View Full Version : Private Property/No Trespassing Signs

04-27-12, 21:11
With several hundred acres of newly acquired country acreage, we are in the process of developing a new access road, moving some gates, and doing some major fence repairs. The property is undeveloped and no one has ever lived on it. However, there are adjacent property owners who have been less than observant of the property boundaries and occasionally cut some timber, driven through certain areas, etc.

As the new kid on the block (as it were), I don't want to come off as a total asshole but I also expect people to respect my property. I'm making efforts to meet with the various adjoining property owners and establish some rapport. I also think it makes sense to post the property with appropriate signage.

This particular sign seemed to convey a strong message in a format easily understood by any red-blooded American male of a certain age but my wife thinks it might be a tad over the top. Any thoughts or comments?


04-27-12, 21:45
Depending on your neighbors, it may not be the best idea. You wouldn't want to convey the wrong message and possible ruin a good neighbor relationship.

I would try the route of getting to know them first if at all possible. If they are good guys, I would just post some simple POSTED or No Trespassing signs along roads and obvious property lines.

If they are assholes, well, might as well be an asshole back. :D

04-27-12, 22:52
I'd fence or post every part of it if it were me. Call me an asshole, wouldn't be the first time I've heard it.:D

04-27-12, 22:59
screw 'em. its your property, go JG Wentworth on it. Seriously, who cares if they like the sign or not. Fence it, post warnings, etc....personally I would try to find one of those DoD Lethal Force warning signs.

I recently purchased my first house in the suburbs and couldn't tell you what my neighbors look like, except for the old retired dude who now waves after he saw me hang Old Glory out front.

04-27-12, 23:12
You should have another sign that says,

"Trespassers should bring their own banjo"

04-27-12, 23:58
having been both the trespasser and the trespassee I will state that good fences make good neighbors. Period.

Also, frequent and obvious shooting on the property in a very obvious manner will also deter folks.

start early and make it clear in multiple ways that people not invited are flat out not welcome.

I'm still a big fan of the old "trespassers will be shot" signs. those ALWAYS work on me ;) perhaps an enhancement of a sight verification target next to the sign would punctuate the sign

04-28-12, 06:53
This with a few strategically placed small piles of freshly overturned soil behind it.

04-28-12, 08:31
Depending on your neighbors, it may not be the best idea. You wouldn't want to convey the wrong message and possible ruin a good neighbor relationship.

I would try the route of getting to know them first if at all possible. If they are good guys, I would just post some simple POSTED or No Trespassing signs along roads and obvious property lines.

If they are assholes, well, might as well be an asshole back. :D

Personally I would take it down and explore the non hostile approach first

04-28-12, 11:41
Trespassers will be assumed to be here to help grade road, dig septic system and help with fence hole digging.

04-28-12, 11:41
Just to clarify, my OP was in jest. I just thought the sign was good for a laugh. I've had a survey completed and recorded, I'm making the rounds and meeting the adjoining property owners, and there haven't been any dustups. But the property is a couple of hundred acres and bordered, in part, by state lands. And hunters sometimes decide fences are more of a suggestion than a legal boundary in the thick of the chase.

So a couple of signs here and there are probably not entirely out of the question. As I intend to build a private range on the property, I thought these signs might discourage unwanted tourists:



These signs would be posted inside my property and not visible unless a person had already crossed the property lines and walked or driven a 1/4 mile beyond the gate or fence line.

04-28-12, 11:55
Without knowing what exists already...

Try dropping this hint: Place some survey markers along the property boundaries. This will remind neighbors that such boundaries do exist, and may prompt pause to contemplate what the wishes of the new owner might be. They project the message that it is your piece of land, without telling them "NO - something".

Mix with neighborly conversation for best effect. Always be a good neighbor first. If that doesn't work, then try something more direct.

I'd skip the other signs.

Heavy Metal
04-28-12, 12:54
Hog only has one 'G' unless you are a corrupt Georgia County Commish.

04-28-12, 13:13
I guess I would define their use of my land to them !!
when we lived on about 300 feet of water front did not mind people digging a few clams for personal use if they asked !!!! such as neighbors not living on the water side etc.. but had some idiots decide it was their birth right to use our land and dig out our beach ! we called the cops but they got nothing but a slap on the wrist ? but said simple matters next time your rake will be a deadly weapon and I will defend my land !!!

