View Full Version : Good friends with idiotic tendencies (RANT)

Eric D.
04-28-12, 02:12
I have a good friend whom I've known for several years now. He's a good guy but god dammit he can be a such a tool. Here's a few particulars that really got under my skin.

"Pizza delivery guys are allowed to speed, cops let them off."
- Yep, The OH Traffic Code is just words. Cops let people willfully violate state law.

"A large, slow-moving bullet is so much more devastating than a light, fast moving one."
- Hmm, is that why pistol rounds are superior to rifle rounds? :confused:

"Match ammo is all I'm ever going to shoot in my .308."
- Its not a holy artifact, Jesus didn't fondle your rifle. Get out and shoot the son of a bitch.

"AR's... meh, that's not really my style."
- OK...

"Black talon ammo is illegal."
- Show me the statute please.
(I could be wrong but I don't believe this ammo was ever regulated. I know that no such regulation exists in my state.)

He recently got this retarded single action revolver in .45 LC. He carries it in this shitty nylon holster and believes its an "awesome self defense gun". Some gems related to that:

"Look at this bullet, this will **** someone up."
-Dude its just a .45 acp with a little more velocity.

"Oh yeah, this would kill a bear."
-So could a spear if you throw it right.

He also loves to watch that FPS Russia clown on youtube. I swear he would suck that dude's dick if he got the chance. Sure we'd all love to have those guns or at least have the chance to shoot them but its not cause to drool over your keyboard.

Most of the nonsense goes in one ear and out the other and I never say anything, it wouldn't get me anywhere. So much foolishness can be frustrating at times.

04-28-12, 07:06
Maybe you need to make a video titled '$hit my buddy says' and put it on youtube...

04-28-12, 07:11
Maybe you need to make a video titled '$hit my buddy says' and put it on youtube...

Now that would get some hits :)


04-28-12, 07:44
I feel your pain. But honestly, if it was a good friend I wouldn't let stuff like that bother me. For example if he said "this would kill a bear" I'd just roll with it and be like it would probably over penetrate and go through that bear and kill the bear behind him too. Sometimes you just got to laugh that kind of stuff off. And if he said black talon ammo was illegal, even though you know its not, id ask him if its illegal cause the black talons were coated with dragons blood and they were killing too many bears with them. Try and make him get the point with humor rather than irritating yourself.

04-28-12, 11:33
He also loves to watch that FPS Russia clown on youtube.

Hey FPSrussia is hilarious. Love his videos.

That being said, we all have friends like that. Sometimes it relates to guns, sometimes to other sports/hobbies. But we all know a few like that. Hell my best friend is one of them. I would put my life on the line for him. but I swear sometimes the guy doesn't have a connection between his brain and his mouth.

04-28-12, 12:39
So, you are friends with Cliff Clavin from the show Cheers? If so, would that make you Norm?

Eric D.
04-28-12, 22:52
Sorry, a bit before my time.

So, you are friends with Cliff Clavin from the show Cheers? If so, would that make you Norm?

04-29-12, 13:05
Sorry, a bit before my time.

Wow you just made me feel old and I'm only 28.

Eric D.
04-29-12, 21:12
Hey I'm 22. I just never watched the show.

Wow you just made me feel old and I'm only 28.

04-29-12, 21:18
It sounds like to me that your friend is either set in his ways or he's been misinformed and never corrected.

The worst part of all of this is, you're on the Internet calling out a supposed friend and pointing out his flaws. A true friend would never pull such a bitch act.

Eric D.
04-29-12, 21:47
I don't expect you to understand the dynamics of my personal relationships. And as we know, logic doesn't actually win many arguments. Unfortunately, I surmise it can only go downhill from here.

It sounds like to me that your friend is either set in his ways or he's been misinformed and never corrected.

The worst part of all of this is, you're on the Internet calling out a supposed friend and pointing out his flaws. A true friend would never pull such a bitch act.

04-29-12, 21:55
Eric, while all that you describe is indeed bad, there is always worse out there.

04-29-12, 23:14
It sounds like to me that your friend is either set in his ways or he's been misinformed and never corrected.

The worst part of all of this is, you're on the Internet calling out a supposed friend and pointing out his flaws. A true friend would never pull such a bitch act.

I don't see any loyalty issues as long as you keep it anonymous.

As for Cheers, this sample video is a wonderful first step into the mind of Cliff Clavin and may actually suggest a cure for your woes...


