, if you're ever passing through Virginia and you want to really shoot with a SEAL here's how to get hold of me." His wife was in total bliss as he took my card.

Some of you may remember that this was early 2006 and Mrs. Frogman was busy trying to raise money to help the families of the guys we lost on June 28, 2005. When I told her the story she was miffed at herself for missing it by sleeping in. She also felt like she had an in with ol' Ted because he had grossly exaggerated his affiliation with SEALs and she was hopeful that he would do something to chip in when it came to helping real SEAL widows and such. He never returned her e-mail, nor did he ever call me. But that would NOT be the last time I ran into ol' Ted Nugent. Stand-by for part two....


04-17-12, 23:01
I know Ted lost every ounce of cred with me when I saw the film of him hosting a combination full auto shoot/barbecue on his private shooting range with most, if not all of the shooters drinking beer while they waited for their next turn to shoot.

04-17-12, 23:08
Conservatives and libertarians need to stop warming up to clowns like Nugent simply because they align with our pet issue.

04-17-12, 23:24
Conservatives and libertarians need to stop warming up to clowns like Nugent simply because they align with our pet issue.

Couldn't agree more. That's one of the big downsides of transforming everything into a zero sum "You're either one of us or one of THEM" game, a disappointingly chronic characteristic of most Pro-2A characters/organizations in the political realm.

04-18-12, 00:35
I don't understand how asking some follow-up questions equates to "violating 1st amendment rights".

It's not like they've thrown him in jail or anything.

So you didn't read where I wrote "the Secret Service is looking at"? I never said they have in fact violated his rights. And just FYI I was being tounge and cheek since the whole hooker thing as blown up.

04-18-12, 09:34
Every time I hear Ted Nugent say something on behalf of Conservatives and Gun Owners, I can't help but wince and/or do a face palm. He is like that crazy uncle you tolerate but avoid being seen in public with.

04-18-12, 09:51

But that would NOT be the last time I ran into ol' Ted Nugent. Stand-by for part two....


So where's part two?? Gotta see how the 2nd encounter went! :lol:

04-18-12, 10:51
He needs to tone it down IMHO. He's making gun owners look like a bunch of ****ing hicks, with no brain and a desire to shoot people who we disagree with... I like the guy but he's getting out of control.

Emily Miller has become a better spokesperson for gun owners than Uncle Ted is these days... Hell, she single handedly got a pro handgun bill through DC City Counsel and took the most anti 2A member out shooting... We need more like her, and less camo'ed up loudmouths.

04-18-12, 11:27
Does anyone have the complete unedited version? I'm sure we are being suckered NBC style.
This is a George Soros funded org.

04-18-12, 12:01
So where's part two?? Gotta see how the 2nd encounter went! :lol:

Wait for it, waaiit for it, waaaait fooor iit....

posted 09-30-2008 22:11
The world moves in a circle, to be sure. Now, I am not a Buddhist, but I do believe what comes around goes around. If that qualifies for "karma", so be it. The thing is, I have also noticed that when it comes around there seems to be a little more energy on it than when it left. Where does the increase in speed come from? I do not know. But I've seen it enough in my own life to respect it. Vent bad stuff into the world, bad stuff comes back to you...just a bit harder than you sent it. That's my motto.

Ted Nugent pushed in a direction before me that sent the energy around the mysterious galactic "sphere" in Orlando during the SHOT Show there in 2007. The energy returned to Ted (and I, for that matter) on April 19, 2008 this very year in Roswell, New Mexico this time (around noon, if you're doing the math Nostradamus-style.., and don't forget the time changes, you slide-rule wielding astrophysicists). Ironically, the setting was another Starbuck's. (Einstein just bumped his head on the inside of his coffin...did you hear that?).

I was in town to work with some local law enforcement folks for a couple weeks. While accompanying a local policeman to a hardware store in Roswell for some supplies I spied a flier announcing that Ted Nugent was going to speak at some fundraiser in the near future in Roswell. After consulting both the flier and my watch I divined that he would be in Roswell to speak the very next day.

