View Full Version : Beating of Alabama man not seen as hate crime, despite claim 'Trayvon' invoked

04-24-12, 15:06
Another example.

Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, told WKRG she witnessed the attack and that there were as many as 20 assailants. Parker said she overheard one of them say, "Now that's justice for Trayvon."

racially-charged-assault-not-probed-as-hate-crime-despite-witness-claim (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/24/police-racially-charged-assault-not-probed-as-hate-crime-despite-witness-claim/)

04-24-12, 15:23
No suprises here. Always has been a one way street.

04-24-12, 15:26
It's seemingly easy in our society to ignore/beat the race issue when the violence is black on white folks.

I am beginning to believe that the race hate charge is a white-only chargeable offense.


04-24-12, 16:03
No suprises here. Always has been a one way street.
It's seemingly easy in our society to ignore/beat the race issue when the violence is black on white folks.

I am beginning to believe that the race hate charge is a white-only chargeable offense.

Seems to be the case...time and again. Now, I'm NOT a proponent of 'hate crime' (crime is crime, regardless of color), but if it is to be, it does seem reasonable to apply it to ALL offenders when applicable.

Pork Chop
04-24-12, 16:06
Seems to be the case...time and again. Now, I'm NOT a proponent of 'hate crime' (crime is crime, regardless of color), but if it is to be, it does seem reasonable to apply it to ALL offenders when applicable.

Silly you. How does one further an agenda using such "common sense"?

04-24-12, 16:17
Sounds like a gross disparity of force situation. I would think that the victim was justified in whipping out his piece and blazing away. 20 beaters could definitely kill a person. No?

04-24-12, 17:00
Sounds like a gross disparity of force situation. I would think that the victim was justified in whipping out his piece and blazing away. 20 beaters could definitely kill a person. No?

The result was grave bodily harm and they could have easily killed him. If I saw them coming like that, I'd haul ass. If that didn't work, I'd warn them, then start shooting if they continued to advance.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Reagans Rascals
04-24-12, 17:03
The result was grave bodily harm and they could have easily killed him. If I saw them coming like that, I'd haul ass. If that didn't work, I'd warn them, then start shooting if they continued to advance.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No warning... they knew exactly what they were doing... If I couldn't flee... they get no chance to flee either.. they'd all be winners in my book.. right from the beginning... multiple times

04-24-12, 17:45
This is why God made 30 round magazines. :p

04-24-12, 17:49
It's seemingly easy in our society to ignore/beat the race issue when the violence is black on white folks.

I am beginning to believe that the race hate charge is a white-only chargeable offense.


I completly concure! It is also far more common than we are lead to belive.

04-24-12, 19:22
I am beginning to believe that the race hate charge is a white-only chargeable offense.


You are correct. The only minorities ever charged with a hate crime are cases where their victim was homosexual and or transgender.

AG Holder has a long history of turing a blind eye to black on white hate crimes as with the rest of the DOJ.

IMHO every case of sexual assault should be a hate crime as well as the black on white hate crimes.

04-24-12, 22:17
The very idea of a 'hate crime' is so sickeningly Orwellian I can't believe this is being discussed.

Thoughtcrime is what they should be called.

It's already illegal to commit assault and battery. It's already illegal to murder. Absent extenuating or mitigating circumstances (i.e. self-defense), who gives a rat's ass WHY you kicked someone's ass or killed them? They're just as dead. Did you kill them, yes or no? was it intentional, yes or no? Penalizing the thought that went before is utterly disgusting, and shows clearly what kind of a society the left is molding us into. Some animals are more equal than others.

ETA: Right now scientists can tell in a PET scanner when you are thinking about lying when they ask you a question. "Hate Crimes" are a huge step toward being penalized for your thoughts, if the system thinks they are unorthodox. And with our court system the way it is, I am quite certain that placing you in a machine and asking you questions, so long as you were not required to physically answer, would not be found to violate your Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

This technology is Stone Age compared to what it's going to be. Keep on voting for them, sheep.

