View Full Version : Taser Party

01-05-08, 17:10
Read this and found it interesting.


01-05-08, 21:10
Seeing is believing with the Taser product. I was not a big fan of the "Taser" idea until I went through training with my department. After the training with the Taser and going through the process of being hit by one, my outlook on LL changed completely.

I have not seen the civilian version in person, but from what I understand "the ride" is much longer than the LEO version allowing you to flee. I would imagine that this type of device would appeal to persons as described in the article, especially if they are not willing to make the jump to a firearm for whatever the reason.

01-06-08, 00:25
When I read the headline, I thought it was going to be about gatherings where people use their tasers on each other. :confused:

That would be very weird behavior, of course. Kind of like when I wanted to experience the demo unit at Boone Co. last August when some of the deputies were getting their certifications after a class with Louis A (I think you and your dad were there, Leviathan). The sheriff wouldn't let me do it ... something about liability. :D

So maybe I just need to attend a taser party.

01-06-08, 00:53
Tasers are just "A" tool, not "The" tool. I have seen them do very well, and I have seen them sputter.

During the time that it sputtered, the officer detached and did a drive stun on the guy. (A drive stun is where you use it like a hand held stun gun, then literally drive it into them). It was impressive. They started carrying additional cartridges for their tasers.

As for me, I like the stick....just a little old school.:eek:

01-06-08, 01:03
We were lobbying for Tasers last year until the VA Tech incident occurred and the focus shifted toward the initiation of a Patrol Rifle Program. There are hopes that this year we can rejuvenate the Taser proposal and issue each officer one. Frankly, I would have preferred the Taser last year as it would have come in much more handy. Regardless, if we can get both then it is a win-win situation and patience was all it took.

01-06-08, 13:48
When I read the headline, I thought it was going to be about gatherings where people use their tasers on each other. :confused:

Did someone say taser party? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3upqYY2YgM)

Youtube has plenty of "taser party" videos. :D

01-06-08, 18:57
I've seen enough bad guys pull the leads that prevents me from supporting the large civilian push Taser is trying.

It's hard enough to get cops to deploy the things correctly in the grand scheme of things, now they are asking people with less training and even less support to use them as a sole means of defense? No thanks.

01-06-08, 21:12
Tasers have their place....

But in all honesty "taser parties" are a really bad idea. A pink taser is not a replacement for proper self defense instruction from instructors with real-world experience who have dealt with the scumbags that infest our streets.

So much of self defense is proper mindset that I believe things like these taser parties are COUNTER PRODUCTIVE and actually make the tool into a security blanket or a magic talisman that wards off evil in the minds of those who obtain them without the improper mindset. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "...but I don't worry too much because I have my pepper spray!" from people I'd have enough money to pay for CT Laser Grips for both of my new M&P pistols.

I get the purpose behind them....to make the topic of self defense and defensive tools seem more palletable to the sheep...but by the same token a sheep with a taser is still unprepared to deal with the reality of someone trying to kill them.

When police deploy the taser it is not as a response to lethal force most of the time. There are reasons for this and regular citizens would do well to learn those reasons and decide on more effective self defense training, in my opinion.

Robb Jensen
01-06-08, 21:15
The sheep well, they are simply sheep (about 2 step up from plankton), logic isn't part of their survival.

01-07-08, 08:43
Tasers have their place....

But in all honesty "taser parties" are a really bad idea......

I agree. Maybe a small fraction of women might benefit from it. But for the most part it'd be your normal gathering of hens... giggling and flirting with the instructor, screaming when the thing discharged, etc.

Then of course, when a stituation did arise... "where did I put that thing?... I swear it was with my Tampons!!" :rolleyes:

01-07-08, 09:12
So much of self defense is proper mindset that I believe things like these taser parties are COUNTER PRODUCTIVE and actually make the tool into a security blanket or a magic talisman that wards off evil in the minds of those who obtain them without the improper mindset. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "...but I don't worry too much because I have my pepper spray!" from people I'd have enough money to pay for CT Laser Grips for both of my new M&P pistols.

Unfortunately a "magic talisman" is exactly what most people want, whether it's a taser, a gun, or a weekend self-defense seminar. People want something simple, easy, and packaged that they can buy and then promptly move on to things that concern them more.

Ed L.
01-07-08, 10:29
Some telling quotes from the article:

"She loved the idea of the Taser, which would allow her to stop an attacker from across the room without getting physical."

Okay, makes sense.


"She tried moonlighting as a door-to-door Taser saleswoman. But years of negative press about Taser made it tough.

"I got tired of being pushed out of people's offices," she says. "Nobody wants to purchase a product that they think is lethal or going to kill somebody."

Which is of course why no one owns firearms . . .:rolleyes:

01-07-08, 13:41
I agree. Maybe a small fraction of women might benefit from it. But for the most part it'd be your normal gathering of hens... giggling and flirting with the instructor, screaming when the thing discharged, etc.

What's truly sad is that there are a number of guys walking around with Kel-Tec .32s as primary carry guns who are on about the same level....and they're even harder to reach because they fancy themselves to be "warriors".

Instead of taser parties you find them in gunshops....maybe not so much in Robb or Grant's shops, but in plenty of others.

01-07-08, 13:53
What's truly sad is that there are a number of guys walking around with Kel-Tec .32s as primary carry guns who are on about the same level....and they're even harder to reach because they fancy themselves to be "warriors".

Don't even get me started on those little shitbox trinkets! I've had guys pull those out to show others in classes... (I'm thinking... why do you want that POS?)

Then they'll procede to explain how "it works pretty good most of the time". :eek:

If all I had was one of those junkers on me, I'd consider myself unarmed.

Ed L.
01-07-08, 18:58
What's truly sad is that there are a number of guys walking around with Kel-Tec .32s as primary carry guns who are on about the same level....and they're even harder to reach because they fancy themselves to be "warriors".

And concealled carry handguns without a round in the chamber.

01-07-08, 20:58
I don't really see the use of a Taser for citizens. It certainly is better than harsh language for when you can't carry a gun, but I'm fairly certain there is a reason law enforcement still carry and use firearms for encounters with dangerous, armed people (the very kind of people citizens are defending themselves from). Besides, the localities where constitutional bearing of arms is un-constitutionally restricted are sure to pack your po-po hard if you use it on a poor criminal and he/she suffers or (gasp) dies.

The very fact that they don't work 100% and don't have a magazine-load of quick follow-ups would automatically rule it out to me.

Just my $.02.