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Gutshot John
04-23-12, 19:27
Gotta love irony....

Hypocrisy knows no bounds for the NYT (http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2012/04/22/at-the-nyt-clueless-blue-deer-meet-onrushing-truck/)

04-23-12, 20:16
Really? Really? The guy is a "professional journailist" and he sounds shocked and sad.

"No matter the rhetoric about the importance of our people, we really regard them as interchangeable employees."

No kidding, doofus. You can and will be replaced by some fresh J-school grad for $19K a year.

Or maybe they could outsource, and send your job off-shore. That way some guy in New Delhi can write the news for $500 a month.

04-24-12, 09:11
What a bunch of entitlement minded creeps. They act like there is no hope for them without their current full pensions, despite their established careers at the Times. Could be interesting to see how many pro-labor union articles make it through editing now.

They should all be fired and replaced with well centered journalists, then maybe the papers financial issues will ease a bit. Idiots like Krugman and Dowd have destroyed their credibility.

04-24-12, 09:53
I think we can all agree that unions were a good thing at certain points in US history. This is no longer the case. Except for the public sector unions (the real problem), all of them are nothing more than a lawn dart that has reached max apogee. Here is a link to an a report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It's a good read.

Union Members - 2011 (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/union2.pdf)

04-24-12, 10:17
Plan ahead, invest for yourself, your burden is your own. The only retirement that anyone should plan to have is one that you've planned for yourself.

Edited to add: These people are idiots.

04-24-12, 11:47
How can they possibly be concerned about their retirement. They just helped elect a Marxist to the White House so they can have government mandated health care (for a fee anyway, or a penalty if you don't participate), and surely their politicians won't let them starve, more and more people are going on to food stamps.

Don't worry, be happy, your man is in the Oval office!! What could go wrong?

P.S. Welcome to the real world of competitive skill sets and making your self marketable. Kind of a shock when you realize you don't have much to offer anyone other than a ultra-blue rag.