I recall my remark to my colleague while we were still in the hardware store, "Say, when we're done here...remind me to tell you my "Ted Nugent Story".

Now, those of you that know me, and probably many of you who don't by now know that I consider a Starbuck's- any Starbuck's, to function as an unofficial embassy for me. That said, it is terribly difficult for me to simply pass one up. I believe at least 2 hours had passed since my last cup of coffee at the time, so I threw the "red star cluster", as it were, and diverted my host to the nearest Starbuck's on Main Street post haste. This, of course, was in order that I might both fulfill my wish to enhance my caffeination level as well as the potential to buy my friend (who was an "espresso newby") a drink which would induce sweat, sudden heart palpitations, and put him at great risk of unduly trusting a fart in uniform.

In record time all of these prophecies were fulfilled ( )...with the curious inclusion of yet one more...that being, the "Ted factor".

Beads of sweat were just forming on the forehead of my new friend as I wrapped up the story I have already related in Part One to you all to him. I happily stepped from the cool AC of the Starbuck's into the hot desert air with my partner picking his steps carefully behind me in the way that only one who has newly acquired a hyper active colon can relate to and what did I spy to my right as I scanned for threats and eye candy?

A monster truck...

...slowly departing the Starbuck's pick-up window...

...driven by none other than Ted Nugent!!!

"Hey, Ted!", I called, as the truck pulled away.

In response, my call was met by the curious melded sound of my gastrically challenged partner shuffling nearby and the chirping of big truck tires.

(Aha!!! I had him. )

The truck backed up a few feet and there hung Ted from the window ledge of the driver's side like a recently expended jack-in-the box. Some Ted-flunky proudly sat in the passenger seat and looked on.

"Hey, fellas. Good to see you law-types around. I've got your back while I'm in town", he said and later repeated several times.

"Golly, Mr. Nugent it is so great to see you,", said my friend, (or something like that).

Today, instead of sporting two weeks of beard growth, I was wearing 8 months of beard hair and replied from behind it....

"Hey, Ted...you don't remember me, do you? I spoke to you at the Starbuck's in Orlando at SHOT in '07. You were telling me how you trained Navy SEALs."

And with that, his mouth went off like it was a race.

"Oh, yeah. I train SEALS all the time."

"I deployed with SEALs to Fallujah and showed them how I could shoot terrorists over 2,000 yards away with a .408 Cheytac (because that's what they use, of course)."

"I actually killed some badguys there....so, you know. I got your back here."

And on and on...until.

"Hey, Ted. You really don't remember me, do you? You don't remember my business card? You know you're full of s^%&, right?"

" ", said his face.

And with that we received a pause, a tip of the hat, a "good to see you law-types", a "gotta go", and the chirp of big tires.

And he was "out".

Now, I don't know about how you all feel. But in my book he still hasn't made this right. Probably not capable. But if someone out there figured out the math for this karmic equation, please PM me and inform me when I'll be running into ol' Ted again.

Apparently, some folks are doomed to repeat the mistakes they've made.


04-18-12, 12:08
So where's part two?? Gotta see how the 2nd encounter went! :lol:

Me too!

04-18-12, 12:22
Look right above your post!

04-18-12, 12:35
he's like the energizer bunny of lies........:suicide2:

04-18-12, 14:19
Frogman should be an author, that's some pretty funny shit!

04-18-12, 14:56
He needs to tone it down IMHO. He's making gun owners look like a bunch of ****ing hicks, with no brain and a desire to shoot people who we disagree with... I like the guy but he's getting out of control.

Emily Miller has become a better spokesperson for gun owners than Uncle Ted is these days... Hell, she single handedly got a pro handgun bill through DC City Counsel and took the most anti 2A member out shooting... We need more like her, and less camo'ed up loudmouths.

