View Full Version : Shell Ferrari F1

3 AE
04-30-12, 19:37
When I want to hear the sound of music!
The second one, #7, is my favorite.

04-30-12, 19:44

04-30-12, 21:12
All of them sound dead sexy. I love the sound of F1s.

04-30-12, 21:41
I've sat in a 90's era Ferrari F1's when I was a kid. My cousin worked at a Ferrari dealership in Hong Kong at the time and I believe it was a retired formula one vehicle in the showroom. I remember even as a kid, the damn thing was cramped as hell.

What a ridiculous city; I went back last year. Get into the airport parking lot...Mercedes SLR and Maserati MC12 in the parking lot next to Toyotas and Nissans. Walking on the promenade on the Kowloon side, I saw Ferraris and Lamborghinis screaming down Salisbury Road, then hop off at a hole-in-the-wall eatery via taxi and see a Rolls Royce parked on the street. I had a Gallardo rev past me through the Cross Harbour Tunnel. The reverb gave me goosebumps.

I've been to drag races and rally championships and nothing else gives me goosebumps like an exotic car.

05-01-12, 00:51
I remember that commercial, it's great.

My username is a direct allusion to these cars.

Here is some more aural delight.


05-01-12, 01:08
Five years ago a got a copy of this in HD, absolutely awesome in Surround Sound on the flat screen.