Reagans Rascals
04-24-12, 22:31
The very idea of a 'hate crime' is so sickeningly Orwellian I can't believe this is being discussed.

Thoughtcrime is what they should be called.

It's already illegal to commit assault and battery. It's already illegal to murder. Absent extenuating or mitigating circumstances (i.e. self-defense), who gives a rat's ass WHY you kicked someone's ass or killed them? They're just as dead. Did you kill them, yes or no? was it intentional, yes or no? Penalizing the thought that went before is utterly disgusting, and shows clearly what kind of a society the left is molding us into. Some animals are more equal than others.

ETA: Right now scientists can tell in a PET scanner when you are thinking about lying when they ask you a question. "Hate Crimes" are a huge step toward being penalized for your thoughts, if the system thinks they are unorthodox. And with our court system the way it is, I am quite certain that placing you in a machine and asking you questions, so long as you were not required to physically answer, would not be found to violate your Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

This technology is Stone Age compared to what it's going to be. Keep on voting for them, sheep.

excellent post.... I've always been a firm believer in the old geek saying "its not science fiction, its science prediction..."

every single thing ever presented in movies, novels, and stories from the past... has come true... we've landed on the moon.. we have been to the bottom of the sea in submarines... we have hand held communicators... we have MRI scanners that can see inside the human body.... I would almost guarantee anything we've ever seen in movies today that we've all laughed at as outlandish impossibilities... will at some point in time come true... time travel, teleportation, telepathy, warp speed, flying cars, bio-mechanical implants, brain transplants, and yes... even the reanimation of dead flesh.... all of it will happen in time... mark my words...

technology expands at a geometric rate... meaning when we develop something outstanding, we use that new found tool to create the next, and so on and so on... using each new technology to create the next... jumping orders of magnitude in mere months

it almost seems counter-intuitive that with today's technology, we can make 12-core processors, which with hyper threading essentially double and become 24 cores, and therefore are 24 times faster, using 1/24th the power of a standard processor.... the more cores you get the faster it thinks and the less power it uses.... its mind boggling to think about where we'll be in 20 years..... considering where we were only 20 years ago...

I mean I am literally talking to you all right now, on what essentially started as clumps of dirt...**** Fred Flintstone.. I am talking to you on a dirt phone

minority report wasn't fiction, it was a prediction...

well that is... unless Obama and his cronies flip the switch and flush us all to hell

04-24-12, 23:45

Move along citizens, nothing to see here. Dont get distracted from the real evil! The white-mexicans are on the prowl, waiting to shoot your kids on the street! Vote democrat!

I dont believe in "hate crimes". A crime is a crime, regardless of your motive.

04-24-12, 23:56
CRAZY honky! Sittin' on his OWN porch - mindin' his OWN business! I tell ya' - he HAD IT comin'!!! :rolleyes:

04-25-12, 01:08
No warning... they knew exactly what they were doing... If I couldn't flee... they get no chance to flee either.. they'd all be winners in my book.. right from the beginning... multiple times

Agreed. about the time you give them one last chance; it will somehow bite the good guy in the ass.

04-25-12, 01:26
You are correct. The only minorities ever charged with a hate crime are cases where their victim was homosexual and or transgender.

AG Holder has a long history of turing a blind eye to black on white hate crimes as with the rest of the DOJ.

IMHO every case of sexual assault should be a hate crime as well as the black on white hate crimes.

Clearly you do not understand the hierarchy of victimhood and minority status. Let me enlighten you as each class of minority has its own "power factor":

1) Least powerful are the Asians (including Indians from India - not our home grown hobo's). They are basically viewed as whites since they seem to do well in every environment; simply add water. Being Asian does not get you into med or law school as the most common last names in any graduate or professional program is Nguyen and Patel. They are expected to do well in all endeavors and failure to win a national spelling bee by age 10 is cause for excommunication. Hell, even the few that enjoy basketball are making headlines in the NBA.

2) Second least oppressed are womyn. They had their day with the feminist revolution. Now its time to move their fat ankles over for some real victims.