Good post. :cool:

04-18-12, 15:56
So you didn't read where I wrote "the Secret Service is looking at"? I never said they have in fact violated his rights. And just FYI I was being tounge and cheek since the whole hooker thing as blown up.

My apologies, I misunderstood what you meant by "looking at".

Doc Safari
04-18-12, 16:02
If I understand Nugent the way I think I do, he wasn't getting enough attention and decided to say just enough to get everybody to go apeshit over him.

04-18-12, 16:21
He didn't say anything that a ton of other people have said. It's just when normal people say it it doesn't make the news.

04-18-12, 16:33
Yeah, cause that was an actual credible threat.

Nugent may be a dipshit, but with all the genuine "dangerous people" out there I can't believe my tax payer dollars are being used to investigate blog hype from a former celebrity.

Ed L.
04-18-12, 16:49
Any remote or implied threat to the president is investigated by the Secret Service.

There was the case of NHB fighter Jacob Volkmann, who upon winning a fight was asked who he would like to fight next and remarked, "Obama." The fighter then commented that he didn't like what the president was doing with healthcare.

He wound up receiving a visit from the Secret Service:


04-18-12, 16:55
I'm not trying to take anyone's side and I damn sure don't want to piss off any Military.... SEAL or otherwise....

As someone mentioned the Frogman thread does read really well. To me it reads like a fake Internet thread but I know people that can write like that and they are honest trust worthy people so maybe you guys know Frogman...... but then how does this figure in......

From Glen Beck today.....
quoting Ted....

“Do I have the ultimate connection with the ultimate human beings or what? A Navy SEAL Chris Campbell, who gave his life for freedom and the U.S. Constitution, had in his will that he wanted me to perform at his funeral if he died in action. I found that from my friend Marcus Lutrell and other SEALs that I get to train with and spend time with. I immediately open my schedule up for the memorial. I got friends with planes because I was in the middle of some busy stuff. I was ready to board the plane next day to go and perform, and share the love for Chris Campbell and his family, and my office got a call from someone high up in the military letting me that somebody very high up did not want me to be in the same area that day. So I was uninvited in defiance of a dead Navy SEALs personal request,” Nugent explained.

Now the Tedster may be over the top with his comments and maybe even give gun owners a bad act to follow. But he would have to be dumb as a ****ing brick to say he was invited to play via a SEAL's will AND that he has trained with Marcus Lutrell. Surely both of those things can be easily verified.

...and no I don't believe everything I hear from Glen Beck but still.. This stuff is just is not adding up.

04-18-12, 18:54
There's no such thing as bad publicity.

Half the talking heads are bitchin' about Ted and the other half are either avoiding denouncing him or straight up defending him. No matter. They're all talkin' about Ted and I'm pretty sure that's just what Ted had in mind.

Every time Rachel Maddow or Al Sharpton talk shit about Ted, the Limbaugh, Breitbart, and Beck crowd download another copy of Cat Scratch Fever or Stranglehold. It's like money in the bank.

Anybody know how to track the sales figures from iTunes? Be interesting to see what Nugent's actual music sales have done since this latest media-generated shitstorm hit the airwaves.

04-18-12, 19:08
He's an embarrassment to every gun owner.

I don't care what you think of the president, there's no reason to talk about him like that. What happened to civility and class?

ETA: To be clear, I don't think what he said doesn't comply with 1A, and as a constitutionalist I fully support his right to say it.

But I find what he said incredibly stupid and embarrassing. I do not want him blabbering that drivel in a context of representing gun owners; he was speaking at a ****in' NRA convention for crying out loud. Way to make those that already think the NRA is full of inbred, hillbilly, incompetent low-lifes with guns think it even more, Ted.

04-18-12, 19:39
What happened to civility and class?

Is that how we got the .gov we have now?

04-18-12, 20:19
He's an embarrassment to every gun owner.

