View Full Version : Inforce WML Review

04-18-12, 18:59
Mods, not sure if this should go here... Feel free to move as necessary.

So I just picked up an Inforce WML of sorts. I say 'of sorts' because this is a custom unit that ONLY has the high beam 125 lumen momentary mode and a 75mW IR beam. The normal WML has a strobe mode, low beam, and constant on feature in both the IR and white lights. You can call or email Inforce and request the momentary only version if you're not down with the multi mode stuff. Personally I like any sort of weapon mounted light to have only one beam style. That way I don't accidentally stumble upon another mode when I meant to cook with gas...

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6056/6852496204_59a578ae84_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852496204/)
Blaster w/WML (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852496204/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

So as far as the light goes, I'm really, really liking it for a 12 o'clock position light. It is super low profile, it has a built in pressure pad, incredibly light weight (3 oz with battery), and it is IR capable. All of that for a light in the $150-175 range. Those features go pretty far in my book. Also, as you can see below, your front sight is not obscured at all with the light in the 12 o'clock.

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6052/6852496302_587b2ae075_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852496302/)
Front SIght with WML Mounted (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852496302/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

First up is aesthetics/build. I really dig the way the light looks. And I’ve included some pictures of both sides and the top of the light as well as a shot of the light on my gun so you can see how it looks for yourself. The build quality seems decent to me. The manufacturer claims water resistance to 66 feet and it looks like it could stand up to that claim. The switch has a thick rubber membrane over the button and has a very nice tactile ‘click’ to it that I don’t really find on momentary switches like the SR-07. There is also a pretty chunky o-ring at the bezel. Seeing as how the construction is nearly all polymer I’m anxious to see how it holds up to hard use, but right off the bat it doesn’t seem as bullet proof as Surefire’s offerings. I’ll update as I bang it around some.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7056/6852495890_0d2f63b96f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852495890/)
Inforce WML (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6852495890/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

As far as mounting the light goes, it has by far one of the most ingenious mounting devices that I’ve seen. It’s simply a spring loaded clamp on the side of the light that you can tighten down with a set screw that pushes out from the body and keeps the clamp squeezed down tight. In my experience the light comes on and off easily, and locks down rock solid. I’ve only shot 900 rounds through the gun with the light mounted, and haven’t necessarily slammed the light against anything but it’s held up very well with no loosening so far. Another advantage to the 12 o’clock position, especially if you’re running a fixed sight, is that your light is relatively well protected.

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6237/6998618495_af8c8ffb4d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618495/)
Inforce WML (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618495/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

When it comes to controls, the light uses the single button on top to activate the light. Which on my model strictly means activation of the momentary feature. There is a flip lever on the side of the light where you can easily toggle from IR to White light mode, there is also a physical rotating lockout device that can be raised over the switch to prevent AD’s. In addition to this you can also twist the bezel about a quarter turn to disable the light. Further loosening the bezel allows you to switch out the single 123 battery. However since it is single button, single mode light; there is no way to activate the light to a constant on mode. For my uses this is not a big deal, but it could potentially be a liability if you need to run the light in a one handed operation situation.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7060/6998618399_de75ec7c06_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618399/)
Inforce Top (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618399/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

The output of the light is very clear and artifact free. But that being said, it is just 125 lumens and doesn’t have a very far throw. I would say that the white light is usable to 50 yards for human sized target discrimination. To put it in more qualitative terms, the beam is nearly identically as bright as a TLR-1, but with not as wide of a beam profile. I’ve tested the IR mode on a moonless night with a PVS-14 and I must say that I was pretty surprised by the throw of the IR light. Identifying a partially obscured human at 40 yards was absolutely no problem.

To acquire the light I spoke with Matthew Wolfe at Inforce (mwolfe@inforce-mil.com). He was very pleasant and straightforward to deal with and was genuinely interested in getting me the light with the features I wanted.

So if I had to break it down it would go something like this.

Very Lightweight
Very Low Profile
Easy to mount.
Easy to switch from White to IR
Very useable IR beam.
Waterproof to 66 feet.
Great Customer Service

Only 125 Lumens
Potential long term durability risks.
Single mode model only available by special order.
No constant on for one handed operation.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7092/6998618777_164d100ce8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618777/)
Blaster w/WML (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77663382@N04/6998618777/) by jstyer (http://www.flickr.com/people/77663382@N04/), on Flickr

04-18-12, 19:05

04-19-12, 20:32
Ive been looking at these awhile, done a few light reviews myself. Thanks for the write-up!

04-19-12, 21:38
Thanks man, I've been debating on one of these for a while and really wanted a detailed review. My main concern is also the 125 lumens... I like the way the ergonomics look and the IR capability, but that is significantly less bright than an X300.

04-19-12, 23:13
Single mode model only available by special order.

INFORCE announced on 4/9 that the single mode model would be offered as part of their line up. dealers will have them.

04-20-12, 00:23
INFORCE announced on 4/9 that the single mode model would be offered as part of their line up. dealers will have them.


04-20-12, 02:58
MM, any idea when both colors are going to be available?

jstyer - thanks for the feedback on these, I'm pretty sure the momentary-only version is the one myself and others have been waiting for.