3) Next in line is the Hispanics - but only if you don't speak English. Otherwise, you will get labeled as a "white-Hispanic" and enjoy none of the comforts of victimhood.

4) Second most powerful are the blacks. Their oppression is enshrined in American institutions such as affirmative action. So powerful is their victimhood that being only half black confers full benefits.

5) Most powerful are the gays and transgendered. This is the only way that a white man (i.e. shemale) can get "ahead."

I hope this helps. Learn it, live it, love it....

Reagans Rascals
04-25-12, 01:40
Clearly you do not understand the hierarchy of victimhood and minority status. Let me enlighten you as each class of minority has its own "power factor":

1) Least powerful are the Asians (including Indians from India - not our home grown hobo's). They are basically viewed as whites since they seem to do well in every environment; simply add water. Being Asian does not get you into med or law school as the most common last names in any graduate or professional program is Nguyen and Patel. They are expected to do well in all endeavors and failure to win a national spelling bee by age 10 is cause for excommunication. Hell, even the few that enjoy basketball are making headlines in the NBA.

2) Second least oppressed are womyn. They had their day with the feminist revolution. Now its time to move their fat ankles over for some real victims.

3) Next in line is the Hispanics - but only if you don't speak English. Otherwise, you will get labeled as a "white-Hispanic" and enjoy none of the comforts of victimhood.

4) Second most powerful are the blacks. Their oppression is enshrined in American institutions such as affirmative action. So powerful is their victimhood that being only half black confers full benefits.

5) Most powerful are the gays and transgendered. This is the only way that a white man (i.e. shemale) can get "ahead."

I hope this helps. Learn it, live it, love it....

so if one happened to be a half Asian, half Native American male who recently underwent gender transformation surgery to become a black female.... that individual would practically be immune to any legal action whatsoever, up to and including obeying stop lights...

and thus any act conveyed upon said individual, including farting in their general direction, blank stares, glares, and all other sorts of tom foolery is to be enforced as a hate crime


04-25-12, 01:44
so if one happened to be a half Asian, half Native American male who recently underwent gender transformation surgery to become a black female.... that individual would practically be immune to any legal action whatsoever, up to and including obeying stop lights...

and thus any act conveyed upon said individual, including farting in their general direction, blank stares, glares, and all other sorts of tom foolery is to be enforced as a hate crime

Basically, yes.

Reagans Rascals
04-25-12, 01:59
I just moved to VA from Mobile, Al and I can tell you from first hand experience.... that place is back asswards in terms of justice.

Before I moved I was offered a position with the Prichard Police Dept, basically the Compton of Mobile, Al... I declined.

this is the same town...

The job paid less than 20k a year, had no benefits, and the city had not paid their retirees in over 6 years because they were destitute. A real shit hole...... it had even been joked about that I would see more combat on the streets of Prichard than our troops in Afghanistan...

it doesn't surprise me that an attack like this happened, as anyone that has lived in or driven through Mobile can attest too...

I believe in less than 2-3 months I had heard of a preacher who chopped up his wife and kept her in the freezer, a man that physically gouged out the eyes of his uncle with a spoon and threw them in the trash, and a City Commissioner who killed a hooker.... all in Mobile


flat out disgusting town... kinda reminds me of Camden, NJ.... where I personally witnessed a man get stabbed in the face while sitting at a stop light... for no discernible reason... just straight up shanked in the grill

the US is going down the shitter... and the so called "minorities" are driving the boat....

04-25-12, 07:33
curious if the black kids that set that white kid on fire last month for being white ? kansas I think ?
were they ever charged with a hate crime or not ?

04-25-12, 07:38
MIS-posted - MY bad... :o

04-25-12, 07:43
I'd of built a time machine, gone back to 1977, and smacked Jimmy Carter vigorously about the head. :mad:

It was HIS "Fair Standards in Housing Act (the name may be off a bit, but that's where it started)," that set this crap in motion. Rever'ruhnds Jackson & Sharpton merely leaned on (blackmailed - pardon the pun... :rolleyes: ) the FIRST black President - KLIN - TON I - to diminish the criteria for home ownership FURTHER under that Act, and - VOILA! Welcome to the 21st housing bubble.