I don't care what you think of the president, there's no reason to talk about him like that. What happened to civility and class?

In the past it would have been viewed as an entertainers schitck but all the lines are blurred now. Every body is a star or wants to be and everybody's comments are political.

I agree, it's just plain stupid to say something like that. At the same time that whole deal with SEAL stuff from the coffee shop to the will. Something is just seriously wrong with that whole picture.

I can't believe Ted needs that much publicity. Hell he could write a book, start a radio show, or all manner of things. Why resort to telling wild lies that revolve around the SEAL members.

However crazy he may be I still have to give him more credit than that. Then again , these days, maybe being crazy is normal. It's sure starting to seem like it.

04-18-12, 20:52
If the Secret Service knocks on Ted's door, all he has to do is send a few hookers to answer. :D

Couldn't help it.

I remember reading a thread on lightfighter a couple years ago about Ted bragging in a restaurant or Starbucks (can't remember) about his training with the SEALS, a real SEALS just happened to be there and overheard Ted's claims and he called Ted out on the claims.

Edited to add: I finally read page 1 and saw the recounting of "Frogman's" two encounters with the old Ted.

04-18-12, 20:55
Any remote or implied threat to the president is investigated by the Secret Service.

Am I to assume our government will be investigating implied celebrity threats against Bush Jr. for the next 40 years then? Cause most of them said things much worse then the Braveheart crap Nugent was blathering about.

04-18-12, 21:24
Am I to assume our government will be investigating implied celebrity threats against Bush Jr. for the next 40 years then? Cause most of them said things much worse then the Braveheart crap Nugent was blathering about.

I was just about to say almost the same thing, but you said it better than I would have.

04-19-12, 02:10
Ted Nugent says Secret Service to quiz him about Obama remarks


During the interview, I hope Ted can ask the agents where the best place is to get hookers and blow the next time he is in Colombia. . .

04-19-12, 03:12
I'm not trying to take anyone's side and I damn sure don't want to piss off any Military.... SEAL or otherwise....

As someone mentioned the Frogman thread does read really well. To me it reads like a fake Internet thread but I know people that can write like that and they are honest trust worthy people so maybe you guys know Frogman...... but then how does this figure in......

From Glen Beck today.....
quoting Ted....

“Do I have the ultimate connection with the ultimate human beings or what? A Navy SEAL Chris Campbell, who gave his life for freedom and the U.S. Constitution, had in his will that he wanted me to perform at his funeral if he died in action. I found that from my friend Marcus Lutrell and other SEALs that I get to train with and spend time with. I immediately open my schedule up for the memorial. I got friends with planes because I was in the middle of some busy stuff. I was ready to board the plane next day to go and perform, and share the love for Chris Campbell and his family, and my office got a call from someone high up in the military letting me that somebody very high up did not want me to be in the same area that day. So I was uninvited in defiance of a dead Navy SEALs personal request,” Nugent explained.

Now the Tedster may be over the top with his comments and maybe even give gun owners a bad act to follow. But he would have to be dumb as a ****ing brick to say he was invited to play via a SEAL's will AND that he has trained with Marcus Lutrell. Surely both of those things can be easily verified.

...and no I don't believe everything I hear from Glen Beck but still.. This stuff is just is not adding up.

I'd say that it all adds up to Nugent being a pathological liar. Frogman is well vetted on Tacticalforums.com and his story has been around for a while on that forum and a few others. The notion that Nugent has trained with SEALs in any capacity other than a civilian class is laughable.

04-19-12, 08:25
Not a big Nugent fan myself, but even less so of this flat out scary administration we have in place. Obama and Holder embracing the likes of Sharpton and Jones, documented white men haters, while looking to create an entitlement (or payback) nation is indeed vial. They blame guns for the problems of the black community rather than find real answers. They overlook documented felonies because the perps were black. Their mindset posses a far, far more serious threat to this nation than Nugent's truthful but harsh blabber.

