View Full Version : Government running amuk!

04-25-12, 08:08
This if friggin NUTS! Dang, this is just unbelievable. L-N-L.

Three cheers for Sen. Moran, check out the video.

Rural kids, parents angry about Labor Dept. rule banning farm chores


04-25-12, 09:37
Almost as soon as I could walk, I had farm chores to do. This would be one of those regs. that everyone ignores. Hell, check many state laws. They do not a require drivers license for those under 16/18 to drive farm equip. on the road. Also, missing school for farm work(harvesting/planting) is ok. Point being, laws have always recognized the need for children to help on the farm. It taught me responsibility, independence, and the feeling of satisfaction from working hard to achieve a goal.

Wait, those are all traits not supported by libs.

04-25-12, 09:55
They believe they know best and that you are sadly mistaken. They are the most INtolerant group, such that anyone with a different perspective must be silenced and persecuted until they are brought into line with the leftist's point of view, which isn't merely one point of view, but the ONLY point of view they will tolerate.

Forget the history of farming. Forget how farming works. Forget that 18 is an arbitrary definition of adulthood and many children, particularly those raised on farms, reach a level of maturity much earlier than 18 due precisely to their need to take on serious life responsibilities earlier than those raised in the city like myself. No, forget all that. They determine what is and is not appropriate for everyone everywhere based on their limited, ill-informed point of view.
Their inconsistency, hypocrisy and insanity is on full display once again.

04-25-12, 11:06
Think of the children!!!!

I swear, liberals lack any sort of logical reasoning. They act only on emotion. Emotion dictates that it must be hard to be a little kid who cant always play video games and watch MTV all day. Therefore, emotion dictates all kids should have the chance to turn their minds into mush until the magical day of their 18th birthday.

The very fact that we have allowed our legislators and bureaucrats THIS much power is very sad.

Gov-"Hey Thomas Jefferson, we're from the Government and we're here to raise your children!"
TJ-"Cool, wait one second while I load this rifle."

04-25-12, 13:40
Research says..... you are correct!

Google: Jonathan Haidt moral Liberal conservative.

Think of the children!!!!

I swear, liberals lack any sort of logical reasoning. They act only on emotion. Emotion dictates that it must be hard to be a little kid who cant always play video games and watch MTV all day. Therefore, emotion dictates all kids should have the chance to turn their minds into mush until the magical day of their 18th birthday.

The very fact that we have allowed our legislators and bureaucrats THIS much power is very sad.

Gov-"Hey Thomas Jefferson, we're from the Government and we're here to raise your children!"
TJ-"Cool, wait one second while I load this rifle."

04-25-12, 14:10
Gov-"Hey Thomas Jefferson, we're from the Government and we're here to raise your children!"
TJ-"Cool, wait one second while I load this rifle."

Sig line material.
Love it!

04-25-12, 14:57
Gov-"Hey Thomas Jefferson, we're from the Government and we're here to raise your children!"
TJ-"Cool, wait one second while I load this rifle."

04-25-12, 16:29
Just another method of social-engineering, Hope and Change. :rolleyes:

04-25-12, 16:50
Leftists believe they know best and that you are sadly mistaken. They are the most INtolerant group, such that anyone with a different perspective must be silenced and persecuted until they are brought into line with the leftist's point of view, which isn't merely one point of view, but the ONLY point of view they will tolerate.

Forget the history of farming. Forget how farming works. Forget that 18 is an arbitrary definition of adulthood and many children, particularly those raised on farms, reach a level of maturity much earlier than 18 due precisely to their need to take on serious life responsibilities earlier than those raised in the city like myself. No, forget all that and let the leftist determine what is and is not appropriate for everyone everywhere based on their limited, ill-informed point of view.
The inconsistency, hypocrisy and insanity of the leftist is on full display once again.

Absolutely spot on.

04-25-12, 23:47

04-26-12, 01:21
Well geez- where was this sort of idea back when I had to pick rocks out of the garden or clean up after the dog? :laugh:

......“And in my view, if the federal government can regulate the kind of relationship between parents and their children on their own family’s farm, there is almost nothing off-limits in which we see the federal government intruding in a way of life.”

I was under the impression that there already is nothing off limits? You take two steps out your front door, participate in anything online, or send your kids to school, and they own you.

04-26-12, 19:38
Good news: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_FARM_LABOR
Govt backs off new limits on child labor on farms

Government officials have said their goal was to protect children from life-threatening injuries.
Not your job, bureaucrats. God, Mr. Murphy, and natural selection take care of that. Stop trying to legislate and regulate everything into a corner.

04-26-12, 21:08
Just saw this, came to post, and was beaten to it. If your family isn't in farming, then it is hard to appreciate what an onerus reg. this would be. I am sure my brother and I saved tens of thousands in labor costs. And, we loved it.

04-27-12, 11:29
Good news: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_FARM_LABOR
Govt backs off new limits on child labor on farms

Not your job, bureaucrats. God, Mr. Murphy, and natural selection take care of that. Stop trying to legislate and regulate everything into a corner.

It's is an election year, therefore he dropped it.

Having issues with the link, you have another one?

edit: Disregard located it: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/26/amid-nationwide-outcry-labor-dept-withdraws-farm-child-labor-rule/