I would not want people cutting down trees but if they wanted to pick up dead wood ? maybe OK in small amounts

I might say hello I am the new neighbor and decide once I met them which way to go ? if they were cool then be cool back if they started as jack asses and said well I have been using that land before you owned it ? I might say well then the guy who used your wife ? I guess you still let him use her when they want since he had her first ? or did you say sorry dude you no more touch her or I touch you back :) hehehheh

maybe they would get that idea ?

again wish ya the best I like to get to know my neighbors but if they dont respect me at least I know to avoid them and not count on them get to know the others you might find you have some allies against the jack ass neighbor and they also have issues ?

so I might ask them please dont cut my timber or drive over my land ? unless they are trying to access something maybe setup a path they can use if its some rare case etc.. but for sure lay the rule no cutting timber on my land :)

04-28-12, 13:14
This with a few strategically placed small piles of freshly overturned soil behind it.

+1 for this!

Maybe make some "wind chimes" with spent bullet cases and the odd bone or two. :D

Just kidding. Try the good neighbor approach first.

04-29-12, 08:35
I had issues with trespassers during deer season this year. They were out at night and i am pretty sure they were spotlighting. I drove over to their home to introduce myself and explain that i had recently bought the property and i had been hunting and wanted to avoid any hunting accidents.

Appearently they took this as a threat (unintended) and proceded to tell me they had hunted there for years and i could not stop them. I put up signs and they had little effect. So i talked to the game warden who i lift with on a regular baises at the gym. He had a nice chat with them and explained if they were on my property again he would consider them poachers and could confiscate their firearms and atv. No more problems.

Try to be civil, but if they dont like it then be an asshole.

04-29-12, 09:09
Just to clarify, my OP was in jest. I just thought the sign was good for a laugh. I've had a survey completed and recorded, I'm making the rounds and meeting the adjoining property owners, and there haven't been any dustups. But the property is a couple of hundred acres and bordered, in part, by state lands. And hunters sometimes decide fences are more of a suggestion than a legal boundary in the thick of the chase.

So a couple of signs here and there are probably not entirely out of the question. As I intend to build a private range on the property, I thought these signs might discourage unwanted tourists:



These signs would be posted inside my property and not visible unless a person had already crossed the property lines and walked or driven a 1/4 mile beyond the gate or fence line.

You're on the right track with this.
I'd use these signs anywhere your land adjoins public lands. Private land in this part of the country that is next to game management/public land is notorious for being trespassed upon.

Especially by a damn turkey hunter:mad:

As far as your private ownership neighbors go, be courteous and not overly protective of the boundaries until you figure out who respects them and who does not.

Lots of advantages to having friendly, like minded neighbors.

04-29-12, 09:33
My buddy recently bought a couple of hundred acres up here. We spent last weekend going around the perimeter putting these up about every 50 yards (we actually did put in a shooting range).


04-29-12, 09:52
For someone that is just moving into an area, I would say that putting up a bunch of signs is a bad idea. You will immediately be put in "city slicker" category, and will probably taint your neighbors view of you.

I would simply put up the basic yellow "Posted: No Trespassing" sign, and get to know your neighbors...

If you start having issues with trespassers, kick it up a notch, after talking with your neighbors.

Out here, neighbors may be what keep your place from burning if you have a fire, so be sure and go out of your way to be on as good of terms with your neighbors as possible...

Just my thoughts, based on my experience.

04-29-12, 10:42

Do you know where to get this sign online?


04-29-12, 12:19

Do you know where to get this sign online?


Third row. Google is your friend.

04-29-12, 12:35
Well thanks......uhhhh........Dave

04-29-12, 12:38
Definitely not the responses I would have expected to the op. Anyway, love the sign, funny as hell and still gets the point across. Remember good fences make great neighbors.

04-29-12, 17:01
Well thanks......uhhhh........Dave

Yeah, sorry. Little late on the draw. But hals1 is right on the mark as that is where I purchased my signs. Kinda pricey but they are heavy gauge and appear to be quite sturdy.

04-29-12, 18:05
Wow. They are kinda pricey.

I was thinking I could use a half dozen or so but, I may have to rethink that.

Really nice though.

Suwannee Tim
04-29-12, 21:04
I had a neighbor throw some construction debris on my 1-1/2 residential acre, I threw it back. Someone killed and butchered a deer, I sent out a letter to all my immediate neighbors asking them to tell me who done it and if not pass a message along to him. The message was a stern warning. I also called the Wildlife officer who made it known that killing deer in a residential neighborhood would not be tolerated. My neighbors range from good folks to assholes. With the above exceptions, I manage to get along with all of them. I think I would introduce myself, speak a bit of my plans and hope for the best.

Heavy Metal
04-29-12, 22:54
I had a neighbor throw some construction debris on my 1-1/2 residential acre, I threw it back.

I would have contacted the Florida DEP and let them cite him for creating an unpermitted dump. Then he would have cleaned it up and paid to have it disposed at the landfill.

04-29-12, 23:36
This with a few strategically placed small piles of freshly overturned soil behind it.