I'm not being racist, I am speaking fact and fact only. Give me an Allen West any day of the week over these thinly veiled, vengeful haters in office now.

04-19-12, 08:39
Any remote or implied threat to the president is investigated by the Secret Service.

If that's true, GWB must have tied up all resources in investigations. No time for hookers.

04-19-12, 09:39
I'd say that it all adds up to Nugent being a pathological liar. Frogman is well vetted on Tacticalforums.com and his story has been around for a while on that forum and a few others. The notion that Nugent has trained with SEALs in any capacity other than a civilian class is laughable.

Ok, fair enough on the Frogman deal. So we accept the story as true. He does have an interesting writing style.

I don't know what to think. People get wrapped up in their celebrity. It would certainly be in his entertainer persona to say he trained with a SEAL. I took SCUBA lessons and one guy was a SEAL. I don't tell people I trained with a SEAL. Maybe he does. Maybe it "sounds better" for his rock star image. Is it a lie? We have a SEAL here in town that runs a physical fitness training business. Do his students train with a SEAL? The name of the business is SEAL Team Physical Training.

Ted is a rock star showman. Like a used car salesman. He's got a routine. It's his business. Donald Trump... everything he does according to him is huge, better than anything that has ever existed.. It's business... it's who they are. It's almost expected... in fact in the Nugent's case I would say it is expected. the Motor City Madman... I mean the name says it all. They are entertainers that have a certain public persona they have to maintain. It's their job. I honestly don't think Ted is trying to equate himself with a Navy SEAL.

As I type this, some young actor is on the TV. I swear he just said,,, for this role I trained with a Navy SEAL.

I think sometimes people forget to differentiate entertainment from reality and thus simple comments like that get blown way out proportion and intent.

Ted's a rock star not a rocket scientist. .... although Jeff "Skunk" Baxter is actually both now that I think of it. .. and Brian May is an astrophysicist so you never know... Ted might have a trick up his sleeve we don't know about.

04-19-12, 10:09
I know Ted lost every ounce of cred with me when I saw the film of him hosting a combination full auto shoot/barbecue on his private shooting range with most, if not all of the shooters drinking beer while they waited for their next turn to shoot.

Can't speak for the others in that film but i know Uncle Ted only drinks non-alcoholic beer.

Pretty sure he brews and sells his own brand of nonalcoholic beer much like the jerky, sausage, rubs spices, bbq sauce
and pretty much anything else he can hock to make a few extra bucks.

(not saying working to make your own money is a BAD thing as it sure beats all the people living off the government and our tax dollars)

I think the secret service is just trying to take the media off of what
they themselves have been up to.

I'm no fan of Uncle Ted as a person.... but as a guitar player....
The full 8:22 mins of Stranglehold is just as impressive today as when it came out back in 1975

04-19-12, 10:13
His opinion of guns is equal to Kim Kardashian's in my opinion. He's a wingnut, has been semi-celeb and really has no credibility outside of being in the limelight occasionally for saying and doing stupid shit.

The SS investigating him is just another waste of tax dollars.

Doc Safari
04-19-12, 10:25
The SS investigating him is just another waste of tax dollars.

Not trying to hijack the thread, but do you see the irony in abbreviating their name 'SS'?

04-19-12, 16:06
...heard he was cleared.


04-19-12, 23:01
Be nice to see a multi gun forum generated 'Open Letter to Ted and the NRA' putting the NRA on notice that Ted should never speak at an official function again; and in general, Ted should STFU because he makes gun owners look stupid and reckless. Have literally 10s of thousands sign it and send it off.

Good luck

04-19-12, 23:05
Not trying to hijack the thread, but do you see the irony in abbreviating their name 'SS'?

I don't think that the SS does. ;)

04-20-12, 04:16
For sure he is a good ole country boy!