04-20-12, 06:40
That's great that the single mode is going to be widely available. To be honest I haven't really been up on them since I got mine a couple months ago.

The thing I really like this light for is CQB/Home Defense. The light literally has the perfect amount of beam and throw for anything less than 30 yards. There's very little light throwback, and the weight makes it easy to drive the gun quickly in close quarters.

I'm at roughly 2000 rounds with the light and still no issues, but no hard knocks yet either. I loaned it to a pal who does much more work with NVG's so we'll see what his verdict is on heavy IR use.

04-20-12, 08:01
TehLlama - no idea when, sorry.
jstyer - nice writeup.

04-20-12, 08:08
I was going to start my own thread, but I may as well ask here since it seems there are plenty of people who have used NODs but....(three part question)...

Just how necessary is an IR Illuminator for ID purposes?
At what range does it become necessary?
How many mW does it usually take to get out to that particular range?

I've settled on the IR laser that I want to get, but I can't decide on which illuminator I need (or if its even necessary to have one)...

BTW, Jstyer, thanks for the writeup!

04-20-12, 09:11
I was going to start my own thread, but
Just how necessary is an IR Illuminator for ID purposes? ...
I've settled on the IR laser that I want to get, but I can't decide on which illuminator I need (or if its even necessary to have one)...

According to THIS GUY (https://www.m4carbine.net/showpost.php?p=999224&postcount=28) who knows his stuff, IR illumination is important if you're running NODs/Lasers. The first paragraph is to the point; the rest pertains to another topic in the thread he was responding to.
I only work with NV and illuminators a couple times a year (between 50 and 200 yds, on a scope), but supplemental IR illumination in my experience has been a night and day (or night and less night?) difference. My experience is very limited compared to many here, but its enough to know that IR illumination, if it can be had (and trained with), is worth it.

The setup I've been working with at work is a SIMRAD with a remote IR illumination source (for a precision rifle). Because of the lack of portability of the illumination source, I'm interested in the Inforce WML as a more portable IR illuminator and white light setup for guns what are currently without either. It wouldn't be a replacement per se, but a substitute for when white/IR light would be needed in spaces where lugging in the giant friggin spotlight wouldn't be practical.

For OP or anyone else with the capability, can you advise what the throw and spill are with the IR on this thing? In between writing for Sgt., a couple other work projects, and new fatherhood, I haven't had a chance to ask them for a T&E.

04-20-12, 11:12
Just how necessary is an IR Illuminator for ID purposes?
At what range does it become necessary?
How many mW does it usually take to get out to that particular range?

i'm not a professional user, and i've only actually shot with NODs and an IR laser/illuminator outdoors, not indoors, from 25yds to about 200yds, in a rural (desert) environment with only star or moonlight, no other source of light nearby (so that this for what it's worth). i have both the PVS-14 and the PVS-7. i definitely prefer having the variable gain control on the 14 instead of the ABC on the 7.

i usually have two sources of IR illumination - the DBAL A2, and an IR LED drop-in for a surefire light.

For distances out to about 25-35 yards, the IR LED was enough to ID the targets (15" steel mini silhouettes painted white). i'd estimate that they'd work about 50%-75% of the distance an equivalent white-light would work without NODs. it's also dependant on ambient lighting conditions, and how much gain you've dialed into your NOD.

out past about 50 yds, the IR laser flood illuminator was absolutely necessary for target ID. the IR LED did not have the reach, and the IR dot was useless for target ID. under those conditions, i could not ID the targets with NODs alone. the white targets blended with the almost-white sand. if i had spray painted them black, they'd have stood out more. so, it depends on what you're shooting at. having the adjustable flood on the DBAL to compensate for different distances was also very important, as was having both low and high power. i found myself using the illuminator/dot function most often, where the dot is on at the same time as the illuminator. it was only at closer distances and when there was enough ambient light to ID the targets that i used the NODs with the dot only, and no illluminator.

so, what you need is going to depend on a number of factors - distance, target contrast with surroundings, ambient lighting conditions, whether you have variable gain control on your NODs etc.

04-20-12, 14:23
I hope they release one in Green.

04-20-12, 22:53
I agree, foliage would be awesome.

Onto the point of IR illumination - at distances as close as 10yd I've had cases where I really wish I had good IR illumination that doesn't limit the capabilities of the laser (PEQ-15 and personal DBAL I2).

Through PVS14's it gets extremely difficult to work around using a laser at targets in even low light (this was the RB1 night shoot in March) the laser alone won't even let you know if you're on target, let alone any form of target ID. I wound up having to bump the white light on and fire with the aimpoint for get the last couple rounds off on drills where the ambient from the rest of the line wasn't enough to make the PVS14's bloom.

With the illum function on the PEQ15's it works extremely well for me at longer ranges (50yd and beyond), but this causes a major issue up close where the illum and laser are distinguishable, but both so bright that I find myself squinting through the monocular, and completely lacking in SA in those cases. I rural Garmser I usually just took the time to get dark adapted and relied on the light spillage from Dwyer to provide just enough ambient to get by, and navigate with the wee illuminator in the PVS's as needed, but I'm really glad the Taliban realized we still outmatched in the dark, because that setup isn't 100%.

