View Full Version : Public Service Announcement

04-22-12, 22:54
The U.S. Federal Debt is now

Once again, that's
(Updated every refresh)

It has increased an average of $3.97 Billion every day since Sept 2007.

Thank you

04-22-12, 22:57
I can't really even afford the last 3 digits on that tab.

It's really great that our "elected officials" can spend more than the taxpayer can pay and then make them indebted without consent. Why and how is this activity even legal?


04-22-12, 23:10
I tried to say that 10 times I cant do it

04-22-12, 23:12
Why and how is this activity even legal?


Who's gonna stop them?


That's their attitude, like a bully out on recess that used to shove you around. You tell him to knock it off. What did he always say? "Make me"

04-23-12, 13:38
It goes up more in a minute than I will probably make in my life time. 3.2 million give or take. Re-damn-diculous

04-23-12, 15:45
So scary. Makes me sick to my stomach to try and visualize it.

04-24-12, 19:27
I don't know why y'all are so worried about this, Bernanke will just keep printing more fiat based funny money. . .:sarcastic:

04-24-12, 21:18
It's really great that our "elected officials" can spend more than the taxpayer can pay and then make them indebted without consent. Why and how is this activity even legal?


Once we got to the point where we were no longer willing to tar and feather a member of Congress we were doomed. So long as Congress never gets us to the point that we are willing to say screw it and start rounding them up, they can pretty much get away with almost anything.

In the meantime they keep us divided with Party A which represents half of our views and Party B which represents the other half of our views and enough extremists to prevent there ever being a consensus of mainstream values.

They indoctrinate the majority of the population with misleading propaganda and futile social efforts so that true equality and the restorations of everyone's rights are not only no longer attainable but unpopular. People are instead encouraged to misdirect their efforts towards noble sounding goals that are either irrelevant, unobtainable or both.

04-24-12, 21:23
Dont worry, the banking cartel will come and save us.....just like they did in Greece....

04-24-12, 22:30
Never underestimate the power of stupid/ignorant/lazy/authoritarian people in large groups.

04-25-12, 16:07
Never underestimate the power of stupid/ignorant/lazy/authoritarian people in large groups.


04-26-12, 00:43
Once we got to the point where we were no longer willing to tar and feather a member of Congress we were doomed. So long as Congress never gets us to the point that we are willing to say screw it and start rounding them up, they can pretty much get away with almost anything.

In the meantime they keep us divided with Party A which represents half of our views and Party B which represents the other half of our views and enough extremists to prevent there ever being a consensus of mainstream values.

They indoctrinate the majority of the population with misleading propaganda and futile social efforts so that true equality and the restorations of everyone's rights are not only no longer attainable but unpopular. People are instead encouraged to misdirect their efforts towards noble sounding goals that are either irrelevant, unobtainable or both.

Can I borrow this paragraph to share?
Just sums it up better than I can.

04-26-12, 01:44
Can I borrow this paragraph to share?
Just sums it up better than I can.

It's yours.

04-29-12, 03:57
2-3 years at current spending, until our debt to GDP ratio resembles Greece.

It already over 100% of GDP now.

04-29-12, 04:17
2-3 years at current spending, until our debt to GDP ratio resembles Greece.

It already over 100% of GDP now.

Just like it was during WWII, after which that ratio continued to diminish until 1983 when it started climbing again. It slid downward again in 1994 and started climbing again after 2001. I expect another continued downward slide, like happened after WWII, to occur after we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

04-29-12, 05:48
Just like it was during WWII, after which that ratio continued to diminish until 1983 when it started climbing again. It slid downward again in 1994 and started climbing again after 2001. I expect another continued downward slide, like happened after WWII, to occur after we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

There's a huge hole in that theory:

Europe and Japan and China were blown to shit after WW2. They couldn't make anything. During the post war period for several years, the United States economy boomed like crazy because we were making and selling literally everything the war-ravaged world needed. Everything from building supplies to infrastructure to home appliances. Our GDP hit a home run.

Now unless you can envision a contemporary scenario where all European Nations, Japan, and China are obliterated and we are not, there's not a chance in hell that we'll be able to grow our debt ratio back down.

Maybe some revolutionary mystery tech, bigger than the advent of the Internet could do it. That's about it.