Cover Jimmeh's No-balls Prize in peanut butter, and make the dunderninny EAT IT! :mad:

Wrong thread?

I imagine this is about the thread de-railment over in the "in nothing we trust" thread.

04-25-12, 07:44
The very idea of a 'hate crime' is so sickeningly Orwellian I can't believe this is being discussed.

Excellent post.

04-25-12, 07:46
Wrong thread?

I imagine this is about the thread de-railment over in the "in nothing we trust" thread.

Awww crap. I managed to copy and save it, before the daily "Gateway 504 timeout error" ate it, and then came back and posted it in the wrong place. :o:o:o

Thanks... :o

04-25-12, 14:55
Sounds like a gross disparity of force situation. I would think that the victim was justified in whipping out his piece and blazing away. 20 beaters could definitely kill a person. No?

Then he would have ended up in maybe a worse situation than Zimmerman has found himself. I think he made the right choice to be the victim in this situation. :rolleyes:

NOTE: The above response is oozing with SARCASM and should not be taken seriously.

If it were me I would have emptied both my magazines into those pieces-of-amphibian-shit.

04-25-12, 15:51
The very idea of a 'hate crime' is so sickeningly Orwellian I can't believe this is being discussed.

Thoughtcrime is what they should be called.

It's already illegal to commit assault and battery. It's already illegal to murder. Absent extenuating or mitigating circumstances (i.e. self-defense), who gives a rat's ass WHY you kicked someone's ass or killed them? They're just as dead. Did you kill them, yes or no? was it intentional, yes or no? Penalizing the thought that went before is utterly disgusting, and shows clearly what kind of a society the left is molding us into. Some animals are more equal than others.

ETA: Right now scientists can tell in a PET scanner when you are thinking about lying when they ask you a question. "Hate Crimes" are a huge step toward being penalized for your thoughts, if the system thinks they are unorthodox. And with our court system the way it is, I am quite certain that placing you in a machine and asking you questions, so long as you were not required to physically answer, would not be found to violate your Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

This technology is Stone Age compared to what it's going to be. Keep on voting for them, sheep.

Spot on, while I agree with you we both know that your logic has no place in our "brave new world" otherwise we would not even have the term hate-crime in our vocabulary. I feel the same about the term reverse-racism, there is no such thing. It's either racist or not. The way I see it, since we are not going about it the right way we might as well make a ruckus about the discrepancy.

Clearly you do not understand the hierarchy of victimhood and minority status. Let me enlighten you as each class of minority has its own "power factor":

1) Least powerful are the Asians (including Indians from India - not our home grown hobo's). They are basically viewed as whites since they seem to do well in every environment; simply add water. Being Asian does not get you into med or law school as the most common last names in any graduate or professional program is Nguyen and Patel. They are expected to do well in all endeavors and failure to win a national spelling bee by age 10 is cause for excommunication. Hell, even the few that enjoy basketball are making headlines in the NBA.

2) Second least oppressed are womyn. They had their day with the feminist revolution. Now its time to move their fat ankles over for some real victims.

3) Next in line is the Hispanics - but only if you don't speak English. Otherwise, you will get labeled as a "white-Hispanic" and enjoy none of the comforts of victimhood.

4) Second most powerful are the blacks. Their oppression is enshrined in American institutions such as affirmative action. So powerful is their victimhood that being only half black confers full benefits.

5) Most powerful are the gays and transgendered. This is the only way that a white man (i.e. shemale) can get "ahead."

I hope this helps. Learn it, live it, love it....

[Chester the Cheetah voice] Impressive sir. . .:lol:

04-25-12, 22:12
This is why God made 30 round magazines. :p

You really think you're going to shoot and kill "20 African Americans" and just walk free?

Reagans Rascals
04-25-12, 22:16
You really think you're going to shoot and kill "20 African Americans" and just walk free?

no... but I think I could shoot and kill 20 AMERICANS that were threatening my life and walk free

well, in a perfect world were race was not a get out of jail free card

04-25-12, 22:46
Couple things to note here.....