04-30-12, 02:33
You're absolutely right high speed, I don't understand the dyamics of your personal relationships. What I do understand is what friendship is/means. It doesn't mean going onto the internet and posting about your friend with idiotic tendencies.

But hey, it's totally cool as long as its anonymous because it's the internet. I'll betcha you wouldn't have the balls to call this friend out face to face publicly.

I don't expect you to understand the dynamics of my personal relationships. And as we know, logic doesn't actually win many arguments. Unfortunately, I surmise it can only go downhill from here.

04-30-12, 10:16
I think I'm going to change my sig line to "Don't hang around with retards." If people would read it and heed it, the frequency of stupid questions would drop tremendously (they could all migrate to a place like indianagunowners where they can just yammer at each other about how 'badass' their craptastic DPMSs are) and I just bet the sales of HBP medication would go through the floor.

Sing along with me now!

Imagine no ****in' morons
It's easy if you try
No twits beside us
Around us only SMEs
Imagine all the people, buying decent guns

Imagine no dumb questions
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to flame or ban for
And no DU plants too
Imagine all the shooters living life in peace

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no subpar M4s
I wonder if you can
No need for pliers or Loctite
A range of running guns
Imagine all the shooters sharing all the world

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

04-30-12, 12:08
I think I'm going to change my sig line to "Don't hang around with retards." If people would read it and heed it, the frequency of stupid questions would drop tremendously (they could all migrate to a place like indianagunowners where they can just yammer at each other about how 'badass' their craptastic DPMSs are) and I just bet the sales of HBP medication would go through the floor.

Sing along with me now!

Imagine no ****in' morons
It's easy if you try
No twits beside us
Around us only SMEs
Imagine all the people, buying decent guns

Imagine no dumb questions
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to flame or ban for
And no DU plants too
Imagine all the shooters living life in peace

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no subpar M4s
I wonder if you can
No need for pliers or Loctite
A range of running guns
Imagine all the shooters sharing all the world

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

That's worth it just for the hope that John Lennon is spinning in his grave over it.

04-30-12, 12:17
black talon ammo was myth'd to have been teflon coated, hence the misunderstanding (you can check wiki or other forums for that info) also: http://law.onecle.com/pennsylvania/crimes-and-offenses/ some states have it on the books.

Eric D.
04-30-12, 16:48
If you like assessing balls, maybe you should apply at the TSA.

I'll betcha you wouldn't have the balls to call this friend out face to face publicly.

Thanks for the info. I've read a wiki article on them but I don't count on wiki for total accuracy.

From your link:
§ 6121. Certain bullets prohibited.
(a) Offense defined.--It is unlawful for any person to
possess, use or attempt to use a KTW teflon-coated bullet or
other armor-piercing ammunition while committing or attempting
to commit a crime of violence as defined in section 6102

Unless there's another section prohibiting that ammo altogether, it looks a law-abiding citizen can still use it.

black talon ammo was myth'd to have been teflon coated, hence the misunderstanding (you can check wiki or other forums for that info) also: http://law.onecle.com/pennsylvania/crimes-and-offenses/ some states have it on the books.

04-30-12, 17:08
And my assumption stands firm…

Have a good one champ.

If you like assessing balls, maybe you should apply at the TSA.

04-30-12, 18:20
Who cares? So your friend doesn't know everything about everything and/or has a differing opinion then you on any given subject...

What's posting here going to do about it, other then make it seem like he's just some asshole you talk to once in a while? Why call him foolish behind his back? Why not either A) talk to him and see if you can get him more educated on some matters or B) just shut the hell up and deal with it, because at the end of the day none of it matters.

And I'll agree with other members in saying that it really doesn't sound like this guy is really a friend...as you're publicly (albeit anonymously) berating him on a rather large forum about stupid shit.

If you were REALLY his friend you'd learn to deal with him and accept him for what he is.

05-01-12, 11:53
Forecast is "partly stupid, with a chance of sandy vaginky...."

The title clearly includes the word "rant." Given the fact that the whole internet-surfing world knows what that means, it's easy to interpret that somebody actively seeks chances to be a judgemental prick about the interpersonal dynamics of others....from a safe distance. Go heal thyself, Dr. Phil.

Also, in case anybody needs an example of what should be taken to PMs, instead of posted publicly, the first sentence of post #18 is a nifty example.

Please go Facebook on Facebook. Thanks bunches.