04-20-12, 11:49
Be nice to see a multi gun forum generated 'Open Letter to Ted and the NRA' putting the NRA on notice that Ted should never speak at an official function again; and in general, Ted should STFU because he makes gun owners look stupid and reckless. Have literally 10s of thousands sign it and send it off.
Good luck

I once met a sound engineer and asked him where he worked. He said he work at the Assembly of God. He then said I don;t care what it takes to get people in the Church. If it takes Rock n Roll or whatever. We have a huge musical component and it gets people that would otherwise not come to church in the door.

Uncle Ted it pretty much the same thing. I would rather see 90% of Americans walking through the 2nd amendment door so they can then learn about the use of guns from professionals, than 10% of America being fully checked out on guns and 80% non-committed on the issue.

If he gets them trough the door that's a positive thing. Now what should happen is that some of these high profile instructors need to team up with Ted and take up that side. There is a dis-connect where if both sides joined forces the 2nd Amendment supporters could start a tidal wave that would take ages to counter.

Honestly I think there is a golden opportunity here. Nobody is perfect. Who do you think can get more people to vote against bad gun laws.... Ted or { insert top tier instructor name here }

.... and what someone said above.... as far as I know.. my entire life.. the story has always been Ted does not drink alcohol or use drugs. Again, I think people need to look past his over the top sensational persona and look at how he is helping promote gun ownership and 2A rights.

I appreciate your point of view though and am sure you have good reasons but I still see a lot of what he does as positive.

04-20-12, 12:15
I once met a sound engineer and asked him where he worked. He said he work at the Assembly of God. He then said I don;t care what it takes to get people in the Church. If it takes Rock n Roll or whatever. We have a huge musical component and it gets people that would otherwise not come to church in the door.

Uncle Ted it pretty much the same thing. I would rather see 90% of Americans walking through the 2nd amendment door so they can then learn about the use of guns from professionals, than 10% of America being fully checked out on guns and 80% non-committed on the issue.

If he gets them trough the door that's a positive thing. Now what should happen is that some of these high profile instructors need to team up with Ted and take up that side. There is a dis-connect where if both sides joined forces the 2nd Amendment supporters could start a tidal wave that would take ages to counter.

Honestly I think there is a golden opportunity here. Nobody is perfect. Who do you think can get more people to vote against bad gun laws.... Ted or { insert top tier instructor name here }

.... and what someone said above.... as far as I know.. my entire life.. the story has always been Ted does not drink alcohol or use drugs. Again, I think people need to look past his over the top sensational persona and look at how he is helping promote gun ownership and 2A rights.

I appreciate your point of view though and am sure you have good reasons but I still see a lot of what he does as positive.

Not sure I buy into your philosophy on this... The only people that Uncle Ted will draw are the same people who would already be buying or interested anyway, so its really not helping draw people in that wouldn't already be in the pew so to speak.

The flipside of his horse and pony show, is that he turns off a lot of people including many pro 2A folks. The loud mouth, camo'ed up, "come and take it from my cold dead hands" folks turn far more off, than they attract.

I want more Emily Millers, and less loudmouth rednecks. Its people like her that helps draw fresh faces to the alter. She is actually getting results, not just running her mouth attacking the POTUS and policy she disagrees with. She goes toe to toe with them and is wining them over through well thought out discussions, columns about gun ownership and is taking anti 2A folks out shooting. That is how you create dialog and change, screaming at those you disagree with at the top of your lungs only continues to divide and turn people off.

04-20-12, 16:21
That is how you create dialog and change, screaming at those you disagree with at the top of your lungs only continues to divide and turn people off.

True,,, and I agree,,, but we still need everyone's full attention which we don't have yet.

Also, if you say "excuse me" in New York City, they don't budge. I have to yell "MOVE!" -- Emily Miller - April 20, 2012

DC v. Heller 5 to 4
McDonald v. Chicago 5 to 4

When they come back 7-2 I might change my mind.