04-29-12, 07:01
Dont worry, the banking cartel will come and save us.....just like they did in Greece....

There's not a banking cartel on the planet that has enough money to save us..Our massive debt is going to pull us down, and nothing or nobody can stop it..Fiat money systems go all the way back to the Romans..and history has shown time and time again, they ALL FAILED..usually within 50yrs or so.. The U.S. was taken off the Gold Standard in 1970, by Richard Nixon. The clock started ticking then,One thing to think about..In about 30yrs, We (the U.S.) went from being the largest LENDER nation, to being the largest DEBTOR nation..

04-29-12, 09:52
Once we got to the point where we were no longer willing to tar and feather a member of Congress we were doomed. So long as Congress never gets us to the point that we are willing to say screw it and start rounding them up, they can pretty much get away with almost anything.

In the meantime they keep us divided with Party A which represents half of our views and Party B which represents the other half of our views and enough extremists to prevent there ever being a consensus of mainstream values.

They indoctrinate the majority of the population with misleading propaganda and futile social efforts so that true equality and the restorations of everyone's rights are not only no longer attainable but unpopular. People are instead encouraged to misdirect their efforts towards noble sounding goals that are either irrelevant, unobtainable or both.

Nomination for post of the year !!!

Edit: can I also use this ?

04-29-12, 12:14
Nomination for post of the year !!!

Edit: can I also use this ?

Have at it.

04-30-12, 03:32
There's not a banking cartel on the planet that has enough money to save us...

If I recall, the last estimate of the Rothschild cabal was something like $150,000,000,000,000 conservatively.

04-30-12, 04:05
Even the congressional budget office says that continuing at the rate we've been going, the entire u.s. economy will cease to function by 2027.

15 years. (which is wildly optimistic in many an economists view)

It won't stop because so many people are benefit-corrupted in their voting. All politicians have to do is run "Mediscare" ads and they've got the support to spend.

"The so-called 'constitutionalist' wants the elderly eating dog food and dying. He wants millions off food stamps and starving. He wants to cut YOUR social security! He wants to take YOUR retirement!"

So, they'll have their cake, and they'll eat it until the systemic failure that they voted for.

05-06-12, 23:18

07-16-12, 04:45

The Debt figure in the original post always updates itself.

Currently $15,885,193,650,000.00

Considering the governments own estimates put Obamacare at $2.6 trillion and rising, (up from $.9 trillion when they weren't reading the bill) We're ****ed.

How could we grow our way out of this? Our GDP will have to grow by more than 5% per year to keep the debt steady at 100%!

08-13-12, 05:44
Necropost #2!!

There are dozens of journalists, radio hosts, and economists who are all saying basically the same thing:

Autum Economic Disaster. Like Oct - Nov.

These people I've heard/read this from do not work together or know each other.

08-13-12, 10:11
For ****'s sake can we just round up & call it 16 T ?

08-13-12, 17:32
Who's gonna stop them?


That's their attitude, like a bully out on recess that used to shove you around. You tell him to knock it off. What did he always say? "Make me"

Yeah, we need to reach the end of the rope with that and start hitting back in the polling booth.
All my schoolyard bullies gave up after they said make me and I hit back. We can't go punching congressmen, but we can damn well put them out of a job and elect people who will unscrew this.

I made a rough estimate, looking at the US debt clock. In one minute, we amass ~$1.3 million in debt (as a nation). In one year, the average american household will make ~$50,000.
The fed's debt in one minute would take 26 years for an American household to pay off. Most Americans work from 18 to 65 (assuming they retire once they start getting SS and begin working when they turn 18, obviously not always the case), that's 47 years. So, an American household (assuming they worked for the 47 years) could pay off about 1.8 seconds-worth of the US debt.

The debt clock is rather scary to look at.

08-13-12, 19:24
If I recall, the last estimate of the Rothschild cabal was something like $150,000,000,000,000 conservatively.

Maybe so, but's that still the same fiat money you and I have in our pockets right now..So, they have alot of toilet paper...The very minute the world loses faith in the U.S. Dollar, All that money Rothschild has is worthless..(assuming that figure is in U.S. Dollars) I would assume they also have investments in precious metals, Because as far as I know, every currency on the planet is a fiat currency...