Roughly 20% of those arrested for Hate Crimes in the US are Black. Roughly 60% of those arrested are White. When you look at the percentages you will see that they aren't too far off from how the population numbers break down. So people should stop bitchin and whining about our stupid Hate Crime laws being a Whites only offense.

What happened to the man in Alabama was a horrible act and all those involved should be prosecuted, however as you know there is always more to the story. Apparently he had some long standing fued going with one of the attackers and had reportedly been known for yelling racial slurs and saying something along the lines of wanting to lynch all the n--a kids. Its reported the event that triggered the attack was him chasing some of the kids swinging knives at them.

To actually believe that being Black gives one a Get Outta Jail Free Card is just plain idiotic.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

Reagans Rascals
04-25-12, 23:04
Couple things to note here.....

Roughly 20% of those arrested for Hate Crimes in the US are Black. Roughly 60% of those arrested are White. When you look at the percentages you will see that they aren't too far off from how the population numbers break down. So people should stop bitchin and whining about our stupid Hate Crime laws being a Whites only offense.

What happened to the man in Alabama was a horrible act and all those involved should be prosecuted, however as you know there is always more to the story. Apparently he had some long standing fued going with one of the attackers and had reportedly been known for yelling racial slurs and saying something along the lines of wanting to lynch all the n--a kids. Its reported the event that triggered the attack was him chasing some of the kids swinging knives at them.

To actually believe that being Black gives one a Get Outta Jail Free Card is just plain idiotic.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

You forget that being a racist, is ones god given right if they so choose, and is to be protected under the Constitution. I highly doubt he chased anyone with a knife, considering he would have been arrested for it, because kids don't keep secrets, they blab about everything, especially if some white man just chased them with a knife.

Calling someone a racial slur, is not grounds for assault.

Stop trying to justify violence because someone called you a bad name.

04-25-12, 23:11
Couple things to note here.....

Roughly 20% of those arrested for Hate Crimes in the US are Black. Roughly 60% of those arrested are White. When you look at the percentages you will see that they aren't too far off from how the population numbers break down. So people should stop bitchin and whining about our stupid Hate Crime laws being a Whites only offense.

What happened to the man in Alabama was a horrible act and all those involved should be prosecuted, however as you know there is always more to the story. Apparently he had some long standing fued going with one of the attackers and had reportedly been known for yelling racial slurs and saying something along the lines of wanting to lynch all the n--a kids. Its reported the event that triggered the attack was him chasing some of the kids swinging knives at them.

To actually believe that being Black gives one a Get Outta Jail Free Card is just plain idiotic.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

I'm shocked that there is even 20% arrested for hate crimes. What is your source for the statistics you posted? Last I checked AG Holder doesn't prosecute black on white "hate-crimes" nor are they even investigated in such a way. Hell, he won't even allow the numbers to published by the FBI anymore. The DOJ flat out does not pursue any such case but its ironic how they seem to go out of their way for a witch hunt every time a victim in a crime happens to be black and the perp happens to be white.

Then there is the media bias that loves to run front page major head lines like "white guy shoots unarmed black teen in FL". By now we all have seen the pictures that the media displayed over and over again of Martin as a sweet 12 year old and Zimmerman a crazed lune in "county orange".

04-25-12, 23:45
You really think you're going to shoot and kill "20 African Americans" and just walk free?

It's been a long time since I have engaged multiple targets in a two-way live fire. The last few times the enemy lost.

The key term I'd still be walking. Which at the end of the day if it comes down between me and 20 other guys trying to do harm to me, the 20 other guys are going to get all the ammo I can give them.

Reagans Rascals
04-26-12, 08:34

hard to believe Chicago actually charged this man with a hate crime...

04-26-12, 14:44

hard to believe Chicago actually charged this man with a hate crime...

And they say pigs don't fly and hell can't freeze over. . .

Chicago. . .really? Wow! :eek:

I need to go get a Power Ball ticket as the planets must be alligned just right.