View Full Version : Colorado House Committee Passes ASSET Bill: SB-15 Would Give Undocumented Immigrants

04-24-12, 12:13
Colorado House Committee Passes ASSET Bill: SB-15 Would Give Undocumented Immigrants Lower College Tuition Rates

"A bill that would provide more affordable tuition rates -- rates closer to an in-state level, rather than the higher out-of-state level -- to Colorado's undocumented immigrant students was passed by the Colorado House Education Committee on Monday. This was a historic vote for the House which has defeated similar bills in the past."

More here:

So, if I have this correctly, out of state US citizens will pay more than illegal immigrants. Unbelievable!

Pork Chop
04-24-12, 12:18

I'm from Nebraska and our Governor had to veto a recent bill that was passed allowing 100% paid prenatal and birthing expenses for illegal immigrants.

What the **** is going on?!?!?!

04-24-12, 12:20
Box them up and ship them out.

04-24-12, 12:23
Colorado House Committee Passes ASSET Bill: SB-15 Would Give Undocumented Immigrants Lower College Tuition Rates

"A bill that would provide more affordable tuition rates -- rates closer to an in-state level, rather than the higher out-of-state level -- to Colorado's undocumented immigrant students was passed by the Colorado House Education Committee on Monday. This was a historic vote for the House which has defeated similar bills in the past."

More here:

So, if I have this correctly, out of state US citizens will pay more than illegal immigrants. Unbelievable!


I'm from Nebraska and our Governor had to veto a recent bill that was passed allowing 100% paid prenatal and birthing expenses for illegal immigrants.

What the **** is going on?!?!?!

Are you ****ing kidding me? Holy hell...

04-24-12, 13:23
Im ****ing furious, but not at all surprised. I called CO my home for 23 years until I enlisted, and I will be moving back after 4 years here shortly. My wife is from Greeley, CO, and I was born there but grew up one county over. Long ago, Greeley was one of the first midwest towns to be populated almost entirely by illegal mexican immigrants, due solely to the Monfort Meat Packing plant and their stance on hiring a cheap, unprotected work force to run the large plant. There were once unnoffical road signs in Mexico that said how many miles were left until you hit Greeley, CO. Fast forward to present day and now Greeley has a population of about 70-90k, with about a 25-35% hispanic population. Compare that to the surrounding cities of Loveland and Fort Collins, both of nearly equal size, that have a hispanic population of about 4-7% and you will see where the disparity comes from. Monfort Meat Packing sold out to Swift and Co, but even up to 2007 ICE was raiding the plant constantly and arresting huge numbers of illegals that worked there. MS13, Surenos, Sutenos, and Blood/Crips have now been documented in Greeley. Greeley was recently featured as a large recruiting hub in the mid west for MS13 on the History Channel.

Greeley is middle America, Greeley is the quintessential midwest ranch town. Greeley represents Colorado in everyway. We have identified the illegal immigration issue in Greeley, we know the root source, we know how to stop it, and we know the damage it is doing and the danger it is bringing, and yet, the Colorado liberals INVITE more of them. But it isnt just Greeley, its Pueblo, its Longmont, its Denver, ITS COLORADO. We have a crisis, we see it, and instead of fighting it while we have the means to do so, we pander to hispanic population in order to get more votes. More votes means more programs to help them out, like free medical, and like this ****ing bill. And all the while us citizens of all colors continue to pay our taxes, continue to serve our country and state, and continue to be ****ed over by our liberal democrat representatives.

Time to write my representative. Colorado; the new California.

04-24-12, 17:39
What a slap in the face to every American born here and American that immigrated here LEGALLY.

04-24-12, 19:39
Hah, and people think America has a furure. . .

04-24-12, 20:26
All by design unfortunately.
Digusted some days beyond belief.

04-25-12, 01:27
Honestly, this same ol shit doesn't even get me to blink anymore. Never changes, just gets worse. vote against it, call your congressman... it's a ****ing joke. the system is a joke. this country is a joke. Am I mad??? Yep, but I'll just leave it in the kettle til it boils over.

04-25-12, 02:20
Rewarding people for breaking the law with cheaper higher education.

Only in Amerika.

04-25-12, 16:04
Rewarding people for breaking the law with cheaper higher education.

Only in Amerika.

And while POTUS is doing his best vying for the "yutes" vote by slamming the pulpit with his fist and the lower interest rate student loan bull shit the US is sitting at an all-time unemployment rate for grads, every one out of two grads are currently unemployed (the highest number in our recorded history). . .[/fade out to crickets chirping]

04-25-12, 16:07
If I were graduating from HS this year, I would be headed to a trade, not a business degree.

04-25-12, 16:40
And while POTUS is doing his best vying for the "yutes" vote by slamming the pulpit with his fist and the lower interest rate student loan bull shit the US is sitting at an all-time unemployment rate for grads, every one out of two grads are currently unemployed (the highest number in our recorded history). . .[/fade out to crickets chirping]

Government intervention into student loans is problem to begin with. Then again this is a country that has a debt problem and the politicians want to fix it with more debt. Plus he needs the student votes that he's been losing, which is why Romney is also supporting it. We're on the fast track now to total government intervention since that's what the general public expects so long as they can keep American Idol, Dancig with the Stars and Jersey Shore and not have to lift a finger. The ship is sinking, we're screwed.