While I'm a slight bit concerned that the white light throw from these won't quite be adequate for longer range use, that's still something that could be remedied with an aftermarket LED unit.

04-25-12, 08:12
are there any thoughts about mounting one on thier helmet as a dual light source, IR comparable to a Surefire M1 - yea or nay?

04-25-12, 12:38
That's actually a pretty good idea snellkid... The light is definitely small, light, and simple enough to get away with mounting it on a helmet.

04-25-12, 21:05
Like this?

04-25-12, 21:22
I attended a training class this weekend with a very reputable instructor (with a funny mustache) who spoke highly of these lights with the momentary only function and how great they were at the 12 o'clock position.

04-28-12, 06:44
I have one I have been using on this deployment.

White light is great.

IR is about perfect for inside, it allows a nice short range option so you can leave your PEQ on high for longer range.

Love the light weight/small size.

My only problem is the latch has cracked around the screw, it still holds on fine though.

04-28-12, 08:16
I contacted Inforce about a green WML, Matt Wolfe replied (VP Military Sales) He said they are considering releasing a green ( OD/ Foliage?) in the future.

04-28-12, 09:25
Mine's in the mail, definitely looking forward to getting my hands on it and throwing up my opinion as well.

05-01-12, 09:15
Does anyone who has this light also have an X300 or X200? If so would someone please post some side-by-side pics for size comparison?

ETA: Google came to the rescue. Comparison pics can be seen here (http://forum.lwrci.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11078&start=15), as well as another review for anyone interested.

05-01-12, 16:47
Does anyone who has this light also have an X300 or X200? If so would someone please post some side-by-side pics for size comparison?

ETA: Google came to the rescue. Comparison pics can be seen here (http://forum.lwrci.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11078&start=15), as well as another review for anyone interested.

The WML is significantly lighter and more streamlined, plus the IR feature can be very useful. Definitely not as bright though (obviously).

05-01-12, 19:25
The WML is significantly lighter and more streamlined, plus the IR feature can be very useful. Definitely not as bright though (obviously).

Thanks. If you mount it at 12 o' clock and use an Aimpoint or EoTech how much of your field of view is obstructed? Is it comparable to an X300?

05-01-12, 20:32
Thanks. If you mount it at 12 o' clock and use an Aimpoint or EoTech how much of your field of view is obstructed? Is it comparable to an X300?

Its a little longer (especially with the safety lever down), but I don't think the WML takes up any more than 2-3 rail slots than an X300. Looking through my EOTech, there is actually less obstruction from it than the X300, though not by a huge amount. I don't know if the pictures were able to show that or not.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7082/7134038061_19d016841b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58801550@N02/7134038061/)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7201/6987954706_bb98e82f70_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58801550@N02/6987954706/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8023/6987953804_eb937e7dc3_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58801550@N02/6987953804/)

Ok it was a little hard to get the pictures, especially with the right cheek-weld. But the first is the WML and the second is an X300 (front site was up so that clutters the sight picture a little more). Hopefully you can see the light body though. It was also WAY easier to attach/detach from the rail (everyone knows the X300 is tight) and I did notice the difference in weight between the two, just in case you were wondering.

05-01-12, 21:25
Thank you very much for the reply and pics.

05-01-12, 21:32
Thank you very much for the reply and pics.

Yeah no problem.

08-27-12, 11:33
I'd been looking for a light for my AR and came across this great option from Inforce. I like that its 1 brightness and has momentary on. Made a little video review of it.

Inforce WML Video Review (http://youtu.be/v4mGzQaT-uE)

08-27-12, 14:21
Nice video. Looks like a good option for a weapon mounted light.

08-28-12, 00:04
These look nice...I might get one on my next AR. My current build has a Surefire X300 though. I like that I can swap the mount out and use it on a full size handgun as well.

Not to mention the Surefire X300 Ultra is coming out soon.

08-30-12, 15:26
I finally got to see and handle one of these in person a couple of weeks ago at Clyde Armory in GA. Very nice light. I like the simplicity of it and the momentary switch is very easy to press and hold. I will seriously consider this light for future rifles.

09-05-12, 13:39
Does anyone who have this notice the potential problem for the knob on the mounting screw to get worn out or harder to grasp? I know with the Streamlight TLR-1, the factory mounting screw is known to get worn down to the point of being very hard to tighten.

On the Weapon Evolution forum someone posted a DIY to replace it with a standard 1" Weaver scope ring screw. I've never handled the WML yet so I'm not sure if the knob is prone to this problem. Although the difference with the TLR-1 is that the OEM screw can be secured with a quarter or flathead whereas I see the WML is just a plain knob.

09-05-12, 21:46
We've been testing a WML - White - Momentary for about three months without issue. Have used 8 batteries, 3K+ rounds.

We've been really impressed with them, so much so, Impact Weapons Components is now an Inforce Dealer, although we don't have any in stock or on the site to order yet.

Stay tuned for an announcement on a special deal... :D