Now that's funny.

If it were me, I'd meet with the neighbors and ask that they check with me before they come on my land. The answer could be a Yes for hunting or cutting some wood, as long as they ask me and let me know what they want to do. Just ask me first please.

I'd also put up simple posted signs.

Doc Safari
04-30-12, 10:52
All of my "No Trespassing" signs got stolen a few days after I put them up.

I just make sure my 4-wire barbed wire fence stays intact now.

Suwannee Tim
04-30-12, 15:25
I would have contacted the Florida DEP and let them cite him for creating an unpermitted dump. Then he would have cleaned it up and paid to have it disposed at the landfill.

It was about a wheelbarrow full and you have to prove it......

I think it was his son(s) who killed the deer. That was a lot more disturbing. Shot with a rifle in a residential neighborhood. If I happened to go outside when they were butchering it there would have been a big, big problem. If I catch an armed man on my residential property, there is gonna be a problem.....

I fired a yard man a couple of years ago. He was working in the next door neighbor's yard, I called him on his cell and told him he was fired and to come get his last money. He made sure to bring the potato rake he was using, just in case I guess. As he was leaving I told him if he ever brought another weapon on my property he would be leaving with the weapon stuck up his ass.:D

04-30-12, 18:31
OP, obviously you do not live on the property you are concerned with. But I get the impression from your post and previous ones that you desire to at some point.

I would certainly meet the neighbors. I would make it a point to speak with them whenever I was around.

I would also ask them if they would be willing to "keep and eye" on my property to make sure there was no one illegally dumping, poaching, hunting, cutting timber, etc on your property while you are not around.

This gets your message across as to what your expectations and desires are, does not accuse them of anything, and fosters trust and being "good neighbors".

If the undesired activity continues, post signs, fencing, whatever you feel is necessary and explain to them that you have no choice but to take these measures because undesired activity has continued.

If the trespassing continued I would contact LE.

Just my .02 though...

Suwannee Tim
04-30-12, 20:39
You could put up a bob war fence and hook one of these to it:


05-02-12, 17:03

05-02-12, 17:32
I think we're finally coming up with some reasonable and effective solutions. :lol:

All the "meet and great" Welcome Wagon suggestions had me thinkin' I'd accidentally logged on to Dr. Phil's forum.

^ he said in jest.

05-02-12, 17:50
Just get you a few of these to place around your property and at entry points. For full effect where an old surplus gas mask and chemical suit/gloves when driving in and out for the first week or so for all to see and be sure to wave. . . :D


05-02-12, 18:04

"Trespassers will be shot and left for vultures".

Then a few further on property are a couple Very realistic Halloween skulls, bones, etc.

05-02-12, 18:27
I helped a friend with a similar problem on his family's plot. Simple no trespassing signs and purple paint made it stop.

In Texas purple paint means no trespassing. I do not know if other states are the same.

05-02-12, 18:58
Perhaps put gates up where they're driving vehicles onto your land, or just make their off-road trails impassable via promoting overgrowth and perhaps felling a few huge trees in their way? It worked on my grandmother's farm, though one guy came down her driveway and tried to intimidate her late one night, laying on the horn and waving a spotlight.

When the spotlight mysteriously went out on the guy and there was some loud crack overhead, he bailed out.

Turns out grandma isn't too bad with the old 10-22 she keeps in the living room :laugh:

Suwannee Tim
05-02-12, 20:39
.......tried to intimidate her late one night, laying on the horn and waving a spotlight......

My wife and I were walking on the street at our previous residence, in high spirits, whooping it up and having a good 'ole time when the local hermit lit us up with his spotlight. For the next six months, several times a month I would drive by at night and light up his trailer for 5 or 7 seconds figuring it would take him 10 seconds to get off the couch to the front door.:D I wore his ass out.:D:D

Seems to me your problem is getting the message out to the idiots without offending the decent folks. You don't know how stupid the idiots are so it's hard to calibrate the message.

Heavy Metal
05-02-12, 21:12
It was about a wheelbarrow full and you have to prove it......

Depends on how the law is worded. In my state it is create, contribute to or allow to exist. I can go after the landowner if one is on his property even if he didn't create it. I try and always go after the Violator who made it when possible but I have the option of citing the Landowner if necessary.

I almost certainly woudn't even write an NOV on a wheelbarrow load unless he refused to remove it after I verbally instructed him to.

05-02-12, 23:28
For hunters, remember, here in MT, the red/orange band around fence post/tree's, etc, means "No Trespassing". Get to know your neighbors, and have a big get together party to really find out what their like, and let them know about you and your plans. I can only hope your NOT up around Kalispell. Seems a little different there. Good luck.