08-13-12, 22:06
Screw $150,000,000,000,000

We don't owe money lost on bets taken on bets taken on bets that somebody gambled with on another bet.

Derivatives :rolleyes:

08-13-12, 22:24
Maybe so, but's that still the same fiat money you and I have in our pockets right now..So, they have alot of toilet paper...The very minute the world loses faith in the U.S. Dollar, All that money Rothschild has is worthless..(assuming that figure is in U.S. Dollars) I would assume they also have investments in precious metals, Because as far as I know, every currency on the planet is a fiat currency...

They are the wealthiest people in the world. They own the most land in the world (privately). They dont need dollars.

When you want to study TRUE ****ing evil, just research the Rothschilds.

08-14-12, 03:15
Maybe so, but's that still the same fiat money you and I have in our pockets right now..So, they have alot of toilet paper...The very minute the world loses faith in the U.S. Dollar, All that money Rothschild has is worthless..(assuming that figure is in U.S. Dollars) I would assume they also have investments in precious metals, Because as far as I know, every currency on the planet is a fiat currency...

Actually that would be cold hard gold bullion. ;)

Shell game of funny money was set up for the rest of us.

08-14-12, 08:06
Actually that would be cold hard gold bullion. ;)

Shell game of funny money was set up for the rest of us.

Ah, I see, I guess we know who's going to be running the show when the funny money game finally collaspes...

08-15-12, 00:46

08-15-12, 00:52
http://www.usdebtclock.org/ :dance3:

Look at the total debt per family. If you think we're EVER going to pay this down which actually requires us to have a balanced budget you're nuts, and should be locked up into an institution. 684k each family owes in debt... :D

Lol at all of us. 684k per family. Lets go get them 1%'ers and all will be well in the world. :p

08-15-12, 01:09

They neglected to show the stairs going up to different levels.

Look at Obama. He was born into a broken home with a whore of a mom, raised by his grand parents, and has the key to the button to unleash the most firepower the world has ever known, and its pretty much defacto that the US president is the leader of the western world.

Damn I hate that picture. It invokes an emotion in people which makes it 'OK' to never amount to everything in life because their position is everyone elses fault.

08-15-12, 01:12
There's a huge hole in that theory:

Europe and Japan and China were blown to shit after WW2. They couldn't make anything. During the post war period for several years, the United States economy boomed like crazy because we were making and selling literally everything the war-ravaged world needed. Everything from building supplies to infrastructure to home appliances. Our GDP hit a home run.

Now unless you can envision a contemporary scenario where all European Nations, Japan, and China are obliterated and we are not, there's not a chance in hell that we'll be able to grow our debt ratio back down.

Maybe some revolutionary mystery tech, bigger than the advent of the Internet could do it. That's about it.

Exactly. People RARELY mention after WW2 we were the only western power who wasn't bombed into oblivion or scrambling to setup some ad hoc government. After WW2 Mao was busy murdering tens of millions of his own people which turned into the China we know and love today. :D

08-15-12, 02:45
Look at Obama. He was born into a broken home with a whore of a mom, raised by his grand parents, and has the key to the button to unleash the most firepower the world has ever known, and its pretty much defacto that the US president is the leader of the western world.

And all by design IMHO. Everything about Barry is smoke and mirrors, a Manchurian candidate is a gross understatment.

Damn I hate that picture. It invokes an emotion in people which makes it 'OK' to never amount to everything in life because their position is everyone elses fault.

I hate it too as it illustrates the elitist mind set.

08-15-12, 10:30
As much as I hate to admit it, maybe it's time to consider default..Think about it, sure it would be bad for awhile, But I see it as a possible opportunity..Alot of things could be changed quickly,
we could..
A. get rid of the Fed..
B. go back to the gold standard, which in return would regulate Govt spending, cut the size of Govt.
C.Get rid of, or overhaul SS, Welfare, Medicare/Medicade
Something else to consider, what about minting silver coins? Only this time instead of having a monetary value stamped onto the back of the coin,we could have a weight value stamped on to it (1/10th oz, 1/4 oz etc) and let the market itself determine the value of the coin..Since we would then have the only currency on the planet backed by something tangible, It's possible that this would attract alot of investment.. Just thinking aloud here....